December 27, 2024
Lots to Celebrate! "And all the people were amazed, and said, "Can this be the Son of David?" Matthew 12:23 As we reflect over the past month, we are over and over amazed at what God has been doing in Haiti. Despite the extreme difficulties, we have zoomed two weddings - in Port au Prince! - and been blessed to be a part of Christmas dinners in Lamarre, the opening of our teacher dormitory and the inauguration of the bakery! In preparation for these events, I heard the phrase "God willing" many times over. We are so glad God was willing! In the picture below, one of our oldest choir members, Muriette, is seen at her wedding. We were so excited to watch her tie the knot with a young Christian man named Olivier. Last week, if my understanding is correct, the staff in Lamarre put on three Christmas dinners: for the kindergarten students, the parents, and the older children. Here are some pictures. A big thank you this year again to Boothbay Region Christian Fellowship for raising almost all the funds in order to pay for this. On December 26, the long-awaited bakery finally opened its doors for business! It was almost completely built by April of 2023, but many obstacles kept the business from launching. Much of the lost time was spent waiting for just the right equipment. But then, once everything was ready, they discovered that the solar power was not strong enough to run the machines. So just recently, we bought a generator just for the bakery. Our hope is that this will provide a self-sustaining income and nourishment for the children and community. |
In the summer of 2023, the teacher housing was begun. Today, it is almost complete, with enough room for almost 40 teachers. The colors sure make it look nice!
Many of you have been a big part of God’s plan for Hope Haitian Ministries. We have seen growth, both physically and spiritually, because you invested in the Haitian people with your prayers and finances.
We could not - we cannot do this without your support. So thank you in advance for your partnership this coming year, as we continue to live out the gospel of Jesus Christ.
We pray that you will know the full extent of God’s love, protection, and provision in 2025.
With much love and gratitude,
Many of you have been a big part of God’s plan for Hope Haitian Ministries. We have seen growth, both physically and spiritually, because you invested in the Haitian people with your prayers and finances.
We could not - we cannot do this without your support. So thank you in advance for your partnership this coming year, as we continue to live out the gospel of Jesus Christ.
We pray that you will know the full extent of God’s love, protection, and provision in 2025.
With much love and gratitude,
vember 27, 2024
The Core of Thanksgiving “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30 It’s 4:00 in the morning, and as sometimes happens, God woke me and called me to sit before His word. I sought out Matthew 11:28, a verse that is special to Chuck and me. It’s painted on our piano-shaped sign at the end of our driveway, and has been our hope for this beautiful home with which we are blessed. |
Several years ago, Chuck and I stood on its foundation and dedicated this property to Him.
At this moment, we have three of our Haitians living with us: Alex, Evenine, and Neissa. On Sunday morning, while Neissa and Evenine were driving to church, a huge buck jumped out in front of them and totaled Neissa’s car. Thankfully, no one was hurt. On Monday, another one of our choir young people, Nedjee, got news that her family in Port au Prince had been attacked by gangs at their home. They broke the windows and doors and took most everything they had, including food, clothes, the fridge and the stove.
By God’s grace the family escaped. Now, both Nedjee’s family and Neissa need help – but that’s what we are called to do.
Each of our kids here in the states is intricately connected to families back home. God has placed them here for a purpose and every one of them knows their responsibility to provide what they can through the work that God has given. But growing and becoming independent is forever a challenge, and it takes its toll…
Trials sometimes reflect the good that is happening, for we know we have an enemy who wants to stop the good news of Jesus’ redemption and joy from spreading.
Two Sundays ago, Hope Haitian Choir 2024 put on one of the most blessed and powerful concerts I have heard in a long time. No tour this year, so If you missed it, you are welcome to view it on Youtube. We can’t make it public because the songs are not all mine. But here is our unlisted link: https://youtu.be/Bk7pNvIS9gg.
Thank you to all who have unselfishly given to this ministry over the years. You have helped to ease the burden of so many, providing a HOPE for this next generation.
(I was told last month that our giving button didn’t work, so I’ll try another way: https://giving.myamplify.io//app/giving/hopehaitian . This link will take you to our giving page.)
Happy Thanksgiving!! Look to the CORE – Jesus!
Barb and Chuck House
At this moment, we have three of our Haitians living with us: Alex, Evenine, and Neissa. On Sunday morning, while Neissa and Evenine were driving to church, a huge buck jumped out in front of them and totaled Neissa’s car. Thankfully, no one was hurt. On Monday, another one of our choir young people, Nedjee, got news that her family in Port au Prince had been attacked by gangs at their home. They broke the windows and doors and took most everything they had, including food, clothes, the fridge and the stove.
By God’s grace the family escaped. Now, both Nedjee’s family and Neissa need help – but that’s what we are called to do.
Each of our kids here in the states is intricately connected to families back home. God has placed them here for a purpose and every one of them knows their responsibility to provide what they can through the work that God has given. But growing and becoming independent is forever a challenge, and it takes its toll…
Trials sometimes reflect the good that is happening, for we know we have an enemy who wants to stop the good news of Jesus’ redemption and joy from spreading.
Two Sundays ago, Hope Haitian Choir 2024 put on one of the most blessed and powerful concerts I have heard in a long time. No tour this year, so If you missed it, you are welcome to view it on Youtube. We can’t make it public because the songs are not all mine. But here is our unlisted link: https://youtu.be/Bk7pNvIS9gg.
Thank you to all who have unselfishly given to this ministry over the years. You have helped to ease the burden of so many, providing a HOPE for this next generation.
(I was told last month that our giving button didn’t work, so I’ll try another way: https://giving.myamplify.io//app/giving/hopehaitian . This link will take you to our giving page.)
Happy Thanksgiving!! Look to the CORE – Jesus!
Barb and Chuck House

October 19, 2024
School Begins!
There is always a gradual beginning to school in Haiti. Maybe the families are making sure of the safety. Maybe the uniform hasn’t been sewn yet or the backpack bought.
Whatever the reason, the children begin to come and the campus comes to life again! The roster shows over 500 this year, and as you can see, many are pouring in.
Praise God - another moment to rejoice in the opportunity to make a difference for Jesus in the lives of these young people.
This year there are about 40 staff members in addition to all the children.
What a joy, yet what a responsibility! We are so grateful to have skilled and trusted people on the ground there.
School Begins!
There is always a gradual beginning to school in Haiti. Maybe the families are making sure of the safety. Maybe the uniform hasn’t been sewn yet or the backpack bought.
Whatever the reason, the children begin to come and the campus comes to life again! The roster shows over 500 this year, and as you can see, many are pouring in.
Praise God - another moment to rejoice in the opportunity to make a difference for Jesus in the lives of these young people.
This year there are about 40 staff members in addition to all the children.
What a joy, yet what a responsibility! We are so grateful to have skilled and trusted people on the ground there.

Up until now, I have sent many pictures of the outside of the teacher housing. Here’s a look at the inside first floor. As you can see, it’s almost ready to be filled.
My understanding is that over the past few days, the staff desiring to rent have been interviewed for occupancy.
This building has been in our thoughts and prayers for years.
It’s hard to believe we’re seeing pictures of beds and cabinets!
One of our sponsors, who is an excellent dressmaker, sewed a dress that fit her child perfectly. She mailed it to me and we sent it down. It gave me an idea.
I know that some of you would love to send a Christmas gift for your sponsored child. Since the “mailbox” is 2-3 hours away, it makes sense to make the most of the drive to pick up the mail. If you could send your lightweight items to me by November 15, with God’s help, we should be able to get it to your child by Christmas.
If this sounds like something you’d like to do, please add some extra money to help pay for the customs fee.
My understanding is that over the past few days, the staff desiring to rent have been interviewed for occupancy.
This building has been in our thoughts and prayers for years.
It’s hard to believe we’re seeing pictures of beds and cabinets!
One of our sponsors, who is an excellent dressmaker, sewed a dress that fit her child perfectly. She mailed it to me and we sent it down. It gave me an idea.
I know that some of you would love to send a Christmas gift for your sponsored child. Since the “mailbox” is 2-3 hours away, it makes sense to make the most of the drive to pick up the mail. If you could send your lightweight items to me by November 15, with God’s help, we should be able to get it to your child by Christmas.
If this sounds like something you’d like to do, please add some extra money to help pay for the customs fee.
Another need that has surfaced over the past couple months is school costs for our former choir members in Haiti. Because of the security issues, many parents are not able to pay for their children. We recently sent down tuition for 3 of our members. This opportunity is for those who can afford to give somewhere between $600 and $2000 a year.
If this sparks your interest, we would be happy to be the conduit and connect you to a young person.
It would be another type of sponsorship for those in Port au Prince and other cities where they live.
We do continue to pray for you and thank God that we don’t need to accomplish this mission alone,
In His care,
If this sparks your interest, we would be happy to be the conduit and connect you to a young person.
It would be another type of sponsorship for those in Port au Prince and other cities where they live.
We do continue to pray for you and thank God that we don’t need to accomplish this mission alone,
In His care,
September 14, 2024
The Joy of Mission My office consists of a small brown couch with a coffee table in front and another table beside. If my Haitian kids want me in the mornings, this is typically where I’ll be found. One morning, Evenine came bounding down the stairs and made her way to directly in front of me. Smiling, she pointed her finger at me and asked, “How do you know God is faithful?” It was clear she had an answer before she asked! I’ll let her tell you… Most of the time we say that God has been faithful to us based on our answered prayer, but the faithfulness of God is not measured by the things we have received from Him through prayer. God is faithful. It is part of His nature and is one of His characteristics. Even if God were to never give us the things we have faithfully prayed for, it would not lessen the fact that He is a faithful God. The tangible faithfulness of God is this: “while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us”. |
I love these challenging questions because it makes both of us think! But it also confirms in my mind the real joy of our mission,
that our kids would know Jesus and be committed to walking closely with Him.
We are so grateful that the campus in Lamarre has been a safe place to be over the past few months. Because of this, they were able to hold two camps this summer. I mentioned the first camp in my last update. For most of the month of August, the church and school leaders ran a second summer camp for the kids. I’ve included again a copy of the poster promoting it, as well as some precious pictures. I was so surprised to see pictures of the children swimming in a pool! I never knew there was anything like this nearby. How excited they must have been!
The other big news is that the first floor of the teacher housing is almost complete, with a kitchen and common room, three bathrooms and five bedrooms. Because of generous donors, we are planning to finish the building with a second floor containing again the same number of bathrooms and bedrooms above. We have waited for this moment for so long, so we look forward to move-in day, coming soon by His grace. The only other house on campus is the pastor’s, and it has been far more than full for too many years.
We are still waiting to open the bakery. Everything is prepared and staff are ready. The only recent issue is an uncertain power supply. It seems we will need to add more solar panels and all the equipment that goes with them. It would be very nice to also have a back-up generator, but that will be later down the road.
School is scheduled to begin very soon, a little later than here in the states. We so covet your prayers for this next year. The count may be well over 500 children, with morning and afternoon sessions, making good use of the available spaces. The staff by necessity has increased as well. At times it seems overwhelming, especially when I look at my husband at 71 years of age, still roofing, doing his part to help keep the ministry moving ahead.
But I am reminded once again of God’s words in Psalm 127…
“Unless the LORD builds the house, those who build it labor in vain.”
To God be all the glory! Amen.
that our kids would know Jesus and be committed to walking closely with Him.
We are so grateful that the campus in Lamarre has been a safe place to be over the past few months. Because of this, they were able to hold two camps this summer. I mentioned the first camp in my last update. For most of the month of August, the church and school leaders ran a second summer camp for the kids. I’ve included again a copy of the poster promoting it, as well as some precious pictures. I was so surprised to see pictures of the children swimming in a pool! I never knew there was anything like this nearby. How excited they must have been!
The other big news is that the first floor of the teacher housing is almost complete, with a kitchen and common room, three bathrooms and five bedrooms. Because of generous donors, we are planning to finish the building with a second floor containing again the same number of bathrooms and bedrooms above. We have waited for this moment for so long, so we look forward to move-in day, coming soon by His grace. The only other house on campus is the pastor’s, and it has been far more than full for too many years.
We are still waiting to open the bakery. Everything is prepared and staff are ready. The only recent issue is an uncertain power supply. It seems we will need to add more solar panels and all the equipment that goes with them. It would be very nice to also have a back-up generator, but that will be later down the road.
School is scheduled to begin very soon, a little later than here in the states. We so covet your prayers for this next year. The count may be well over 500 children, with morning and afternoon sessions, making good use of the available spaces. The staff by necessity has increased as well. At times it seems overwhelming, especially when I look at my husband at 71 years of age, still roofing, doing his part to help keep the ministry moving ahead.
But I am reminded once again of God’s words in Psalm 127…
“Unless the LORD builds the house, those who build it labor in vain.”
To God be all the glory! Amen.
August 7, 2024
You are My people On that day I will also make a covenant for them… And I will eliminate the bow, the sword, and war from the land, And will let them lie down in safety… I will also have compassion on her who had not obtained compassion, And I will say to those who were not My people, ‘You are My people!’ And they will say, ‘You are my God!’” Hosea 2:18-23 What a sense of peace I felt as I read this today… Most theologians agree that this promise was for God’s chosen people of Israel, but later in the chapter, he mentions that there will be others. God has reached out to all, and those who receive Him by faith can claim this promise. Wow! This is what keeps me going! What a blessing to know that God is at work in Haiti, even though the struggles are very real. Recently, we spent some time with Atepcia and Dumarsais who were able to visit from Haiti. They have become great helpers to our ministry. Like others, their story is a difficult one. Here is his story in his own words: I would start by saying God is great all the time. The angel of the Lord encamps round those who fear him, and delivers them. This word can be applied to my family. Since February 2022, my wife Atepcia and I have rented an apartment and lived there while we have our own house under gangsters control. Our house is located in Pernier 17. At this time, there were a lot of people being kidnapped; we were in danger. God spoke to me and we left the house. We had someone stay over at the house. After a lot of threats, on January 12, 2024 the gangsters broke into the house by night. After that, they came with machine guns, pointed a gun at the guy who stayed and looked over the house, took the keys and then stole everything in the house: solar panels, furniture, clothes, and so on. They called us to pressure us. By God’s grace, we are still alive. We praise the Lord for that. For the past several months, they have been responsible for securing food for our former choir members and families. This food is helping to keep our kids and their families alive. |
In July, we launched a new camp – a mental health camp for our young people.
So many in Haiti have to grow up so quickly it seems, dealing with things that you and I would never dream of. It’s reported that about 100 teens participated.
Now, another camp is planned! I’ve included a picture of the promotional poster for it. The teacher housing is again in progress, as well as the bakery. Our hope is that both will be ready before school begins this fall.
They were finally able to use the ovens to bake pate for the summer camp, and a valuable attachment was located for the bread kneader which is needed ☺ to get the bakery up and running!
We are still waiting to hear news that the doors are open for business.
Even in the summer, ministry continues in Haiti and God is on the move! Thank you so much for your support, your prayers.
We are so honored and blessed to be in this mission together!
With love and gratitude and praise to our God!
So many in Haiti have to grow up so quickly it seems, dealing with things that you and I would never dream of. It’s reported that about 100 teens participated.
Now, another camp is planned! I’ve included a picture of the promotional poster for it. The teacher housing is again in progress, as well as the bakery. Our hope is that both will be ready before school begins this fall.
They were finally able to use the ovens to bake pate for the summer camp, and a valuable attachment was located for the bread kneader which is needed ☺ to get the bakery up and running!
We are still waiting to hear news that the doors are open for business.
Even in the summer, ministry continues in Haiti and God is on the move! Thank you so much for your support, your prayers.
We are so honored and blessed to be in this mission together!
With love and gratitude and praise to our God!
June 22, 2024
A Tale of Two Cities Last week, Chuck and Pastor Obias made a quick trip to Lamarre. It was in the works for a long time, with lots of prayer and conversations before leaving. God was seemingly giving His blessing. And what a fruitful trip it was! Chuck always believes there is no substitute for being on the ground where the action is taking place…and having Obias along was an invaluable addition. When they arrived, the school was coming to an end for the year. These 9th graders are ready to move on into high school, as soon as they pass the government exam. (I didn’t even know we had any 9th graders!) This other picture shows our kindergarten students’ graduation. They sure are cute. And oh how the school has grown! With the morning and afternoon sessions, we are up to over 500 children. The school, church, Bible school, and trade school combined have become a major employer in the area. We learned that the government is still helping in giving us food, even increasing their amounts as our enrollment increases. We also learned that one of our pastors came from a farming family, so he has been helping with the further development of the land for crops. |
I thought I would also include a picture of our head cook. She and her crew have a big job every day!
Other news this month:
We were able to celebrate two graduations here in the states. Evenine, after five years of schooling, graduated from Grove City College with a degree in Communication Arts. She is now interning with Samaritan’s Purse, and hopes to have a job with them after she finishes.
Ridza graduated as well from Kennebec Valley Community College with a degree in Business Administration. She is waiting for paperwork from the government so she can work at Inland Hospital in Waterville. Here are a couple pictures. (Evenine is in the front row standing next to Franklin Graham!)
So my title was “A Tale of Two Cities”
As Chuck was traveling with Mission Flights International from Pignon to Florida, he had to pass through the Port au Prince airport.
Viewing from the air after takeoff, he was struck by the emptiness of the streets there.
Life seemed almost normal where he stayed in Mirebalais, but Port au Prince was like a ghost town. What a difference. Living in that ghost town are several former choir members and their families, trying to stay safe, and alive. Our food distribution program is on the move again this weekend.
We are so grateful for you who have supported our Haitians in every location,
through your prayers and your finances. Please continue.
You are making a difference!
For God’s glory!
Other news this month:
We were able to celebrate two graduations here in the states. Evenine, after five years of schooling, graduated from Grove City College with a degree in Communication Arts. She is now interning with Samaritan’s Purse, and hopes to have a job with them after she finishes.
Ridza graduated as well from Kennebec Valley Community College with a degree in Business Administration. She is waiting for paperwork from the government so she can work at Inland Hospital in Waterville. Here are a couple pictures. (Evenine is in the front row standing next to Franklin Graham!)
So my title was “A Tale of Two Cities”
As Chuck was traveling with Mission Flights International from Pignon to Florida, he had to pass through the Port au Prince airport.
Viewing from the air after takeoff, he was struck by the emptiness of the streets there.
Life seemed almost normal where he stayed in Mirebalais, but Port au Prince was like a ghost town. What a difference. Living in that ghost town are several former choir members and their families, trying to stay safe, and alive. Our food distribution program is on the move again this weekend.
We are so grateful for you who have supported our Haitians in every location,
through your prayers and your finances. Please continue.
You are making a difference!
For God’s glory!
April 27, 2024
Hope Restored This morning, I’m looking across my field, watching our two daughters and one of our grandsons as they interact outside, probably discussing the garden nearby. How grateful I am for the freedoms and security with which they are blessed. In contrast, so many of our loved ones in Haiti are continually on high alert, being careful to balance their needs with their security. A couple months ago, a few people around us here learned of two families needing housing. I’ve included a picture of the kitchen in the Adoux family’s new rent. |
Also, because of some ongoing, caring supporters, as well as open banks, we are still able to send money that provides for much needed rice, oil, legumes, and other supplies. Prayer is a constant need as we have people on the ground risking their lives to buy these supplies and distribute them.
Most of the gang activity is happening in Port au Prince and the area of the Artibonite. But in Lamarre, the story is thankfully different. At this point, school is still in session, the church is meeting, the Bible school continues to meet, the trade school also, and the bakery is getting closer to opening its doors. (See the attached picture of the ovens being assembled.) Oh how I wish I could be in Lamarre for opening day!
The best news is that many lives are still being changed, and adults and young ones continue to give themselves to the service and lordship of Jesus the Christ. One of three, who chose to be baptized on Easter, is pictured here.
Unfortunately, we had to stop the work in building a second story on the teacher housing, as the estimate to finish somehow doubled in price! We’ll continue the construction “up” at a later date, by God’s grace. But hopefully the first floor will be finished soon.
Recently, Bell Anna, one of our choir members, was with us for a short time. While here, she helped to translate and finalize production of a video that was created at our campus in Lamarre. We have uploaded it to YouTube. Hope Restored:
Please share it with your friends and churches.
As always, thank you for reading this update, for investing in this ministry, and for making a difference in the lives of so many!
Living and working for His glory!
Most of the gang activity is happening in Port au Prince and the area of the Artibonite. But in Lamarre, the story is thankfully different. At this point, school is still in session, the church is meeting, the Bible school continues to meet, the trade school also, and the bakery is getting closer to opening its doors. (See the attached picture of the ovens being assembled.) Oh how I wish I could be in Lamarre for opening day!
The best news is that many lives are still being changed, and adults and young ones continue to give themselves to the service and lordship of Jesus the Christ. One of three, who chose to be baptized on Easter, is pictured here.
Unfortunately, we had to stop the work in building a second story on the teacher housing, as the estimate to finish somehow doubled in price! We’ll continue the construction “up” at a later date, by God’s grace. But hopefully the first floor will be finished soon.
Recently, Bell Anna, one of our choir members, was with us for a short time. While here, she helped to translate and finalize production of a video that was created at our campus in Lamarre. We have uploaded it to YouTube. Hope Restored:
Please share it with your friends and churches.
As always, thank you for reading this update, for investing in this ministry, and for making a difference in the lives of so many!
Living and working for His glory!
March 9, 2024
“Pray without ceasing” One of my grandchildren was studying superlatives this past week. Like good, better, and best. The assignment was to find the missing word in the set, and he had some pretty interesting answers! Superlatives always need a comparison. Haiti today…well…many of our friends have never seen anything like the evil that is running rampant right now. This past weekend, two prisons in Port au Prince were stormed by gang members and about 4000 inmates went free. The airport was also attacked and airplanes had bullet holes soon after. Police were killed, their stations were burned, and threats were made - either the prime minister steps down or there will ensue a civil war. In many ways, things have gone from bad to worse. Already the people were dealing with kidnapping, rape, theft and displacement. Not to mention indiscriminate and senseless killings. Many are going days without food or water. This is what I hear through the words of our friends… but for them, I can’t imagine how terrifying it could be. At the moment, the prime minister is out of the country. Most everything is closed, including the airport, government offices, banks, and schools. Even our church and school in Lamarre have been empty for a few days now. People are afraid to move. What can we do? This time around, we can’t fix it by sending a check or by providing food; that’s not a possibility right now. The only things we can do, and always the best we can do, are offer prayers on their behalf, ask others to pray, and encourage our Haitians in any way we can. So we’re going to try something different…If you would like to send a note or prayer to our friends there, (workers and students on the Lamarre campus, former choir members and their families, our board members there) reply to this email in English, French, or Creole, and I will do my best to forward your message on to them. Thankfully, up to this point, they still have internet! Our God is alive and powerful, and although circumstances are more difficult, His love for His people has not changed one bit. (This picture was taken on our soccer field in Lamarre less than a month ago. Thank you to Small Point Baptist Church who sent down soccer cleats for these kids!) With hope, Barb **“Our God, will You not judge them? For we are powerless before this great multitude that is coming against us; nor do we know what to do, but our eyes are on You.”** 2 Chronicles 20:12 |
January 12, 2024
When I looked back over the numerous pictures sent to us over the past year, I was amazed at all that God had done. With your help and His blessing, lives were eternally changed, and the simple comforts like food, an education, and the privilege of going to church each Sunday were extended to the people of Haiti. At the same time, those who had come here were also making a difference with their friends, neighbors, and communities. We are so grateful to be a part and to see these blessings from our Lord. Here are a few pictures that tell their own stories, and a list to identify them…
All this God has shown us, but only He knows all the other wonderful unseen blessings! May God give you His own blessing today, Barb |
November 21, 2923
I thank my God every time I remember you. Philippians 1:3 At some point during the past 10 years, you signed up to be on our email list. Thank you! We have been blessed to send these updates to share what God has done through this ministry, in Haiti and here in the US. Many times those blessings have been because of you! I recently received this sweet picture of two of our kids at School of Hope. They sure are cute and their smiles are so contagious. They represent the 350+ students at the school. Not all the students returned after the gangs entered SautD’eau (our area) and ransacked some of their homes. But for now, the area is quiet. Thank You Lord!! |
I also received an updated picture of the latest building project – our teacher housing. By God’s grace it is framed to have a kitchen, ten bedrooms, six bathrooms, and six showers. When the border closed between the Dominican Republic and Haiti, construction had to stop because some of the least expensive materials were coming across the border. We decided to move forward and re-negotiate the cost.
Another exciting news is that the ovens for the bakery finally arrived in Lamarre! I’ve included a picture of the product we purchased. Hopefully, soon they’ll be baking and selling bread for the community. Wish we could be there for the first loaf!
As I write this, Thanksgiving is tomorrow; we both pray you can find hope in God’s expression of His sacrificial love through Jesus. He has given us so much!
Have a thanks-giving Thanksgiving!
Always through God’s grace,
Barb (and Chuck)
October 24, 2023
“But God remembered Noah and all the beasts and all the livestock that were with him in the ark.” Genesis 8:1
Sometimes I wonder how God can do it all – rule from His throne and yet know intimately everything about me, and you, intertwining lives and events for His best outcome! But He does multi-task amazingly well!
And He does restore hope and peace, as he has done in Lamarre. The invasion of SautD’eau on September 22 by the gangs really shook the community. But yes, school did begin again last Monday, and as of yesterday, 262 children had returned! Many more are still absent and missing school and a meal every day. Please pray for them as they contemplate how to move forward again. So many have been traumatized.
We decided this year to divide the classes so that some are meeting in the afternoon (pictured here) and the rest in the morning. This helps with the constant space problem, avoids a new classroom building project, and allows us to keep growing. By the way, three students in our afternoon group decided yesterday to make a decision to receive Jesus and dedicate their lives to Him. Nothing gives us more joy!
The teacher housing project has restarted and continues on its way up! It definitely appears to be one of most complex structures that has been built there. It should house ten teachers.
Our choir family feeding program is continuing and we see how necessary it has become, helping approximately 30 families every two months or so. Each family receives a supply of rice, beans, oil, and other necessary items. Our funds for this have been slowly diminishing, so if you feel led to help out, you can click the link at the bottom of this email. (Pictured here is Carmela, gladly receiving a package for her and her family)
Another concern ahead of us is the building of security walls, the hiring of security staff, and the purchasing of dogs and cameras. We have talked about this for years, but the high cost has prohibited us from moving forward. Now, we feel we must make it a priority.
I have been reading Proverbs during my devotional time, and I am constantly reminded to seek wisdom. Oh, how we need that every day, and I ask you to pray for us as we seek His guidance in the days ahead!!
Please know that we are praying for you as well!! The world can be a scary place, but we know this truth…
“I have told you these things so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble.
But take heart for I have overcome the world!” John 16:33
Grace and peace,
“But God remembered Noah and all the beasts and all the livestock that were with him in the ark.” Genesis 8:1
Sometimes I wonder how God can do it all – rule from His throne and yet know intimately everything about me, and you, intertwining lives and events for His best outcome! But He does multi-task amazingly well!
And He does restore hope and peace, as he has done in Lamarre. The invasion of SautD’eau on September 22 by the gangs really shook the community. But yes, school did begin again last Monday, and as of yesterday, 262 children had returned! Many more are still absent and missing school and a meal every day. Please pray for them as they contemplate how to move forward again. So many have been traumatized.
We decided this year to divide the classes so that some are meeting in the afternoon (pictured here) and the rest in the morning. This helps with the constant space problem, avoids a new classroom building project, and allows us to keep growing. By the way, three students in our afternoon group decided yesterday to make a decision to receive Jesus and dedicate their lives to Him. Nothing gives us more joy!
The teacher housing project has restarted and continues on its way up! It definitely appears to be one of most complex structures that has been built there. It should house ten teachers.
Our choir family feeding program is continuing and we see how necessary it has become, helping approximately 30 families every two months or so. Each family receives a supply of rice, beans, oil, and other necessary items. Our funds for this have been slowly diminishing, so if you feel led to help out, you can click the link at the bottom of this email. (Pictured here is Carmela, gladly receiving a package for her and her family)
Another concern ahead of us is the building of security walls, the hiring of security staff, and the purchasing of dogs and cameras. We have talked about this for years, but the high cost has prohibited us from moving forward. Now, we feel we must make it a priority.
I have been reading Proverbs during my devotional time, and I am constantly reminded to seek wisdom. Oh, how we need that every day, and I ask you to pray for us as we seek His guidance in the days ahead!!
Please know that we are praying for you as well!! The world can be a scary place, but we know this truth…
“I have told you these things so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble.
But take heart for I have overcome the world!” John 16:33
Grace and peace,
August 30, 2023
If you have followed the news that’s been coming out of Haiti recently, you know the situation is like nothing we or they have ever seen. The gangs control much of Port au Prince and other areas in the country. Inflation is out of control; cholera has spread and nearly half the population suffer from severe food insecurity. On a personal level…the father of one of our choir members has been framed by his company and held at a police station now for three weeks, in bondage until 23K is given to release him. Also, a family of another choir member was forced out of their home this past weekend. Actually, there are only a few choir member families and leaders in Haiti who have not been forced to relocate at least once. |
Up in the mountains where School of Hope and Bible Church of Lamarre are found, the situation is better, but still affected. We just had a board meeting last week and decided we needed, by faith, to send twice as much each month as we had previously been sending because of inflation and extra staff. So instead of 5K each month, it’s 10K.
So many difficulties surrounding us with no end in sight…
But there is an end. We may not see it, but the end is there! And beyond it is a beautiful city ruled by a beautiful and just God who will make all things right. And while we wait and live in this broken world, He is with us even now to give us a “sugar coating” that is HOPE. I have seen sadness and trouble, but I too have seen amazing perseverance, joy, and faith in spite of them. Here’s one joy: the school in Lamarre is going to two sessions a day, so many more children will have food, education, and will hear about Jesus.. and more adults will have work and be able to support their families. And another joy: food is still being distributed to our choir families about every other month.
So as my friend just reminded me…we could turn on the news, see the hurricane, and say it’s the end of the story. But she and I know that’s not the truth. Yes, our faith has been challenged and stretched because we are living through times we have never seen before. But my story tells me God has never failed. And if I hang in there, I know I will continue to see miracles that I’ve never seen before!
Please pray, for us, our Haitians here, and all those in Haiti. Jesus alone can save and do the eternal work that builds up treasures in heaven.
With hope!
P.S. If you would like to help financially in any of these situations, go to the bottom of the Welcome page and click “Donate Now”.
So many difficulties surrounding us with no end in sight…
But there is an end. We may not see it, but the end is there! And beyond it is a beautiful city ruled by a beautiful and just God who will make all things right. And while we wait and live in this broken world, He is with us even now to give us a “sugar coating” that is HOPE. I have seen sadness and trouble, but I too have seen amazing perseverance, joy, and faith in spite of them. Here’s one joy: the school in Lamarre is going to two sessions a day, so many more children will have food, education, and will hear about Jesus.. and more adults will have work and be able to support their families. And another joy: food is still being distributed to our choir families about every other month.
So as my friend just reminded me…we could turn on the news, see the hurricane, and say it’s the end of the story. But she and I know that’s not the truth. Yes, our faith has been challenged and stretched because we are living through times we have never seen before. But my story tells me God has never failed. And if I hang in there, I know I will continue to see miracles that I’ve never seen before!
Please pray, for us, our Haitians here, and all those in Haiti. Jesus alone can save and do the eternal work that builds up treasures in heaven.
With hope!
P.S. If you would like to help financially in any of these situations, go to the bottom of the Welcome page and click “Donate Now”.
June 15, 2023
I will rejoice and be glad in Your faithfulness, Because You have seen my misery; You have known the troubles of my soul, And You have not handed me over to the enemy; You have set my feet in a large place. Psalm 31:7-8 Every moment we are not handed over to the enemy is a moment of praise to our God! I have seen difficulties all around, but there has been a protection and provision as God has held on to His people. During this past month, we have had so many reasons to rejoice. There have been six choir member graduations [Richardsky, Dave and Neissa from college, and Bell Anna, Nedjee, and Anderson from high school] and I hear there are more to come! Nedjee decided to be baptized on her birthday. What joy this brings to our hearts… Recently, we received pictures from Lamarre that show another completed classroom building. Now, the staff and children will be able to spread out a bit more. Our staff has persevered as some have been teaching 40-50 little ones in one room! The bakery, for which we are very excited, is complete; we are waiting now for the ovens - currently on a boat coming from China to the US. Then they will be flown to our area in Haiti. For those of you who pray for us, please pray they arrive in the US by the first week in July, as well as for all the other details of getting it to Lamarre. Another praise is that Ali and his family, along with 36 others, received food kits recently, thanks to you and our distribution team. On another note, Ali has been hoping for an education at a community college in Indiana where his mother lives. As you may know, schooling in Haiti lately has been “hit or miss”, so coming here could help him to be reunited with his mom as well as provide an opportunity to pursue a degree. Ali is not the only one anxious for a good education here in the states. I often hear, by text or call, cries for help from our former choir members. If you or your church is inclined to encourage them, either financially or by prayer, please let me know. And now the first picture – praise to the Lord for all these young ladies who have taken the culinary arts class at the trade school. They are learning a skill that can help them the rest of their lives. This past week I was introduced to a new song by the Gettys and Rend Collective, called Rejoice. It has been rolling around in my head all week. What a great message and reminder! In II Chronicles 20 there is the story of King Jehoshaphat who was surrounded by the enemy. His words so many times have been my cry, “ For we are powerless against this great horde that is coming against us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on You.” (12) God gives him what he needs, and later he sends the singers ahead of his army “to sing to the Lord and praise Him”. Here are the words to the chorus of Rejoice: With each breath He’s given Praise the Lord In these times we live in We will praise the Lord Throughout every season I am sure We have evеry reason To praise the Lord Keep persevering and rejoice – there is power in praise, With love and gratefulness, Barb |
April 25, 2023
The Things That Matter
“Who for the joy set before Him, endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the Father.”
For many mornings each week I walk down the road and pray, a practice I’ve been doing for many years. A few years ago, as I would often lose focus due to whatever was going on, I was given a phrase, “The things that matter”. At the time it brought me back to praying for the salvation of my dad. Nowadays, it still realigns me to God’s eternal purposes in the lives of those I know and love.
We just celebrated Jesus’ sacrificial death and resurrection, events where our Savior set aside His comfort and security for the thing that mattered…reconciliation with His people. I’m so glad He did!
For many in Haiti, the things that matter, that really matter, are being seen even more clearly. The news can only tell us so much. The matters of the heart are more difficult to report, but oh how we need to see them. I know that fervent prayers for security, provision, and for salvation are being lifted up…prayers for the country to prosper again and for order to return. Hope has been challenged immensely, but it has not been destroyed. And as long as there is life in Christ, it never will be!
Hope Haitian Ministries’ mission statement is this: To speak hope to America through the faith testimonies of Haitian young people and to bring hope to Haiti through spiritual development and the practical help of education, water, food, medical care, and other basic needs…living out the gospel of Jesus Christ.
We never expected the countries would be so mixed – education here because so many couldn’t go to school there. But in the process, nothing has changed. The kids who are here are still living strong for the Lord and sharing their testimonies with our people in America who still desperately need to hear them.
I don’t often share some of the stories and joys that I get to hear often, but because of these, I am encouraged and KNOW God is still at work!
Here are some pictures from both here and there that have refreshed my hope…
The Things That Matter
“Who for the joy set before Him, endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the Father.”
For many mornings each week I walk down the road and pray, a practice I’ve been doing for many years. A few years ago, as I would often lose focus due to whatever was going on, I was given a phrase, “The things that matter”. At the time it brought me back to praying for the salvation of my dad. Nowadays, it still realigns me to God’s eternal purposes in the lives of those I know and love.
We just celebrated Jesus’ sacrificial death and resurrection, events where our Savior set aside His comfort and security for the thing that mattered…reconciliation with His people. I’m so glad He did!
For many in Haiti, the things that matter, that really matter, are being seen even more clearly. The news can only tell us so much. The matters of the heart are more difficult to report, but oh how we need to see them. I know that fervent prayers for security, provision, and for salvation are being lifted up…prayers for the country to prosper again and for order to return. Hope has been challenged immensely, but it has not been destroyed. And as long as there is life in Christ, it never will be!
Hope Haitian Ministries’ mission statement is this: To speak hope to America through the faith testimonies of Haitian young people and to bring hope to Haiti through spiritual development and the practical help of education, water, food, medical care, and other basic needs…living out the gospel of Jesus Christ.
We never expected the countries would be so mixed – education here because so many couldn’t go to school there. But in the process, nothing has changed. The kids who are here are still living strong for the Lord and sharing their testimonies with our people in America who still desperately need to hear them.
I don’t often share some of the stories and joys that I get to hear often, but because of these, I am encouraged and KNOW God is still at work!
Here are some pictures from both here and there that have refreshed my hope…
We pray you have not lost your hope.
Keep reaching up, seeking Christ, and remember the things that matter!
Keep reaching up, seeking Christ, and remember the things that matter!
![]() March 9, 2023
About four weeks ago I sent an email asking people to pray for Haiti and its people at 12 noon each day until March 8. That period of time is now over. How has God answered? I have to say – not as I had hoped. Violence and kidnappings have increased both in number and in area. Friends of ours were shot at and were not able to return to their home. A relative of another friend was kidnapped and is still being held. So how do I respond? My flesh says, “What’s the point?” My heart knows better. God does not always give us the physical blessing when a greater imperishable blessing is available. I was inspired last night as I spoke with Jacques who lives in Port au Prince. He said… it is easy to find things to be thankful for. This morning, I asked him to explain and expand upon that point. Here is what he wrote back: Living in Haiti in those difficult days, it is easy to find things to be thankful for. I am thankful that I leave my home in the morning and am able to come back in the afternoon, without being kidnapped. I am thankful that I go to the grocery store and it is open and the shelves are not completely empty. I am thankful that I was not hit by a stray bullet while in bed. I am thankful that I can sleep in my bed while many others are fleeing their home. I am thankful that I get enough access to the internet to be able to finish a conversation, read an email, etc. I am thankful that I can get something to eat while many others go hungry. I am thankful that I can get fuel, that I can get propane, etc. I am thankful to know that God is in control even in the midst of all this chaos. My complaints sure seem small… I am grateful – my personal relationship with God has grown in the last four weeks. Maybe yours has too! And it’s clear, my friend Jacques and his wife are not giving up! Please keep praying. The battle is not over by any means! Now on to Lamarre! As you can see, by God’s grace the children continue to come to school. The enrollment is now 404! The building of the bakery is back on track! We look forward to its completion, for it should bring food for the community and provide income for the school. Our trade school has added a plumbing class and I’ve included also a picture of the cooking class, now open to some of the older school kids. An afternoon class has begun to help the kids who are starting their education late. We are so pleased with the leadership there who saw this need and pursued a solution. For many years now, there has been another need that has gone unfulfilled …building a place for some of our teachers to live. Recently, we were able to purchase a small piece of land for our first teacher dormitory. We are trusting God to provide the funds which have already begun to come in. Unfortunately, progress on the new classroom building has had to stop for now, as the construction company has been challenged as well with gang insecurity issues. Processes for Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Venezuelans | USCIS I expect that many of you have heard about the new parole program that our government has put in place for certain Haitians to apply to come to the US for a temporary period of time (2 years) if they have a sponsor. There is no visa requirement. You can do your own research by going to the government USCIS page. I’ve also included an outline of the main points that need to be met for the sponsor and the beneficiary in Haiti.
Please pray and let me know if you are interested in pursuing any part of this plan. We have several choir members still in Haiti and the parents and kids have been asking for our help. We are so grateful for you all. Please continue to seek the Lord on behalf of the Haitian people. May God grant you peace, wisdom, and hope! Until next time, Barb |
![]() December 23, 2022
Closer to you “And the Word became flesh” About two weeks ago, my daughter had surgery in Baltimore. I flew down to help care for her while she recovered. To make a long story short, we ended up where we never expected, with good Christian friends in Pennsylvania. As my daughter has said - we could not have found a better place to convalesce! My family in Maine was sick, but for some reason, God gave us a chance to rest. For the first Christmas season in my adult life, I had the chance to focus on the true awesomeness of the incarnation. I had a chance, as well, to appreciate my Haitian friends even more. Many are confined to their homes in Port au Prince, but I know also that many are taking this time and putting it to good use: praying and seeking their Father in heaven…trusting Him for their needs. I just realized I have never sent a map of the Lamarre school/church campus. This picture was taken in 2018, before the building of two more classrooms and the purchase of the future soccer field. Yesterday in Lamarre, School of Hope began its Christmas Dinner Celebration, made possible by our local church here and through other generous donations. Thank you! Because of the number of children and staff involved, the festivities have needed to be divided over two days. I love these pictures that were sent by Donfred, our administrator and pastor. The building construction is moving along well. Hopefully, soon the children will be able to move in. God is at work – always – and lives are being changed. Families are receiving hope, not just through education or a meal, but through the transforming power of Jesus the Christ. He is the reason we continue on, doing all we can to “love our neighbors” well. And by God’s grace, we’re seeing neighbors become brothers and sisters in the Lord! Please, help us in praying for them, for His daily wisdom, protection, and provision. And if you are led to financially support this work, you can do that online on our website at https://www.hopehaitian.com/. Scroll down and click on the blue ‘Donate Now’ button, and on the next page, you can choose what you would like to specifically support. Jwaye Nwel – Merry Christmas! To Him be all the glory, Barb and Chuck |
October 26, 2022
Thus far... “you have brought me thus far” 2 Samuel 7:18 I have grown enough in the Lord to know that in every tragedy there is still hope. Lives still do change, and somehow, the people we know in Haiti are still alive, protected, and fed. For those who have given through your prayers and finances, we thank you. Only God truly knows what a difference you are making. Juguel, pictured here, stands with the food packet that was given to him and his family in September. And this is what I received soon after... Good evening Miss Barb! How are you and your family? Is everything going well? For me, I am OK with Jesus, but my country is not good. We are praying to God that He will make a change within it. I remember you, the kids (in the choir), and I am sad, but praying always to God for the door to open one day for us. Please greet the kids for me that you see when you speak with them. We know one day we will be together again. Thank you for the (food) kit. We pray for the HHC committee to always keep us in grace and unite us. My mother and father say thank you, and they greet you. May God bless your family. These notes so encourage us. Not only are the choir members getting food, they are growing up and becoming grateful young adults who pray to the only One who can truly help! At the moment, none of the kids are able to go to school because the country is locked down. Many families have not left their homes for weeks, except for the rare moment of getting out for the daily necessities. One day last month, the city was open. Francesse (our coordinator for food distribution) told me she waited in line at a bank for four hours to get the money for the food! Things up in the mountains at School of Hope are also affected by the lockdown. Still, the children have not gone to school. But the church is open and people are coming and growing and trusting in the Lord. We are so grateful to be seeing two new buildings going up. One will hold four classrooms and the other a bakery, the beginning of a business venture that will help to bring some independence. Another business venture is on route to Haiti. New York City based Kimmie Cakes https://www.kimmiekakes.com/ has shipped several thousand dollars’ worth of shirts to Lamarre, Haiti, so the people there can sell them and buy more for the next shipment. Please help us in praying that these undertakings will be successful. While waiting for school to begin, the kids who live nearby are coming to the school to write letters to their sponsors. We will try to get them out as soon as we can! Here’s a picture of Michaella drawing a picture at the bottom of her letter. As we send this letter, we are praying for you as well!! May God grant you all that you need for this day. Barb |
August 3, 2022
If you would like to have your browser automatically switch to Amazon Smile for Hope Haitian Ministries when you're shopping on Amazon, just add this extention from Coupon Chief: https://www.couponchief.com/makemesmile#47-1332310
If you would like to have your browser automatically switch to Amazon Smile for Hope Haitian Ministries when you're shopping on Amazon, just add this extention from Coupon Chief: https://www.couponchief.com/makemesmile#47-1332310
July 28, 2022
Every time I begin an update, I wonder what good thing I have to offer that didn’t already come from God’s hand…the answer is easy – nothing! But thankfully, because of God’s grace, there is always something to say. At the end of the Psalms, there seems to be a crescendo of praise building louder and louder. “Praise the Lord! Praise God in His sanctuary; praise Him in His mighty expanse. Praise Him for His mighty deeds; praise Him according to His excellent greatness…..” Psalm 150 And on and on. Our God is all-wise and all-good even when things are difficult; He knows what is needed, even when our finite minds don’t get it. As the old Babbie Mason song says, “So when you don't understand When don't see His plan When you can't trace His hand Trust His Heart” (Trust His Heart by Eddie Carswell & Babbie Mason) As you may have been reading, there has been a crescendo of violence, kidnappings, theft, and food insecurity in the capital of Haiti and beyond. Hundreds of people have been killed in the past few months due to the gang wars. More and more, we are convinced that the true source of any hope is not here on this earth! Our focus was, is, and always will be the hope of knowing Jesus Christ! |
In the midst of the difficulties, we are eternally grateful for His faithful servants, Jacques and Francesse, who travel to the countryside at least once a month. They go, purchasing food and delivering it to our many choir members and their families. Their kids will soon all be in the US for schooling, but they have felt God calling them to stay. Oh the sacrifices made for the call of Christ…
But back in Lamarre, the church still meets and the children still have activities and programs to attend. During June and July, there was a large church anniversary celebration, a youth retreat, and special activities during the voodoo pilgrimage just up the road. https://youtu.be/tJSyDwvxKVs is a video we uploaded to our YouTube channel, sent to us from the administration at the church. It was taken at the church annual anniversary celebration and just exudes joy! We invite you to watch it and smile along with us.
Also in Lamarre, because of a generous donation, we were able to drill a well for the school/church campus. It’s almost ready; we are just waiting for the technician and for a filter. As you know, the processes get stuck there sometimes because of security issues. We ask for your prayers!
Three of our US-located, still-waiting-for-TPS young people have been spending the summer volunteering at a Christian camp in NY state. We are so grateful for this opportunity they have had to keep ministering for Christ.
God is so faithful to us. He is providing, restoring, building and giving hope. If you or your church would like to become a partner with us, we would be most honored and grateful. Please remember, the Haitian people are our focus. We are all volunteers here. Our long-term hope is to enable them to live and work on their own, providing for themselves and their families. More exciting news to come next time on how God is making that happen!
May you find peace and hope in the middle of whatever difficulties you may be facing.
Praying for you,
But back in Lamarre, the church still meets and the children still have activities and programs to attend. During June and July, there was a large church anniversary celebration, a youth retreat, and special activities during the voodoo pilgrimage just up the road. https://youtu.be/tJSyDwvxKVs is a video we uploaded to our YouTube channel, sent to us from the administration at the church. It was taken at the church annual anniversary celebration and just exudes joy! We invite you to watch it and smile along with us.
Also in Lamarre, because of a generous donation, we were able to drill a well for the school/church campus. It’s almost ready; we are just waiting for the technician and for a filter. As you know, the processes get stuck there sometimes because of security issues. We ask for your prayers!
Three of our US-located, still-waiting-for-TPS young people have been spending the summer volunteering at a Christian camp in NY state. We are so grateful for this opportunity they have had to keep ministering for Christ.
God is so faithful to us. He is providing, restoring, building and giving hope. If you or your church would like to become a partner with us, we would be most honored and grateful. Please remember, the Haitian people are our focus. We are all volunteers here. Our long-term hope is to enable them to live and work on their own, providing for themselves and their families. More exciting news to come next time on how God is making that happen!
May you find peace and hope in the middle of whatever difficulties you may be facing.
Praying for you,
May 16, 2022
My husband and I have all nine pictures of Hope Haitian Choir from 2012 to 2021 set above our window in the room where recordings and piano lessons and song writing and impromptu worship services have occurred. As I sit with my Bible in that same room most every day, I see them all. About sixty Haitian young people are pictured there, and each one has a story and a dream for his/her future. As many of you know, all the choir members pictured in the last frame had the chance to stay in the US. All except one are still waiting for TPS (temporary protection status) and work approval. We know it could happen at any moment, even though the wait has been since August of last year. Because of the uncertainty for these kids, as well as the impossibility of new visas for children from Haiti, we have decided to cancel again a choir tour for this summer. We pray that once again, maybe next year, things will change and we’ll be able to travel around the country sharing this unique and beautiful hope in the power, protection, and provision of Jesus. The choir Food Distribution program continues now at about once per month. Carmela is pictured here with her packet of milk, rice, salmon, oil, sugar, corn, spaghetti, crackers, butter and macaroni. She joined the choir in 2015, and toured with us through 2019, but could not get her visa renewed for the 2021 tour. It is a great help to these kids, especially now with heightened security risks and major inflation. I know that Jacques and Francesse risk their lives to buy this food from the countryside and return with it for the kids. And the families risk their lives just going to a designated place to receive it. School of Hope is closing in on the ending of another school year. Every day we thank God for this gift from God’s hand – a safe place for the children of the Lamarre area to receive an excellent education, nutritious meal, and continued hope through the power and love of Jesus. A few months ago, by God’s grace, we received a donation of $9000 to put in a new well for the church/school. At this point, the water runs down from the hills nearby. Unfortunately, that’s not enough money for both a well and a pump station, so we are seeking other options or grants. If you can help us, please let us know. May 1st is known in Haiti as Reforestation Day, so as you can see in the picture, our kids at the school were doing their part! |
Other projects ahead include a dormitory for four of the teachers and their families, and of course, the completion of the soccer field/play area that was just purchased. Both projects are waiting on God’s timing and financing. The grant from the Protein Foundation recently has given us a good start!
At the beginning of this month, we learned that one of our sponsored children was evicted along with her family from the home they were renting because the family was not able to pay. Obias soon notified us of the situation. Along with the church there and the child’s generous sponsor here, help was on the way. The family is now living in a little house they built, (pictured here) and the team at the church is helping them to possibly buy a small piece of land to build something more permanent.
Back here in Maine, we were excited to hear last week that Richardsky got his driver’s license! He is the fourth Haitian in the states to receive it. For those of us who are hosting these kids, a license can be a great help!
I expect there will be lots more to report next month with the ending of a school year and the beginning of summer…so until next time…
Keep looking beyond what you can see so you can see the things that only God can do!
At the beginning of this month, we learned that one of our sponsored children was evicted along with her family from the home they were renting because the family was not able to pay. Obias soon notified us of the situation. Along with the church there and the child’s generous sponsor here, help was on the way. The family is now living in a little house they built, (pictured here) and the team at the church is helping them to possibly buy a small piece of land to build something more permanent.
Back here in Maine, we were excited to hear last week that Richardsky got his driver’s license! He is the fourth Haitian in the states to receive it. For those of us who are hosting these kids, a license can be a great help!
I expect there will be lots more to report next month with the ending of a school year and the beginning of summer…so until next time…
Keep looking beyond what you can see so you can see the things that only God can do!
April 5, 2022
“Now there were six stone waterpots set there for the Jewish custom of purification, containing twenty or thirty gallons each. Jesus said to them, ‘Fill the waterpots with water.’ So they filled them up to the brim. And He said to them, ‘Draw some out now and take it to the headwaiter.’”John 2:6-8 And we all know what happened next. Jesus produced 120 to 180 gallons of wine that day…an abundance for the celebration, and the rescue of the reputation of the hosts. Sometimes Jesus seems to go above and beyond just because He can. The month of March has been a visible reminder of our all-powerful, rich, and gracious God. Here are some of the highlights: Nerla, who homeschools much of her days at my house, just received notice that her TPS (Temporary Protected Status) was approved. She was the first of our choir members to receive this, allowing her to stay legally in the US for 18 months. Alex, another choir member, and the last to hear anything from the government, just got an appointment for his fingerprints – the first step in the process. Barbie Simon Davidson, a former member and well-known to many of you, finally received her green card after a two-year wait! Landy and Alex learned they were accepted to nearby community colleges, although neither can attend at this point until the paperwork goes through. Lens got his driver’s license in March. Many are participating successfully in extra-curricular activities. Dukelly’s track picture is in this email. Dukelly’s family, which was facing homelessness back in Haiti, received a donation that helped them to begin building a new home. Alex is also pictured here preparing for the extraction of his wisdom teeth and half of the expense has been promised. Another picture of Alex shows him just before his baptism at our church! Now on to Haiti… Money was available and was sent down for more solar panels at the school; they were installed this past month. The mayor of the Lamarre area provided grading of the newly acquired field, free of charge, opening the door for its transition into a community soccer field. Cards and letters are still coming in from time to time from our child sponsors, allowing a small income for our translator Muriette (another former choir member). A special blessing came for her this past month as well. Because of the recent extreme danger in her village of Pernier, she was ready to leave her college education behind with only 7 months to go; but a sponsor agreed to helpby paying for a rent closer to the school just so she could finish. I know some of you prayed for her when I mentioned her situation last month. We learned about the medical needs of two of our teachers and two of our sponsored children, and we were able to help. One obvious need is pictured here. We also were able to help Obias get back to the states for a checkup. He is still here and spending some of his time connecting with people and sharing what’s happening in Lamarre. As has happened many times before, we got another chance to bless the choir kids in Haiti with food and phone minutes. They and their families were very grateful. Just a few days ago, we got word that we received a 28K grant from the Protein Foundation, based in Portland, ME. In January, we received 15K from Initech in NJ. These will help with the feeding program, the development of the soccer field and the teacher salaries. We also are looking to build some housing for the teachers as more donations come in. So as you can see, your investment in this ministry is making a visible difference, whether you are praying or donating. One day I believe we will know and see all that God has accomplished that might not have happened without your support. We thank God for His many blessings made possible through His people. Thank you for your part in the process!! Hallelujah!! Barb |

February 28, 2022...From Chuck…
“The mind of a person plans his way, But the Lord directs his steps.”
Proverbs 16:9
“After praying about security issues, I left for Haiti on Feb. 14. We decided it best to fly to the Dominican Republic and travel by bus and car to School of Hope, due to gangs, unrest, and repeated kidnappings of Americans in PAP. We are thankful for relative calm in the mountains around the school, in contrast to the fear of violence, theft, rape, and kidnappings that many friends and former choir members experience in the cities. The school presently has 379 children enrolled in grades K-7. Their smiles and enthusiasm are wonderfully contagious, demonstrating an amazing resilience. I have often reflected on how such a positive spirit and attitude can co-exist with such difficult living situations – yet it does, as Jesus’ spirit permeates the school.
The trip was very productive with long conversations with church/school leaders,
a meeting with the entire teaching staff, surveying our buildings and land regarding
future plans, and of course, time spent with the children.
While there, our board {Americans and Haitians} conducted a virtual meeting, making decisions to move forward with creating a playground/soccer field and projecting the construction of staff/teacher housing. Numerous initiatives to improve quality of education and the school environment were identified.
I truly sense God’s hand of blessing upon this small piece of geography and the children living herein. The staff repeatedly expressed their deep appreciation for all who give money and time to make the school and church possible. We pray for the Lord’s blessing on each of you for your investment in so many lives in such a needy place.”
Here in the states, the choir members who stayed and applied for TPS and work permits are still waiting for the process to go through. All of them are going to school, except one who cannot start any college classes or work without receiving his papers first. We know it is just a matter of time, and that God is making a way. Your prayers and your support matter!
Here's a picture of our latest food distribution for the choir - thanks to those who have supported this!
We earlier received a call from one of our former chaperones who lives in Pernier, Haiti, and she was telling us how afraid she was and how bad the insecurity has become in her neighborhood. For you who have been praying for us, we are really grateful. But please keep praying for peace and love for this country, for the kids in Haiti that they can still have hope, that even in the darkest times they can remain faithful.
Chuck (and Alex)
“The mind of a person plans his way, But the Lord directs his steps.”
Proverbs 16:9
“After praying about security issues, I left for Haiti on Feb. 14. We decided it best to fly to the Dominican Republic and travel by bus and car to School of Hope, due to gangs, unrest, and repeated kidnappings of Americans in PAP. We are thankful for relative calm in the mountains around the school, in contrast to the fear of violence, theft, rape, and kidnappings that many friends and former choir members experience in the cities. The school presently has 379 children enrolled in grades K-7. Their smiles and enthusiasm are wonderfully contagious, demonstrating an amazing resilience. I have often reflected on how such a positive spirit and attitude can co-exist with such difficult living situations – yet it does, as Jesus’ spirit permeates the school.
The trip was very productive with long conversations with church/school leaders,
a meeting with the entire teaching staff, surveying our buildings and land regarding
future plans, and of course, time spent with the children.
While there, our board {Americans and Haitians} conducted a virtual meeting, making decisions to move forward with creating a playground/soccer field and projecting the construction of staff/teacher housing. Numerous initiatives to improve quality of education and the school environment were identified.
I truly sense God’s hand of blessing upon this small piece of geography and the children living herein. The staff repeatedly expressed their deep appreciation for all who give money and time to make the school and church possible. We pray for the Lord’s blessing on each of you for your investment in so many lives in such a needy place.”
Here in the states, the choir members who stayed and applied for TPS and work permits are still waiting for the process to go through. All of them are going to school, except one who cannot start any college classes or work without receiving his papers first. We know it is just a matter of time, and that God is making a way. Your prayers and your support matter!
Here's a picture of our latest food distribution for the choir - thanks to those who have supported this!
We earlier received a call from one of our former chaperones who lives in Pernier, Haiti, and she was telling us how afraid she was and how bad the insecurity has become in her neighborhood. For you who have been praying for us, we are really grateful. But please keep praying for peace and love for this country, for the kids in Haiti that they can still have hope, that even in the darkest times they can remain faithful.
Chuck (and Alex)

December 31, 2021
Two to three years ago, I was introduced to a song sung by the Getty’s and written by Dustin Kensrue. Maybe you know it. It’s to the tune of Auld Lang Syne and entitled All Glory Be to Christ.
Here’s the first verse:
Should nothing of our efforts stand, No legacy survive,
Unless the Lord does raise the house, In vain its builders strive.
To you who boast tomorrow’s gain, Tell me, what is your life?
A mist, it vanishes at dawn, All glory be to Christ.
One thing we all should have learned during these past two years is that there is no guarantee for tomorrow. Our lives are but vapors, ready to vanish away. Some of you have experienced a loved one vanishing away recently, and our hearts goes out to you…
But in the middle of all the difficulties, God is still God and His good character has not changed. I don’t know how we could ever move forward in this life without the assurance of that fact.
There were a few events of note this past December: Hope Haitian Choir gathered for a reunion at our house after Christmas. You can see in the picture, they are standing on ice, some for the first time. A crack was heard and they all went scrambling!
Another event was a beautiful Christmas party celebration in Lamarre, sponsored by our church here in Boothbay, a donor in NJ, and various others in Haiti. It was a wonderful time, with lots of food, soda, and gifts. All the children look forward to this special time every year.
And lastly, another fundraiser here in Boothbay brought in about 2K to purchase Bibles for those in Haiti who have probably never owned one. The church is seeing new people giving their lives to Christ most every week, so Bibles are very necessary for growth in the Lord!
Many of you have been so supportive, and we are very grateful.
Our greatest need as always is prayer.
**Three months ago, one of our donors funded a well to be dug in Lamarre. Unfortunately, because of the insecurity in Port au Prince, Jacques has not been able to even get to the office to complete the paperwork.
**Also, we just recently were able to purchase some land adjacent to the school campus, but there is no money yet to develop it, nor funds to build the next big projects: a high school and housing for some of the teachers.
**And please pray for Pastor Obias, who needed to come to the US to rest and to get some medical attention.
**We would appreciate your prayers for us as well. There are always decisions to make, and we as a board want to be listening to God’s heartbeat and not our own.
We pray for you as well, that you have a good year ahead, controlled by the certain promises of God!
Holding on to Jesus,
Barb and Chuck
Two to three years ago, I was introduced to a song sung by the Getty’s and written by Dustin Kensrue. Maybe you know it. It’s to the tune of Auld Lang Syne and entitled All Glory Be to Christ.
Here’s the first verse:
Should nothing of our efforts stand, No legacy survive,
Unless the Lord does raise the house, In vain its builders strive.
To you who boast tomorrow’s gain, Tell me, what is your life?
A mist, it vanishes at dawn, All glory be to Christ.
One thing we all should have learned during these past two years is that there is no guarantee for tomorrow. Our lives are but vapors, ready to vanish away. Some of you have experienced a loved one vanishing away recently, and our hearts goes out to you…
But in the middle of all the difficulties, God is still God and His good character has not changed. I don’t know how we could ever move forward in this life without the assurance of that fact.
There were a few events of note this past December: Hope Haitian Choir gathered for a reunion at our house after Christmas. You can see in the picture, they are standing on ice, some for the first time. A crack was heard and they all went scrambling!
Another event was a beautiful Christmas party celebration in Lamarre, sponsored by our church here in Boothbay, a donor in NJ, and various others in Haiti. It was a wonderful time, with lots of food, soda, and gifts. All the children look forward to this special time every year.
And lastly, another fundraiser here in Boothbay brought in about 2K to purchase Bibles for those in Haiti who have probably never owned one. The church is seeing new people giving their lives to Christ most every week, so Bibles are very necessary for growth in the Lord!
Many of you have been so supportive, and we are very grateful.
Our greatest need as always is prayer.
**Three months ago, one of our donors funded a well to be dug in Lamarre. Unfortunately, because of the insecurity in Port au Prince, Jacques has not been able to even get to the office to complete the paperwork.
**Also, we just recently were able to purchase some land adjacent to the school campus, but there is no money yet to develop it, nor funds to build the next big projects: a high school and housing for some of the teachers.
**And please pray for Pastor Obias, who needed to come to the US to rest and to get some medical attention.
**We would appreciate your prayers for us as well. There are always decisions to make, and we as a board want to be listening to God’s heartbeat and not our own.
We pray for you as well, that you have a good year ahead, controlled by the certain promises of God!
Holding on to Jesus,
Barb and Chuck

November 12, 2021
The other night I was on the phone with Widgy in Haiti. (See picture of Widgy and a food packet) Some of you may remember him from our tours – he was our young sound guy. We talked for a long time, but what impressed me most was his positive spirit. I asked him to write down some of what he said. These are the words he wrote:
“How are you still able to smile despite all this?” I was asked; and I answered, “Why wouldn’t I?”
In reality, there were hundreds of reasons why my smile could have vanished from my lips: Kidnapping, activities of gangs, rarity of essence, lockdown and so on… but according to science and the Bible, I’m only on this planet for less than a hundred years. What is this compared to eternity? The eternity that awaits after my death. An eternity of joy and happiness which Jesus has promised me.
So yes! Things in Haiti are even worse than what is being said on the news, but God is the reason why I will never lose hope!
If you’ve been reading or listening to the news as I have, you know some of the difficulties Haitians are facing every day. What is more difficult for us is knowing that the people who are suffering are our friends and family. We have been SO grateful to the many who have made online donations recently to help feed the choir. Many of the donations have already been sent to Haiti and food has been bought. Some has already been given out, but please pray that the rest can be safely delivered to the kids and their families this Saturday. It is so desperately needed, but it is so desperately insecure. Please pray too for other necessities like gas and water, and continued communication.
While Port au Prince is seemingly at a standstill, School of Hope and the church, Eglise Biblique Espoir de Lamarre, are still going strong. I got a count a month ago and we had 386 students at school. The challenges there are still great, as some of these kids are older and have had little if any schooling. But there are blessings – such as a new building available for classes, and a recently-purchased piece of flat land for a future high school and soccer field. You and others have made this possible!
I strongly encourage you to check out the school’s Facebook page for Lamarre. As you know, our campus is the home for a Compassion International child development center. Here’s the link: https://www.facebook.com/espoirdelamarre There’s a lot to see!
Thanks to so many of you who are sponsoring a child in Lamarre, whether through Compassion or through us. All of your donations help to raise children physically and spiritually.
The choir kids who stayed in the states are still waiting for temporary protected status approval. There is some activity for a few of them, but none for the others. We keep praying for a fulfillment of this 18-month special opportunity!
For those of you who live near our headquarters in Boothbay, ME, we will be having a Christmas tree fundraiser beginning the week of Thanksgiving. If you’d like to reserve a tree, just let us know!
May God grant you peace and security that can only come through Him!
Always giving thanks,
The other night I was on the phone with Widgy in Haiti. (See picture of Widgy and a food packet) Some of you may remember him from our tours – he was our young sound guy. We talked for a long time, but what impressed me most was his positive spirit. I asked him to write down some of what he said. These are the words he wrote:
“How are you still able to smile despite all this?” I was asked; and I answered, “Why wouldn’t I?”
In reality, there were hundreds of reasons why my smile could have vanished from my lips: Kidnapping, activities of gangs, rarity of essence, lockdown and so on… but according to science and the Bible, I’m only on this planet for less than a hundred years. What is this compared to eternity? The eternity that awaits after my death. An eternity of joy and happiness which Jesus has promised me.
So yes! Things in Haiti are even worse than what is being said on the news, but God is the reason why I will never lose hope!
If you’ve been reading or listening to the news as I have, you know some of the difficulties Haitians are facing every day. What is more difficult for us is knowing that the people who are suffering are our friends and family. We have been SO grateful to the many who have made online donations recently to help feed the choir. Many of the donations have already been sent to Haiti and food has been bought. Some has already been given out, but please pray that the rest can be safely delivered to the kids and their families this Saturday. It is so desperately needed, but it is so desperately insecure. Please pray too for other necessities like gas and water, and continued communication.
While Port au Prince is seemingly at a standstill, School of Hope and the church, Eglise Biblique Espoir de Lamarre, are still going strong. I got a count a month ago and we had 386 students at school. The challenges there are still great, as some of these kids are older and have had little if any schooling. But there are blessings – such as a new building available for classes, and a recently-purchased piece of flat land for a future high school and soccer field. You and others have made this possible!
I strongly encourage you to check out the school’s Facebook page for Lamarre. As you know, our campus is the home for a Compassion International child development center. Here’s the link: https://www.facebook.com/espoirdelamarre There’s a lot to see!
Thanks to so many of you who are sponsoring a child in Lamarre, whether through Compassion or through us. All of your donations help to raise children physically and spiritually.
The choir kids who stayed in the states are still waiting for temporary protected status approval. There is some activity for a few of them, but none for the others. We keep praying for a fulfillment of this 18-month special opportunity!
For those of you who live near our headquarters in Boothbay, ME, we will be having a Christmas tree fundraiser beginning the week of Thanksgiving. If you’d like to reserve a tree, just let us know!
May God grant you peace and security that can only come through Him!
Always giving thanks,

October 4, 2021
“The works of His hands are truth and justice; all His precepts are sure. They are upheld forever and ever” Psalm 111:7,8
A friend called me the other day just to hear my thoughts concerning the plight of the Haitians and all the horrible things she was hearing in the news. I was glad for the call because once again I had the chance to direct her eyes to God who can give “a garland instead of ashes,” and “the oil of gladness instead of mourning”. (Isaiah 61:3)
Are things in Haiti really as bad as most people are hearing? Absolutely, things are difficult and dangerous. Last week, our church was praying for a family there – a deacon was murdered in church and his wife kidnapped. So while the kids were planning a funeral for their dad, they were at the same time negotiating the release of their mom. Thankfully, late last week, she was released back to her family.
But in the middle of our prayers for her, I received a text from one of our former choir members, Jude Simon, who had designed a tee shirt that represented another side of the Haitian plight…”N’ap Keep going” which means “we keep going”!
I’ve met so many Haitians who persevere with joy, knowing their God is still good and will supply all their needs until that day when all suffering will end.
Here is some more news of hope!
Hope Haitian Choir 2021 is still here in the states! Their host families are true blessings to them and they in turn are blessing their host families! Some are playing soccer, some singing in school choirs, some taking field trips, and all learning English and gaining new friends. What a beautiful miracle we are observing! I’ve included a picture of our oldest grandson and Nerla before soccer practice.
Meanwhile, in Lamarre, Haiti, God is performing miracles there as well. The enrollment began this year at 370 with classes going up through grade 7. A new classroom building was just completed, and the purchase of an adjacent piece of land is almost complete. We also received a generous donation from a friend in Texas who by God’s leading decided to invest in a well and pumping station for the area!
And it doesn’t stop there! We don’t know where this began, but all-of-a-sudden we started getting notifications from Givelify (an online giving platform) that people were giving donations mostly to help feed the choir. It started in the middle of August and still continues! To this point, almost 10K dollars has been raised! It couldn’t come at a better time. Even though there are eight 2021 members now here in the states, there are many more still in Haiti who need support. Thank you to whomever was led to share a link for HHM. Many will be encouraged and helped!
Please continue to pray for our Haitian neighbors and friends, that God will give them wisdom, power, strength, joy, and hope through Jesus as they persevere and move each day closer to their eternal homes…
Remember to keep looking upward!
“The works of His hands are truth and justice; all His precepts are sure. They are upheld forever and ever” Psalm 111:7,8
A friend called me the other day just to hear my thoughts concerning the plight of the Haitians and all the horrible things she was hearing in the news. I was glad for the call because once again I had the chance to direct her eyes to God who can give “a garland instead of ashes,” and “the oil of gladness instead of mourning”. (Isaiah 61:3)
Are things in Haiti really as bad as most people are hearing? Absolutely, things are difficult and dangerous. Last week, our church was praying for a family there – a deacon was murdered in church and his wife kidnapped. So while the kids were planning a funeral for their dad, they were at the same time negotiating the release of their mom. Thankfully, late last week, she was released back to her family.
But in the middle of our prayers for her, I received a text from one of our former choir members, Jude Simon, who had designed a tee shirt that represented another side of the Haitian plight…”N’ap Keep going” which means “we keep going”!
I’ve met so many Haitians who persevere with joy, knowing their God is still good and will supply all their needs until that day when all suffering will end.
Here is some more news of hope!
Hope Haitian Choir 2021 is still here in the states! Their host families are true blessings to them and they in turn are blessing their host families! Some are playing soccer, some singing in school choirs, some taking field trips, and all learning English and gaining new friends. What a beautiful miracle we are observing! I’ve included a picture of our oldest grandson and Nerla before soccer practice.
Meanwhile, in Lamarre, Haiti, God is performing miracles there as well. The enrollment began this year at 370 with classes going up through grade 7. A new classroom building was just completed, and the purchase of an adjacent piece of land is almost complete. We also received a generous donation from a friend in Texas who by God’s leading decided to invest in a well and pumping station for the area!
And it doesn’t stop there! We don’t know where this began, but all-of-a-sudden we started getting notifications from Givelify (an online giving platform) that people were giving donations mostly to help feed the choir. It started in the middle of August and still continues! To this point, almost 10K dollars has been raised! It couldn’t come at a better time. Even though there are eight 2021 members now here in the states, there are many more still in Haiti who need support. Thank you to whomever was led to share a link for HHM. Many will be encouraged and helped!
Please continue to pray for our Haitian neighbors and friends, that God will give them wisdom, power, strength, joy, and hope through Jesus as they persevere and move each day closer to their eternal homes…
Remember to keep looking upward!

Dear friends, I wrote this email update last Friday before the earthquake on Saturday morning. I wanted to let everyone know that no one we know of related to our ministry has been hurt. But some properties have been damaged and some destroyed. We are so grateful to God for saving many lives, but we mourn for those who have been lost. We are realizing more and more how important it is to know our Savior Jesus Christ. He is and always will be our only secure HOPE!
August 14, 2021
“Who can utter the mighty deeds of the Lord, or declare all His praise?” Psalm 106:2
How can we possibly express our gratefulness to God for all He has done over these past three weeks!? It has been a whirlwind tour, and surprises were all along the way. As you can see in the picture, our friends at Shrewsbury Presbyterian Church gave us beautiful tee shirts saying “HOPE can’t be stopped 2021 Tour”. Love them!
A day before this concert, we visited Color Street in Totowa, NJ. Fa Park and his company have been very generous to Hope Haitian over the years and this time was no exception as they gave us a check for 10K! We’ve been trying to purchase a piece of land in Lamarre in order to have space for a new high school as well as a soccer field, but we were short 10K…Hmmm – God cares about the details! (As you can see in the picture, our HHM board member, Rich, is receiving the check)
Another special moment was our Haitian meal delivery on August 8th. It had been arranged that a new Haitian restaurant in town would cook us some food to be ready when the kids arrived in Montvale, NJ that afternoon. When Nesle and his family showed up for the delivery, they saw our kids with Haitian flags on their uniforms and wanted to know why. We explained and he was moved. Shortly after that moment, he returned with one keyboard, a violin, a saxophone, 4 guitars, and $350! He was so touched by the mission of these kids, that he was crying. We prayed together, and later, he returned for the concert that evening. What a God moment that was…
The biggest news came on July 30th. As you may know, the situation in Haiti has significantly deteriorated over the past several months, compromising security and food supply. Knowing our kids’ individual circumstances, we were not looking forward to having them return. One of our HHC members, Alex, was keeping updated on news and learned that our government posted a new statement that any Haitian who arrived in the US before July 29th and stayed was able to apply for TPS (Temporary Protected Status ). All of the choir arrived before July 29th. In short, I cancelled all the return tickets except for our adult chaperone, and we are applying for all of them to stay. So many have stepped forward to take in one or two of them. Please pray for these young people and their families as they all adjust to very different lifestyles and situations.
If you would like to make a donation to the ministry, remember that none of the money goes to us. Nobody on our board gets paid. It all goes to the Haitians.
We are grateful for all the other meals, snack bags, and special gifts that were given to the kids. They really appreciated them! We were also thankful for our point people in the churches, for our host families, and especially for our God and His provision and power that were expressed every day. May He multiply His message and draw many to Himself.
Now onward to next year!
Hope can’t be stopped because it’s God we receive!!

July 16, 2021
**Hi, my name is Alex Antoine.
I came early this year to help with the preparation of the tour, getting everything done on time,
and by God’s grace everything is going as planned so far.
This year probably won’t be the easiest of all, already because of all that is happening in Haiti right now and other difficulties that we might be facing, but those won’t stop us from sharing God’s gospel, Joy, Hope with everyone we can.
This year we’re not going to have 16 kids as we used to do, because the others weren’t able to renew their visas as the US embassy is closed. So for the first time the Hope Haitian Choir will have to perform with 10 courageous and faithful kids. There’s already 3 in the US (me being part of them) and 7 who are actually in Haiti waiting for the date to come.**
Praise God that Alex was able to get out of the country before they locked it down on Wednesday, July 7th, hours after their president was assassinated. And praise God that the country has again reopened, paving the way for eight others to fly here this Tuesday. We are looking forward to year #9 – with a little bit of extra angst but with an assurance that God has not, and will not leave His throne even for a moment.
Our plan is to practice here in Boothbay for the first nine days, allowing for a time of quarantine. This is the first time they have practiced for several weeks, so we all have a lot of work ahead of us! We are so grateful to the American Legion here in Boothbay for allowing us to use their building during that time.
On another note, the building in Haiti is getting closer to completion. Obias sent some pictures today of the roof prep work, as well as an updated picture of the building.
We do hope to see many of you over the next 3 weeks. Thank you in advance for any prayers you may offer for us and for the many who will, by God’s grace, have the chance to be encouraged and challenged through Hope Haitian Choir!
HHC 2021 Tour Schedule
July 30 at 7:00pm: The Anchor Church, Rockport, ME
July 31 at 6:00pm: New Hope Baptist Church, Dexter, ME
August 1 at 10:00am: Centerpoint Church, Waterville, ME
August 1 at 6:00pm: BRCF, Boothbay, ME (concert at Boothbay Common)
August 2 at 6:30pm: Farmington Baptist Church, Farmington, ME
August 3 at 7:00pm: Veracity Chapel, Morrill, ME
August 5 at 7:00pm: Grace Fellowship Church, N. Stonington, CT
August 6 at 7:00pm: Congregational Church of Eastford, Eastford, CT
August 7 at 7:00pm: Sacandaga Bible Conference, Broadalbin, NY
August 8: Montvale Evangelical Free Church, Montvale, NJ
August 9 at 6:30pm: Grace Fellowship Church, Milford, NJ
August 10: Presbyterian Church at Shrewsbury, Shrewsbury, NJ
May our God who never changes receive all the glory!!
**Hi, my name is Alex Antoine.
I came early this year to help with the preparation of the tour, getting everything done on time,
and by God’s grace everything is going as planned so far.
This year probably won’t be the easiest of all, already because of all that is happening in Haiti right now and other difficulties that we might be facing, but those won’t stop us from sharing God’s gospel, Joy, Hope with everyone we can.
This year we’re not going to have 16 kids as we used to do, because the others weren’t able to renew their visas as the US embassy is closed. So for the first time the Hope Haitian Choir will have to perform with 10 courageous and faithful kids. There’s already 3 in the US (me being part of them) and 7 who are actually in Haiti waiting for the date to come.**
Praise God that Alex was able to get out of the country before they locked it down on Wednesday, July 7th, hours after their president was assassinated. And praise God that the country has again reopened, paving the way for eight others to fly here this Tuesday. We are looking forward to year #9 – with a little bit of extra angst but with an assurance that God has not, and will not leave His throne even for a moment.
Our plan is to practice here in Boothbay for the first nine days, allowing for a time of quarantine. This is the first time they have practiced for several weeks, so we all have a lot of work ahead of us! We are so grateful to the American Legion here in Boothbay for allowing us to use their building during that time.
On another note, the building in Haiti is getting closer to completion. Obias sent some pictures today of the roof prep work, as well as an updated picture of the building.
We do hope to see many of you over the next 3 weeks. Thank you in advance for any prayers you may offer for us and for the many who will, by God’s grace, have the chance to be encouraged and challenged through Hope Haitian Choir!
HHC 2021 Tour Schedule
July 30 at 7:00pm: The Anchor Church, Rockport, ME
July 31 at 6:00pm: New Hope Baptist Church, Dexter, ME
August 1 at 10:00am: Centerpoint Church, Waterville, ME
August 1 at 6:00pm: BRCF, Boothbay, ME (concert at Boothbay Common)
August 2 at 6:30pm: Farmington Baptist Church, Farmington, ME
August 3 at 7:00pm: Veracity Chapel, Morrill, ME
August 5 at 7:00pm: Grace Fellowship Church, N. Stonington, CT
August 6 at 7:00pm: Congregational Church of Eastford, Eastford, CT
August 7 at 7:00pm: Sacandaga Bible Conference, Broadalbin, NY
August 8: Montvale Evangelical Free Church, Montvale, NJ
August 9 at 6:30pm: Grace Fellowship Church, Milford, NJ
August 10: Presbyterian Church at Shrewsbury, Shrewsbury, NJ
May our God who never changes receive all the glory!!

June 9, 2021
The Hope Haitian Choir Tour
is on!!
After countless hours of discussion and lost sleep, along with lots of prayer, we have decided to move forward and trust that God has a mission for Hope Haitian Choir this summer. We plan to bring the young people who still have valid visas, which is only nine or ten at this point…and the tour will be two weeks shorter. Never before can I remember a time when our country needed hope as much as it does now. And every year I wonder if it might be the last. Here is the tentative schedule so far: https://www.hopehaitian.com/tour-schedule.html. We’re still looking to fill a few more spots, so let us know if you’d like the choir to come.
Now on to Lamarre!
The next school building is going up quickly! As of this writing, the first floor is erected as you can see in the picture and the second floor is on its way. This building will add four more classrooms.
While Chuck and I were down in March, we got a chance to look at another piece of land adjacent to ours. It’s flat and would be a welcome addition as it could provide space for a high school and soccer field. Our current land is pretty well maxed out. The price is mind-boggling at 50K for less than 2 acres. We are still negotiating and hoping to come to an agreement soon.
The last time I wrote to you all, I asked for specific prayer for the UEBH campus in Port au Prince, Haiti…a place where Hope Haitian Choir has called home for the past 9 years. But as you may recall, it was taken over by gang members about a year ago, and many had to relocate, including our friend Jacques and his family. Thank you to those of you who were praying. I just received an update from Jacques. Here is part of his report with a picture - Jacques is leading in the darker blue shirt.
On May 20, a group of about 300 people from the UEBH office, STEP, Maranatha, the Bolosse church, and members of the community gathered for worship and prayer on the Bolosse Campus while armed gang members were walking and driving by. We asked the Lord to liberate our campus occupied by the armed gang members. As we were closing our prayer and worship time on campus, we decided to walk around the campus, singing hymns and praying together.
As we passed through the area where I used to live on campus, we encountered several heavily armed gang members. We observed that the campus guesthouse generally used for visitors and work teams was occupied by unwanted visitors. It became some kind of headquarters for the gang members.
But what got my attention the most is that while we were moving closer to the gang members, some of them were fleeing not wanting us to see their faces. Others bowed their heads or pulled their caps down with their guns on their laps or on the ground. A few of us stopped to tell the gang members we were praying for them and that Jesus loves them. We praise God that no one was aggressive. The Word of God was more powerful than the guns of gangs.
Our desire is to get back to campus to resume all our activities, but we don’t see it happening soon. Getting the Campus back to its normal use doesn’t seem to be for tomorrow. We need to make an alternative plan like renting or buying a place where we can establish the UEBH office. Would you join us in praying that the Holy Spirit will provide all the necessary wisdom, courage and resources to do His work?
We are in need of those who will pray for the items mentioned in this letter. We have an all-knowing, all-powerful God who sees our needs and desires, and He alone can do the impossible.
Thank you for partnering with us in this mission!
For His glory,
The Hope Haitian Choir Tour
is on!!
After countless hours of discussion and lost sleep, along with lots of prayer, we have decided to move forward and trust that God has a mission for Hope Haitian Choir this summer. We plan to bring the young people who still have valid visas, which is only nine or ten at this point…and the tour will be two weeks shorter. Never before can I remember a time when our country needed hope as much as it does now. And every year I wonder if it might be the last. Here is the tentative schedule so far: https://www.hopehaitian.com/tour-schedule.html. We’re still looking to fill a few more spots, so let us know if you’d like the choir to come.
Now on to Lamarre!
The next school building is going up quickly! As of this writing, the first floor is erected as you can see in the picture and the second floor is on its way. This building will add four more classrooms.
While Chuck and I were down in March, we got a chance to look at another piece of land adjacent to ours. It’s flat and would be a welcome addition as it could provide space for a high school and soccer field. Our current land is pretty well maxed out. The price is mind-boggling at 50K for less than 2 acres. We are still negotiating and hoping to come to an agreement soon.
The last time I wrote to you all, I asked for specific prayer for the UEBH campus in Port au Prince, Haiti…a place where Hope Haitian Choir has called home for the past 9 years. But as you may recall, it was taken over by gang members about a year ago, and many had to relocate, including our friend Jacques and his family. Thank you to those of you who were praying. I just received an update from Jacques. Here is part of his report with a picture - Jacques is leading in the darker blue shirt.
On May 20, a group of about 300 people from the UEBH office, STEP, Maranatha, the Bolosse church, and members of the community gathered for worship and prayer on the Bolosse Campus while armed gang members were walking and driving by. We asked the Lord to liberate our campus occupied by the armed gang members. As we were closing our prayer and worship time on campus, we decided to walk around the campus, singing hymns and praying together.
As we passed through the area where I used to live on campus, we encountered several heavily armed gang members. We observed that the campus guesthouse generally used for visitors and work teams was occupied by unwanted visitors. It became some kind of headquarters for the gang members.
But what got my attention the most is that while we were moving closer to the gang members, some of them were fleeing not wanting us to see their faces. Others bowed their heads or pulled their caps down with their guns on their laps or on the ground. A few of us stopped to tell the gang members we were praying for them and that Jesus loves them. We praise God that no one was aggressive. The Word of God was more powerful than the guns of gangs.
Our desire is to get back to campus to resume all our activities, but we don’t see it happening soon. Getting the Campus back to its normal use doesn’t seem to be for tomorrow. We need to make an alternative plan like renting or buying a place where we can establish the UEBH office. Would you join us in praying that the Holy Spirit will provide all the necessary wisdom, courage and resources to do His work?
We are in need of those who will pray for the items mentioned in this letter. We have an all-knowing, all-powerful God who sees our needs and desires, and He alone can do the impossible.
Thank you for partnering with us in this mission!
For His glory,

April 4, 2021
Last Thursday morning, Chuck and I returned from a week in Haiti – a last-minute trip while the window of opportunity was open. Our tickets had been bought weeks before, but the timing was uncertain. COVID, security issues, and then on top of that, our 39-year-old son-in-law Daniel had a major heart attack on March 18. Some were advising us not to go, but there was a seemingly strong call from God saying now was the time. So after things were settled on the home front, with a huge amount of help for Daniel through a church family, neighbors and his coworkers, we decided to start packing.
Only a few of our friends and family knew we were gone – which was fine with us, as the security problems in Haiti are such that we needed to keep a low profile. We were so blessed to be under the wings of our great God, beginning with an unexpected police escort away from the airport in Port au Prince! Our hosts were cautious, wise, and protective.
The first two days were spent at the church and school campus in Lamarre. Two years had passed since the last visit. And even though we had seen pictures, being there brought God’s glorious Spirit alive. We were able to watch our teachers in action as well as have some good conversations with some of them and the administrative staff. It couldn’t have been better timing, as we had just learned on our trip down that our ministry had received a significant grant from the Protein Foundation, an organization based in Portland, ME, and we wanted to get input on what were seen as the highest priorities.
After classes ended on Friday, there was a special ceremony to give out gifts for the best class of “cleaners”, and each of the parents was presented a small “portfolio” of the children’s work from the previous semester. We got pictures with almost all of our sponsored kids, and even were able to visit some of their homes and families. We saw firsthand where the next building will go – a project soon to begin by the grace of God and made possible by support from Color Street and Initech Inc. in NJ. The plan is for four additional and much-needed classrooms, providing more space for the ever-increasing numbers and the addition of seventh grade this fall. These teachers have a lot of responsibility! One of the kindergarten classes has 39 children, and another 35! We are so blessed that they are dedicated and talented, keeping the learning alive and fun!
On Friday evening, we showed the new animated version of Pilgrim’s Progress (in French). We highly recommend it! We also were able to pass along LOTS of homemade shorts, vests, and dresses, thanks to Lorrie and Anne, as well as several clown items from our friend Marlene.
Early on Saturday, we headed back to Port au Prince to work with the choir each day until Wednesday. Several of our friends in Haiti pitched in and made this last-minute plan come together. So many thanks go to Jacques, Francesse, Obias, Quisqueya Chapel and others. Although in the past, we normally would have had at least 25-30 choir members, this time there were only 15-20. But they were there! As always, practice was intense and profitable. Oh how good it was to see them all! Every time, I am amazed all over again at how well they sing and dance, and, how dedicated they are to serving Christ in this way. We are still praying about this summer, but it is looking more and more hopeful! May God remove the obstacles so the tour can take place. We now have 7 church confirmations, and I feel certain that, more than any other year, we need the hope that only Jesus can offer and these kids can present!
Can we come to your town? Send an email to [email protected] letting me know!
Our friends in Haiti surely need our prayers. During one of the choir breaks, Chuck asked the kids what their greatest concerns were. One voice represented many: “when my dad leaves in the morning, I don’t know if he’ll come back.” The threat of kidnapping and insecurity continues, so much so that the kids don’t even wear their school uniforms for fear of being identified, and phone calls are made more often to give assurance that someone made it home safely. Others were worried about having enough food to eat. Life there is certainly not easy. But one thing we know for sure is that, even though this earthly life is uncertain, our God is not!
All glory to God through Jesus who has risen from the dead!! Hallelujah!
Last Thursday morning, Chuck and I returned from a week in Haiti – a last-minute trip while the window of opportunity was open. Our tickets had been bought weeks before, but the timing was uncertain. COVID, security issues, and then on top of that, our 39-year-old son-in-law Daniel had a major heart attack on March 18. Some were advising us not to go, but there was a seemingly strong call from God saying now was the time. So after things were settled on the home front, with a huge amount of help for Daniel through a church family, neighbors and his coworkers, we decided to start packing.
Only a few of our friends and family knew we were gone – which was fine with us, as the security problems in Haiti are such that we needed to keep a low profile. We were so blessed to be under the wings of our great God, beginning with an unexpected police escort away from the airport in Port au Prince! Our hosts were cautious, wise, and protective.
The first two days were spent at the church and school campus in Lamarre. Two years had passed since the last visit. And even though we had seen pictures, being there brought God’s glorious Spirit alive. We were able to watch our teachers in action as well as have some good conversations with some of them and the administrative staff. It couldn’t have been better timing, as we had just learned on our trip down that our ministry had received a significant grant from the Protein Foundation, an organization based in Portland, ME, and we wanted to get input on what were seen as the highest priorities.
After classes ended on Friday, there was a special ceremony to give out gifts for the best class of “cleaners”, and each of the parents was presented a small “portfolio” of the children’s work from the previous semester. We got pictures with almost all of our sponsored kids, and even were able to visit some of their homes and families. We saw firsthand where the next building will go – a project soon to begin by the grace of God and made possible by support from Color Street and Initech Inc. in NJ. The plan is for four additional and much-needed classrooms, providing more space for the ever-increasing numbers and the addition of seventh grade this fall. These teachers have a lot of responsibility! One of the kindergarten classes has 39 children, and another 35! We are so blessed that they are dedicated and talented, keeping the learning alive and fun!
On Friday evening, we showed the new animated version of Pilgrim’s Progress (in French). We highly recommend it! We also were able to pass along LOTS of homemade shorts, vests, and dresses, thanks to Lorrie and Anne, as well as several clown items from our friend Marlene.
Early on Saturday, we headed back to Port au Prince to work with the choir each day until Wednesday. Several of our friends in Haiti pitched in and made this last-minute plan come together. So many thanks go to Jacques, Francesse, Obias, Quisqueya Chapel and others. Although in the past, we normally would have had at least 25-30 choir members, this time there were only 15-20. But they were there! As always, practice was intense and profitable. Oh how good it was to see them all! Every time, I am amazed all over again at how well they sing and dance, and, how dedicated they are to serving Christ in this way. We are still praying about this summer, but it is looking more and more hopeful! May God remove the obstacles so the tour can take place. We now have 7 church confirmations, and I feel certain that, more than any other year, we need the hope that only Jesus can offer and these kids can present!
Can we come to your town? Send an email to [email protected] letting me know!
Our friends in Haiti surely need our prayers. During one of the choir breaks, Chuck asked the kids what their greatest concerns were. One voice represented many: “when my dad leaves in the morning, I don’t know if he’ll come back.” The threat of kidnapping and insecurity continues, so much so that the kids don’t even wear their school uniforms for fear of being identified, and phone calls are made more often to give assurance that someone made it home safely. Others were worried about having enough food to eat. Life there is certainly not easy. But one thing we know for sure is that, even though this earthly life is uncertain, our God is not!
All glory to God through Jesus who has risen from the dead!! Hallelujah!

March 10, 2021
The apostle Paul makes this unbelievable statement in 2 Corinthians 7:4…
“I am overflowing with joy in all our affliction.”
How can this be??
But I see it in the smiles and laughter of our choir as they practice amidst very difficult circumstances. Haiti is experiencing increasingly widespread and unpredictable kidnappings, robberies, and violence. A couple of our friends described it to us as a pressure cooker ready to explode. I encourage you to follow the news there and thank God for giving so many the courage and strength, joy and hope as they try to move ahead with their lives.
We are preparing for a summer concert tour. Normally, we do 7 concerts a week for 4 weeks, but at this point, we only have 4 churches committed to having us. The choir may also look different this summer, as we only have about 10 who still have visas and could come. Our plan is to travel in a 12-passenger van with a U-Haul behind us. So instead of having 18-20 needing housing and food each day, there would be only 12.
**Would your church be interested in having us come? The tour would again be during the month of August. Here’s more information on what’s involved: https://www.hopehaitian.com/tour-schedule.html
If you are interested, please contact me as soon as possible!
By the end of this week, the new building in Lamarre should begin construction, adding 4 desperately needed classrooms for a school that seems to be bursting with eager children! Being a teacher myself, I can appreciate even more our godly teachers there who continue to work hard and creatively with the tools they have and the many children for whom they are responsible.
The church in Lamarre is also becoming full each Sunday, and is continually experiencing a strong movement of the Holy Spirit. Each week, there are more people giving their hearts to the Lordship of Christ. This has always been our hope and now is our joy!
A big thank you to two ladies who made oodles of shorts for our young guys at School of Hope…can’t wait to see them on them!!
To God be all the glory!!
Until next time,
The apostle Paul makes this unbelievable statement in 2 Corinthians 7:4…
“I am overflowing with joy in all our affliction.”
How can this be??
But I see it in the smiles and laughter of our choir as they practice amidst very difficult circumstances. Haiti is experiencing increasingly widespread and unpredictable kidnappings, robberies, and violence. A couple of our friends described it to us as a pressure cooker ready to explode. I encourage you to follow the news there and thank God for giving so many the courage and strength, joy and hope as they try to move ahead with their lives.
We are preparing for a summer concert tour. Normally, we do 7 concerts a week for 4 weeks, but at this point, we only have 4 churches committed to having us. The choir may also look different this summer, as we only have about 10 who still have visas and could come. Our plan is to travel in a 12-passenger van with a U-Haul behind us. So instead of having 18-20 needing housing and food each day, there would be only 12.
**Would your church be interested in having us come? The tour would again be during the month of August. Here’s more information on what’s involved: https://www.hopehaitian.com/tour-schedule.html
If you are interested, please contact me as soon as possible!
By the end of this week, the new building in Lamarre should begin construction, adding 4 desperately needed classrooms for a school that seems to be bursting with eager children! Being a teacher myself, I can appreciate even more our godly teachers there who continue to work hard and creatively with the tools they have and the many children for whom they are responsible.
The church in Lamarre is also becoming full each Sunday, and is continually experiencing a strong movement of the Holy Spirit. Each week, there are more people giving their hearts to the Lordship of Christ. This has always been our hope and now is our joy!
A big thank you to two ladies who made oodles of shorts for our young guys at School of Hope…can’t wait to see them on them!!
To God be all the glory!!
Until next time,
February 4, 2021: Thank you to all our 2020 donors!!

December 23, 2020
“Chains shall He break, for the slave is our brother” (from O Holy Night)
These words seemed poignant as two of our Haitians sang with me up front at church Sunday evening. Several years ago, this never would have happened. With all the racial tension in our country this past year, we can proclaim that in Jesus’ eyes, “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” Galatians 3:28 As a matter of fact, Jesus broke the Pharisee’s rules and gave worth to all, something unheard of in His day.
I can never be grateful enough for all the blessings we have received from knowing and helping these beautiful people from Haiti. They give me hope when so much screams “hopeless”.
On Monday, School of Hope began celebrating the birth of Jesus with a special Christmas dinner. Altogether now, the enrollment is over 350 students! I can’t imagine feeding that many – every day!! But they do. How can this possibly be when just 4 years ago, we started with 31! I know the answer…
Only God… can motivate so many great teachers and administrators to serve in Jesus’ name
Only God… can draw these children from far and wide to come and learn
Only God… can move people like you to donate gifts, supporting the work in Lamarre
Only God… can move in people’s hearts to pray for His kingdom to grow and prosper
Only God…but thank you for letting Him speak through YOU!
Our hearts were especially moved this week as we received a remarkable answer to prayer on Wednesday evening. Just two days previous our Hope Haitian board was meeting through Zoom and we discussed and prayed about the desperate need we had for more space at the school. One of the classes actually has 49 kids in it….and the classrooms are very small. The need was great, but we didn’t have the funds to build. Two companies came through, and combined, they donated 40K for this purpose! Thanks to the Color Street Foundation that gave 25K and to Initech that gave 15K. This is enough to move ahead with the building!!
You might be interested in this video put together by Color Street, which announces their donation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJFPVF3pqw8 I also share with you a picture of Obias’ daughter leading Children’s Church in Lamarre, which is averaging close to 100 children a week!
In the meantime, in Port au Prince, life has been challenging as well. The news reports an average of 4 kidnappings a day – random evil acts for ransom money. It seems most everyone is scared to leave home. The virus is still around, and it has created its problems as well. Also, the UEBH campus again has become unsafe and unusable, for the gangs are now occupying the space and seemingly doing what they want.
But, Hope Haitian Choir has been able by God’s grace to meet together 2-3 times recently at a local church, for which we are grateful. We are looking ahead to the summer. At the moment, the US Embassy is not open to renew visas or get new ones, so there are only 8 choir members who could return for the tour this summer. With things as they are, we may try to do just that…come with 8. Praying…
A BIG thank you to those who have supported our solar panel fund!! We were able to send down $1500 to build two systems. Hallelujah!
May you have a blessed Christmas filled with all that God intended us to have – a new and wonderful life through the gift of His son Jesus,
P.S. The Trade School is scheduled to open in January! More news on that coming soon.
“Chains shall He break, for the slave is our brother” (from O Holy Night)
These words seemed poignant as two of our Haitians sang with me up front at church Sunday evening. Several years ago, this never would have happened. With all the racial tension in our country this past year, we can proclaim that in Jesus’ eyes, “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” Galatians 3:28 As a matter of fact, Jesus broke the Pharisee’s rules and gave worth to all, something unheard of in His day.
I can never be grateful enough for all the blessings we have received from knowing and helping these beautiful people from Haiti. They give me hope when so much screams “hopeless”.
On Monday, School of Hope began celebrating the birth of Jesus with a special Christmas dinner. Altogether now, the enrollment is over 350 students! I can’t imagine feeding that many – every day!! But they do. How can this possibly be when just 4 years ago, we started with 31! I know the answer…
Only God… can motivate so many great teachers and administrators to serve in Jesus’ name
Only God… can draw these children from far and wide to come and learn
Only God… can move people like you to donate gifts, supporting the work in Lamarre
Only God… can move in people’s hearts to pray for His kingdom to grow and prosper
Only God…but thank you for letting Him speak through YOU!
Our hearts were especially moved this week as we received a remarkable answer to prayer on Wednesday evening. Just two days previous our Hope Haitian board was meeting through Zoom and we discussed and prayed about the desperate need we had for more space at the school. One of the classes actually has 49 kids in it….and the classrooms are very small. The need was great, but we didn’t have the funds to build. Two companies came through, and combined, they donated 40K for this purpose! Thanks to the Color Street Foundation that gave 25K and to Initech that gave 15K. This is enough to move ahead with the building!!
You might be interested in this video put together by Color Street, which announces their donation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJFPVF3pqw8 I also share with you a picture of Obias’ daughter leading Children’s Church in Lamarre, which is averaging close to 100 children a week!
In the meantime, in Port au Prince, life has been challenging as well. The news reports an average of 4 kidnappings a day – random evil acts for ransom money. It seems most everyone is scared to leave home. The virus is still around, and it has created its problems as well. Also, the UEBH campus again has become unsafe and unusable, for the gangs are now occupying the space and seemingly doing what they want.
But, Hope Haitian Choir has been able by God’s grace to meet together 2-3 times recently at a local church, for which we are grateful. We are looking ahead to the summer. At the moment, the US Embassy is not open to renew visas or get new ones, so there are only 8 choir members who could return for the tour this summer. With things as they are, we may try to do just that…come with 8. Praying…
A BIG thank you to those who have supported our solar panel fund!! We were able to send down $1500 to build two systems. Hallelujah!
May you have a blessed Christmas filled with all that God intended us to have – a new and wonderful life through the gift of His son Jesus,
P.S. The Trade School is scheduled to open in January! More news on that coming soon.

October 21, 2020 - Hope Does Not Disappoint
"We exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance proven character; and proven character, hope;
and hope does not disappoint,
because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us." Romans 5:3-5
At the end of July, I was asking God to increase my faith. I had hope! Whenever I pray that, as the disciples did, I never know how God will answer. This time, He chose to increase my faith by saying yes to my prayers. You may remember that we had only two months financial provision for School of Hope in Haiti, our friends in Port au Prince had been without electricity for a month, and the trade school was still on hold to begin. So read on and see the wonderful things God has been doing!
Within two weeks’ time of my last update, we received enough donations to meet our educational commitments for the entire year! To those of you who were a part of that answer, thank you.
The trade school is now ready to start officially in January (woohoo!) and potential students can begin registering in November-December. Classes will include culinary arts, computer, Business/entrepreneurship and English. This is so exciting for us as it keeps us moving ahead in our goal of working ourselves out of a job by seeing the village people becoming more self-sufficient.
We still have only received $100 towards our solar panel project, but there is a promise of more to come! In the meantime, God has provided a bit more electricity for our friends there than before. If you would still like to contribute, there’s information at the bottom of this email on how to do that.
On another subject, last March we asked you to pray for the campus of UEBH (Evangelical Baptist Union of Haiti) and Jacques and Francesse and Lois, who had to leave and find another place to rent because of the insecurity there and the ongoing fighting between gangs. This week, I asked Jacques for an update on the situation. Here is his answer…
Good morning Barb
Things have calmed down in the area after the creation of a federation of gangs called G-9. So, we don't have a logical explanation for the calm and how long it will last.
STEP (The Evangelical Theological Seminary of Port-au-Prince) (see our choir picture taken last March) holds morning and afternoon classes normally. We try to make the best out of the calm we get in the area. Maranatha (School) has moved out of campus because the number of students has dropped to about 45% and there's no new registration. We rented a little house (for the school) to finish the academic year. School will resume the second week of November, and we will be trying to build temporary buildings to house the secondary part of the school on a property we acquire in the Turgeau area.
The UEBH headquarters resume activities on the campus. We don't know for how long we will have access to our offices, but we take it one day at a time.
No logical explanation for the calm! Thankfully, our God isn’t necessarily controlled by what we consider to be logical. Praise be to God for this peaceful time where the gangs are getting along. Thank you to those of you who prayed for this, and also for those who helped Jacques and Francesse with their new rental cost.
School of Hope finished their school year in September and are now into the 2020-2021 school year, which started the beginning of October.
340 children are registered and 320 are actually coming. The numbers are more than what is safe for COVID – sometimes over 40 kids in a small classroom. This is a first for me, but we have submitted a grant request, as we desperately need more learning space. Hopefully we’ll get an answer soon. Praying for God’s favor.
The church in Lamarre is also meeting, altogether now with an average of 60 adults and over 100 children. God is at work! Just recently, three locals were baptized right after two of them joined in marriage! Obias reports that there are new members joining the church almost every week. Some of his prayer requests are these:
- For open hearts to the gospel
- Stability(economic, political) in the country.
- Church needs (money for a church ceiling…whenever it’s raining, they have to stop all activities because of the sound. A ceiling would help with heat as well.)
We’re still in process on our virtual choir. Evidently, it’s difficult for the kids to record their parts so we only have 5 so far. Here’s a sneak peek! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r3WxrWcZ4ZM. They do plan to get together this Saturday, October 24 – the first time in months. Again, please join me in praying for safety surrounding this event. We are looking ahead at next summer and at this point are very uncertain about the 2021 tour. A whole lot would need to change before we undertake this again. Praying…
If you got to the end of this email, thank you for reading! We are so grateful for you, your prayers, and your support. I leave you with this verse of promise!
"But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope:
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;
His mercies never come to an end;
They are new every morning;
Great is Your faithfulness." Lamentations 3:21-23
In these turbulent days in America, may God keep you safe, give you His clarity,
and fill you with His unfailing, dependable peace,

July 29, 2020
“The apostles said to the Lord, ‘Increase our faith!’’ Luke 17:5
This has been my prayer this past week. Although life is fairly quiet and safe up here on the coast of Maine, I know our brothers and sisters in Haiti are struggling, and our brothers and sisters around this country are as well.
This week was the week the choir would have flown to the US for our 9th tour, a tour beginning in Montvale, NJ…driving to Detroit and Grand Rapids and then ending in Maine. There is absolutely no question in my mind now that we needed to cancel it. I am enjoying a restful summer with my family, but I miss the choir greatly, and I’m missing especially the opportunity to share the good news, the only true hope of Haiti – our Savior Jesus. How desperately we need that hope in our world today.
Good things are still happening in Haiti, as our pastor Obias and the leadership are still bringing food – both spiritual and physical – to a needy community. Last month, the church there celebrated their 6th year, and my, how they’ve grown. God has so blessed! And for the school, they are building new benches so fewer children can be on one bench…social distancing. We also plan to add grade 6 beginning October 5.
The choir is also receiving food packets as often as there is enough money to do that.
So increase my faith – here are the challenges:
Many of our kids and their families have not had electricity for about a month. I don’t enjoy even going a couple days here without it! One of our choir kids, Widgy, called and asked if I could help him set up a Gofundme page to raise about $600 to buy and secure a solar panel. It got me thinking. Is this something we could help with on a bigger scale? Many there could use a solar panel. But we just don’t have the funds here to do it.
Would you be willing to help?
A solar panel can not only help them to have power, it also can provide a small income as others could buy this power to charge their phones.
There is also a great challenge ahead in continuing to provide the funds necessary to keep the elementary school going – with a meal every day for the kids and teachers. We are sending down $4000 each month and our bank account at the moment can pay for only one or two months more. School is scheduled to begin August 10th.
Increase my faith! Can you help?
These are just two opportunities to help. There are others as well. Feel free to give a call or write to learn more.
We are still waiting for Compassion International to release the funds for the items needed for the trade school to begin. They are hesitant at this point because of the government’s cautions on COVID. Again, increase my faith!
I’ll end with pictures of two choir members, Landy and Carmela – beginning our next project for Facebook, a remote choir…stay tuned!
Our God is faithful and can do above and beyond all that we ask or think – Hallelujah!!
“The apostles said to the Lord, ‘Increase our faith!’’ Luke 17:5
This has been my prayer this past week. Although life is fairly quiet and safe up here on the coast of Maine, I know our brothers and sisters in Haiti are struggling, and our brothers and sisters around this country are as well.
This week was the week the choir would have flown to the US for our 9th tour, a tour beginning in Montvale, NJ…driving to Detroit and Grand Rapids and then ending in Maine. There is absolutely no question in my mind now that we needed to cancel it. I am enjoying a restful summer with my family, but I miss the choir greatly, and I’m missing especially the opportunity to share the good news, the only true hope of Haiti – our Savior Jesus. How desperately we need that hope in our world today.
Good things are still happening in Haiti, as our pastor Obias and the leadership are still bringing food – both spiritual and physical – to a needy community. Last month, the church there celebrated their 6th year, and my, how they’ve grown. God has so blessed! And for the school, they are building new benches so fewer children can be on one bench…social distancing. We also plan to add grade 6 beginning October 5.
The choir is also receiving food packets as often as there is enough money to do that.
So increase my faith – here are the challenges:
Many of our kids and their families have not had electricity for about a month. I don’t enjoy even going a couple days here without it! One of our choir kids, Widgy, called and asked if I could help him set up a Gofundme page to raise about $600 to buy and secure a solar panel. It got me thinking. Is this something we could help with on a bigger scale? Many there could use a solar panel. But we just don’t have the funds here to do it.
Would you be willing to help?
A solar panel can not only help them to have power, it also can provide a small income as others could buy this power to charge their phones.
There is also a great challenge ahead in continuing to provide the funds necessary to keep the elementary school going – with a meal every day for the kids and teachers. We are sending down $4000 each month and our bank account at the moment can pay for only one or two months more. School is scheduled to begin August 10th.
Increase my faith! Can you help?
These are just two opportunities to help. There are others as well. Feel free to give a call or write to learn more.
We are still waiting for Compassion International to release the funds for the items needed for the trade school to begin. They are hesitant at this point because of the government’s cautions on COVID. Again, increase my faith!
I’ll end with pictures of two choir members, Landy and Carmela – beginning our next project for Facebook, a remote choir…stay tuned!
Our God is faithful and can do above and beyond all that we ask or think – Hallelujah!!

June 5, 2020
Last night as my husband and I were winding down from a busy day, we heard the beautiful sound of a mini choir overhead singing “Our God is greater, our God is stronger…” by Chris Tomlin. No, we were not able to have the tour this summer, but we were blessed to have three choir members move in with us probably until school begins (we hope) in the fall. They tend to just explode into song at any random moment, and we love it – praise be to God!
Most of the choir is still in Haiti, pretty much confined to their homes. But their spirits as well are not confined nor squelched.
Check out our Facebook page. Isolation does not stop them from singing, dancing, and sharing God’s word!
Many of you have been asking about the situation in Haiti. This month, I have asked our pastor, Obias Exilus, to write a short summary of what has been happening in Lamarre since the epidemic hit Haiti in March. Here is his report!
“Like everywhere in the world, Haiti is dealing with the pandemic, nCov19. On March 19 2020, the Haitian government took their first decree to lock the country in order to prevent the virus from spreading too fast. Since then, we have schools and churches closed. At the beginning, here in Lamarre, we tried to have services with groups of ten people, but now we change the strategy as the number of persons being infected is getting higher every day. Now the larger families will gather at home to worship and pray. Only the leaders will come at church for short service on Sunday.
It’s hard to live with all these changes in our community, but we do all our best to educate our children and church members to be responsible and to take good care of themselves.
As for the school, we give home works to most of the kids, food kit monthly, and this month also we are going to hand to each family a hygiene kit (buckets and soaps to wash hands, and masks for protection).
In a sport session we have every morning with some of the kids and youth living not too far from our campus, we witnessed three souls choose God’s kingdom (Mikenson, Mylove and Myloveson). Praise God!
This week we were able to finish with a recording and video shooting project of a short video spot to educate the community and persuade the people on a higher level to follow the rules.
It is true that the situation is getting worse in Haiti, and I am sad for some of the families here in Lamarre. Life is getting more expensive and people have less jobs. How grateful we are to all our partners, donors and sponsors who are still supporting this ministry in Lamarre, particularly these kids with their parents. We also pray that God keep pouring out His blessings upon each one of you richly and protect you from this pandemic for His own glory.
For what, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? (Rom. 8:31).”
(Since the writing of this letter, I learned that many in Obias’ family and his wife’s family are sick with COVID symptoms. Some in his village have died. Please pray for them!)
Stay safe…in the arms of Jesus
Stay healthy…by living in the Word of God
Stay home…remember that heaven can be our true home if we trust in Jesus to be our Savior and Leader
Last night as my husband and I were winding down from a busy day, we heard the beautiful sound of a mini choir overhead singing “Our God is greater, our God is stronger…” by Chris Tomlin. No, we were not able to have the tour this summer, but we were blessed to have three choir members move in with us probably until school begins (we hope) in the fall. They tend to just explode into song at any random moment, and we love it – praise be to God!
Most of the choir is still in Haiti, pretty much confined to their homes. But their spirits as well are not confined nor squelched.
Check out our Facebook page. Isolation does not stop them from singing, dancing, and sharing God’s word!
Many of you have been asking about the situation in Haiti. This month, I have asked our pastor, Obias Exilus, to write a short summary of what has been happening in Lamarre since the epidemic hit Haiti in March. Here is his report!
“Like everywhere in the world, Haiti is dealing with the pandemic, nCov19. On March 19 2020, the Haitian government took their first decree to lock the country in order to prevent the virus from spreading too fast. Since then, we have schools and churches closed. At the beginning, here in Lamarre, we tried to have services with groups of ten people, but now we change the strategy as the number of persons being infected is getting higher every day. Now the larger families will gather at home to worship and pray. Only the leaders will come at church for short service on Sunday.
It’s hard to live with all these changes in our community, but we do all our best to educate our children and church members to be responsible and to take good care of themselves.
As for the school, we give home works to most of the kids, food kit monthly, and this month also we are going to hand to each family a hygiene kit (buckets and soaps to wash hands, and masks for protection).
In a sport session we have every morning with some of the kids and youth living not too far from our campus, we witnessed three souls choose God’s kingdom (Mikenson, Mylove and Myloveson). Praise God!
This week we were able to finish with a recording and video shooting project of a short video spot to educate the community and persuade the people on a higher level to follow the rules.
It is true that the situation is getting worse in Haiti, and I am sad for some of the families here in Lamarre. Life is getting more expensive and people have less jobs. How grateful we are to all our partners, donors and sponsors who are still supporting this ministry in Lamarre, particularly these kids with their parents. We also pray that God keep pouring out His blessings upon each one of you richly and protect you from this pandemic for His own glory.
For what, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? (Rom. 8:31).”
(Since the writing of this letter, I learned that many in Obias’ family and his wife’s family are sick with COVID symptoms. Some in his village have died. Please pray for them!)
Stay safe…in the arms of Jesus
Stay healthy…by living in the Word of God
Stay home…remember that heaven can be our true home if we trust in Jesus to be our Savior and Leader

April 12, 2020
“The story is the same every day
Stay safe, stay healthy, stay calm
For the virus is here and it’s not OK
To share my germs all around
Everyone’s scared, everyone’s worried
Will I be the next to succumb?
The world is just out of control
Oh no! What is now to come?
But the birds still sing
And the south winds blow
And the buds still appear in the spring
No matter the battles, surprises, or troubles
The throne is not empty
And Jesus, my LORD, is still King!”
Every morning I try to walk and pray and enjoy God’s creation. Recently, the birds have reminded me that God’s life has not changed. He is still creating the seasons; the sun still rises and sets, and the winds still blow, and no matter what it looks like here, God is still alive and well and continuing to rule.
It was about four weeks ago that we were down to only four concerts to schedule for this year’s Hope Haitian Choir tour…and it was about three weeks ago that I chose to give up calling. Maybe you’re experiencing that same quiet as we are – amazing – most all the calls we get now are from friends! What is God doing? Have you asked this question as I have? Will we still be able to have the choir tour? It seems the only answer at this point is “Wait”.
In the meantime, Haiti has also been on lockdown, not from violence this time, but from the threat of sickness, as we are. Some of the children are still able to have school online or are able to do homework from papers that get picked up at their schools periodically. Our School of Hope has been closed also. We as the HHM board, decided to financially continue as usual, sending sponsorship money so that the teachers would have income and the most vulnerable of kids would still have food. I’ve included a picture of one of our students and her mother receiving oil and rice.
The last time I wrote, I asked you to pray for Jacques and his family. Because of the insecurity around their home, they never did go back, but decided to move to a rental for the time being. This, unfortunately, will cost them an extra $5000 for the year. If you would like to help, please send your donation to Hope Haitian Ministries and we will happily send it on to them.
Hope Haitian Choir, as other groups, has not been able to be together. But the feeding program for them has continued. Thanks to Jacques and Francesse, they have arranged a way for the food packets to be available at 2-3 places around the city. I’ve also included a picture of Djoovens receiving his.
In the states, we still have six students studying online. As you can see from this newspaper clipping, our four in Maine have done exceptionally well! Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
But the big news is that our trade school in Lamarre is complete!! So many thanks go to Color Street and Initech, as well as several others who donated to this cause. We are so looking forward to filling this building with eager students who will be able to gain the skills needed to support themselves and their families.
Oh, and one more special event is occurring on Saturday, April 25th! Many of you will remember Barbie Simon. She and her finance Brandon will join together in marriage. It won’t be the wedding celebration they had initially hoped for, but according to Barbie, God has already blessed them abundantly.
May you all have a Jesus-centered Easter and be strengthened by His love and power that overcame the grave!!
“The story is the same every day
Stay safe, stay healthy, stay calm
For the virus is here and it’s not OK
To share my germs all around
Everyone’s scared, everyone’s worried
Will I be the next to succumb?
The world is just out of control
Oh no! What is now to come?
But the birds still sing
And the south winds blow
And the buds still appear in the spring
No matter the battles, surprises, or troubles
The throne is not empty
And Jesus, my LORD, is still King!”
Every morning I try to walk and pray and enjoy God’s creation. Recently, the birds have reminded me that God’s life has not changed. He is still creating the seasons; the sun still rises and sets, and the winds still blow, and no matter what it looks like here, God is still alive and well and continuing to rule.
It was about four weeks ago that we were down to only four concerts to schedule for this year’s Hope Haitian Choir tour…and it was about three weeks ago that I chose to give up calling. Maybe you’re experiencing that same quiet as we are – amazing – most all the calls we get now are from friends! What is God doing? Have you asked this question as I have? Will we still be able to have the choir tour? It seems the only answer at this point is “Wait”.
In the meantime, Haiti has also been on lockdown, not from violence this time, but from the threat of sickness, as we are. Some of the children are still able to have school online or are able to do homework from papers that get picked up at their schools periodically. Our School of Hope has been closed also. We as the HHM board, decided to financially continue as usual, sending sponsorship money so that the teachers would have income and the most vulnerable of kids would still have food. I’ve included a picture of one of our students and her mother receiving oil and rice.
The last time I wrote, I asked you to pray for Jacques and his family. Because of the insecurity around their home, they never did go back, but decided to move to a rental for the time being. This, unfortunately, will cost them an extra $5000 for the year. If you would like to help, please send your donation to Hope Haitian Ministries and we will happily send it on to them.
Hope Haitian Choir, as other groups, has not been able to be together. But the feeding program for them has continued. Thanks to Jacques and Francesse, they have arranged a way for the food packets to be available at 2-3 places around the city. I’ve also included a picture of Djoovens receiving his.
In the states, we still have six students studying online. As you can see from this newspaper clipping, our four in Maine have done exceptionally well! Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
But the big news is that our trade school in Lamarre is complete!! So many thanks go to Color Street and Initech, as well as several others who donated to this cause. We are so looking forward to filling this building with eager students who will be able to gain the skills needed to support themselves and their families.
Oh, and one more special event is occurring on Saturday, April 25th! Many of you will remember Barbie Simon. She and her finance Brandon will join together in marriage. It won’t be the wedding celebration they had initially hoped for, but according to Barbie, God has already blessed them abundantly.
May you all have a Jesus-centered Easter and be strengthened by His love and power that overcame the grave!!

March 8, 2020
“ Through Him then, let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that give thanks to His name.” Hebrews 13:15
I read this on Tuesday as I finished the book of Hebrews in my personal devotions. The sacrifice of praise? The two words don’t seem to fit. So I looked to Webster’s dictionary. Sacrifice: destruction or surrender of something for the sake of something else. In the Old Testament, some sacrifices meant something would die. That helped me to process that sometimes when I praise God, something has to die, and that something is my own will and desire.
During these past few months there have been times when praise has been a sacrifice. We haven’t always known what God has been doing, but we do know He alone is God and His ways are always right. Two days ago, some of the students and teachers from the seminary campus (where we practice with Hope Haitian Choir) were stopped and threatened outside the gate by men with guns. By God’s grace, they were able to eventually continue on their way. Also, as some of you know, we provide food to the choir members as often as the funds allow; today was supposed to be one of those times, but the food could not be purchased and delivered. I worry, but again, I praise God because He knows it all and has it under His control.
So please pray! For their safety, for God’s provision, for practice times, for a time when we can go down, (We could not go last fall, and next month is questionable as well), and for all of Haiti.
On another note, about 30 miles northeast of the capital, about 310 kids are safely able to go to school at School of Hope. There are 8 levels now, from pre K to grade 5. 31 children are still sponsored through our organization, but the rest have either been sponsored through Compassion International or are waiting for a sponsor.
The trade school is almost complete with only painting left to do. I’ve included a picture taken yesterday. As I’ve mentioned in a previous email, one of the classes has already begun!
The church, Eglise Biblique Espoir de Lamarre, is growing. Last Sunday, there were 60 adults in attendance. We pray that many more would come and hear about the life-changing message of Jesus.
A couple weeks ago, they had a youth retreat there with 150 participants from both Lamarre and Deschappelles. The theme was “Like Nehemiah, let’s rise and build the country.” It was a great experience for all and a source of motivation for the youth.
Meanwhile, our young girl Evenine (my assistant choir director) began classes at Taylor University in Indiana, majoring in music education. More students from our choir are so hoping to continue their education after high school and we are praying for God’s provision for them. One is hoping to major in physical therapy, but there is no college in Haiti that allows her to do that. We are looking ahead to this fall with open hands, wondering how God will provide, but trusting He will indeed do that. If you’d like to be a part of a student’s future education, please let us know.
May God truly bless you as you serve Him,
“ Through Him then, let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that give thanks to His name.” Hebrews 13:15
I read this on Tuesday as I finished the book of Hebrews in my personal devotions. The sacrifice of praise? The two words don’t seem to fit. So I looked to Webster’s dictionary. Sacrifice: destruction or surrender of something for the sake of something else. In the Old Testament, some sacrifices meant something would die. That helped me to process that sometimes when I praise God, something has to die, and that something is my own will and desire.
During these past few months there have been times when praise has been a sacrifice. We haven’t always known what God has been doing, but we do know He alone is God and His ways are always right. Two days ago, some of the students and teachers from the seminary campus (where we practice with Hope Haitian Choir) were stopped and threatened outside the gate by men with guns. By God’s grace, they were able to eventually continue on their way. Also, as some of you know, we provide food to the choir members as often as the funds allow; today was supposed to be one of those times, but the food could not be purchased and delivered. I worry, but again, I praise God because He knows it all and has it under His control.
So please pray! For their safety, for God’s provision, for practice times, for a time when we can go down, (We could not go last fall, and next month is questionable as well), and for all of Haiti.
On another note, about 30 miles northeast of the capital, about 310 kids are safely able to go to school at School of Hope. There are 8 levels now, from pre K to grade 5. 31 children are still sponsored through our organization, but the rest have either been sponsored through Compassion International or are waiting for a sponsor.
The trade school is almost complete with only painting left to do. I’ve included a picture taken yesterday. As I’ve mentioned in a previous email, one of the classes has already begun!
The church, Eglise Biblique Espoir de Lamarre, is growing. Last Sunday, there were 60 adults in attendance. We pray that many more would come and hear about the life-changing message of Jesus.
A couple weeks ago, they had a youth retreat there with 150 participants from both Lamarre and Deschappelles. The theme was “Like Nehemiah, let’s rise and build the country.” It was a great experience for all and a source of motivation for the youth.
Meanwhile, our young girl Evenine (my assistant choir director) began classes at Taylor University in Indiana, majoring in music education. More students from our choir are so hoping to continue their education after high school and we are praying for God’s provision for them. One is hoping to major in physical therapy, but there is no college in Haiti that allows her to do that. We are looking ahead to this fall with open hands, wondering how God will provide, but trusting He will indeed do that. If you’d like to be a part of a student’s future education, please let us know.
May God truly bless you as you serve Him,
Barb's Blog

November 7, 2019
For the past several years I’ve been challenging myself to read through the Bible in Kreyol. What a blessing it’s been! It’s caused me to study deeply each word and phrase and meaning. Most recently, I’ve been reading the letters to Timothy. So here I am at 2 Timote 2:9
“Se pou levanjil sa a m ap soufre, anba chenn, tankou yon malfekte. Men, pawol Bondye a pa anchennen.”
Literally, “It is for this gospel I am suffering, in chains, like a criminal. But, the Word of God is not chained.”
When our friends in Haiti are going on 8 weeks now of being confined (chained) to their homes, how good it is to know that it has no bearing on the Word of God, its promises, its comfort, its power and its hope!
We have been trying to be a part of what God is doing…vessels that God is using to provide His hope.
For about a month and a half now, we have been sending $500 per week to help keep our Haitian choir kids and their families alive. Thankfully, they can at times get to Western Union and then purchase food and water for the week. We also signed up for an online educational classroom to keep their minds active, along with recharging many of their phones with minutes enough to actually do this.
But then, there is one of our choir members who can’t get the money we are sending. He and his mom are now only eating one meal per day.
How can I be a part of God’s hope in this situation? I don’t know, but God does. So I pray. God’s gifts and insights are unchained, immeasurable.
So please help us help them. If it’s money you can offer, it can be sent online or mailed directly to us. (https://www.hopehaitian.com/) or
Hope Haitian Ministries, PO Box 374, Boothbay, ME 04537.
If it’s prayer, please begin now!
Let’s be the body of Christ’s international church.
To God be all the glory,
Moments of joy this past month:
**Pastor Obias and his wife took a much-needed vacation…first vacation they’ve ever had without the kids!
**Macena, one of our new choir members, can see now with these incredible adjustable glasses, provided by Bill Pluta in NJ!
**School of Hope is now ready for the second floor of the trade school!
For the past several years I’ve been challenging myself to read through the Bible in Kreyol. What a blessing it’s been! It’s caused me to study deeply each word and phrase and meaning. Most recently, I’ve been reading the letters to Timothy. So here I am at 2 Timote 2:9
“Se pou levanjil sa a m ap soufre, anba chenn, tankou yon malfekte. Men, pawol Bondye a pa anchennen.”
Literally, “It is for this gospel I am suffering, in chains, like a criminal. But, the Word of God is not chained.”
When our friends in Haiti are going on 8 weeks now of being confined (chained) to their homes, how good it is to know that it has no bearing on the Word of God, its promises, its comfort, its power and its hope!
We have been trying to be a part of what God is doing…vessels that God is using to provide His hope.
For about a month and a half now, we have been sending $500 per week to help keep our Haitian choir kids and their families alive. Thankfully, they can at times get to Western Union and then purchase food and water for the week. We also signed up for an online educational classroom to keep their minds active, along with recharging many of their phones with minutes enough to actually do this.
But then, there is one of our choir members who can’t get the money we are sending. He and his mom are now only eating one meal per day.
How can I be a part of God’s hope in this situation? I don’t know, but God does. So I pray. God’s gifts and insights are unchained, immeasurable.
So please help us help them. If it’s money you can offer, it can be sent online or mailed directly to us. (https://www.hopehaitian.com/) or
Hope Haitian Ministries, PO Box 374, Boothbay, ME 04537.
If it’s prayer, please begin now!
Let’s be the body of Christ’s international church.
To God be all the glory,
Moments of joy this past month:
**Pastor Obias and his wife took a much-needed vacation…first vacation they’ve ever had without the kids!
**Macena, one of our new choir members, can see now with these incredible adjustable glasses, provided by Bill Pluta in NJ!
**School of Hope is now ready for the second floor of the trade school!

October 12, 2019
Our logo shows a little child stepping out – I imagine away from scenes like the one pictured here, coming out of hopelessness and poverty, out of spiritual darkness…into a place where Jesus lives, a place of hope and joy and peace, and everlasting life in heaven.
But this is the scene for now and it’s been this way since the middle of September. The difficulties are immense. The protests are basically shutting down the capital and compromising safety in other parts of the country. Few are able to go to work so there is no income. The schools are closed so the kids stay home, many trapped inside for fear of going into the unpredictable streets. Food and water are sometimes hard to find. There’s no money anyway to buy them. What heartache I have felt when reading texts from some of our kids in the choir saying they were without food or water. We made the decision to do what we could and by God’s grace, we’ve been able to get to some of them by using Western Union, sending down money to help. And God has allowed them moments where they could get out to buy provisions. We’ve also decided to invest in replenishing their phone minutes from time to time so we can stay in touch as much as possible. But some we can’t reach, and we only can pray they are safe. No one knows when it will end, but we pray it will be soon.
But in the middle of these tumultuous weeks, there was an unusual blessing. The choir was able to come together for both a practice and worship service at Quisqueya Chapel in Port au Prince. They also, just a few days before the demonstrations began, received their bags and boxes of food, sponsored by some of you every month. Little did we know how much of a difference this would make in the ensuing weeks.
Another miracle happened in the countryside, up in Lamarre: The building of our new trade school began, above and beside the existing cafeteria…and as you can see, the cooking class is already underway! Again, thank you to Color Street, Initech, and Compassion, as well as several individuals who have invested in this. We still need to raise about $20,000 to finish the project.
If you would like to help in any way, please visit our website https://www.hopehaitian.com/you-can-help.html . Because of the difficulties in Haiti, we have gone outside of our budget in order to help.
Most of all, please pray…for the safety, witness, and growth of our kids and families. They should have some stories to tell when we see them again!
Working for the glory of God,
Our logo shows a little child stepping out – I imagine away from scenes like the one pictured here, coming out of hopelessness and poverty, out of spiritual darkness…into a place where Jesus lives, a place of hope and joy and peace, and everlasting life in heaven.
But this is the scene for now and it’s been this way since the middle of September. The difficulties are immense. The protests are basically shutting down the capital and compromising safety in other parts of the country. Few are able to go to work so there is no income. The schools are closed so the kids stay home, many trapped inside for fear of going into the unpredictable streets. Food and water are sometimes hard to find. There’s no money anyway to buy them. What heartache I have felt when reading texts from some of our kids in the choir saying they were without food or water. We made the decision to do what we could and by God’s grace, we’ve been able to get to some of them by using Western Union, sending down money to help. And God has allowed them moments where they could get out to buy provisions. We’ve also decided to invest in replenishing their phone minutes from time to time so we can stay in touch as much as possible. But some we can’t reach, and we only can pray they are safe. No one knows when it will end, but we pray it will be soon.
But in the middle of these tumultuous weeks, there was an unusual blessing. The choir was able to come together for both a practice and worship service at Quisqueya Chapel in Port au Prince. They also, just a few days before the demonstrations began, received their bags and boxes of food, sponsored by some of you every month. Little did we know how much of a difference this would make in the ensuing weeks.
Another miracle happened in the countryside, up in Lamarre: The building of our new trade school began, above and beside the existing cafeteria…and as you can see, the cooking class is already underway! Again, thank you to Color Street, Initech, and Compassion, as well as several individuals who have invested in this. We still need to raise about $20,000 to finish the project.
If you would like to help in any way, please visit our website https://www.hopehaitian.com/you-can-help.html . Because of the difficulties in Haiti, we have gone outside of our budget in order to help.
Most of all, please pray…for the safety, witness, and growth of our kids and families. They should have some stories to tell when we see them again!
Working for the glory of God,

September 10, 2019
This picture says it all...thanks for praying!
This picture says it all...thanks for praying!

August 22, 2019
Psalm 52:8 “The mercy of God”
It was the morning of August 17th and I had a chance to meditate on God’s word alone for a short time. So I opened up my Charles Spurgeon app and read what was so fitting….a description of ”the mercy of God”.
Tender, great, undeserved, rich, manifold, abounding, and unfailing.
Of course, my first thoughts went to the afternoon of August 5th when I got the news that Chuck had fallen about 12 feet as he was putting up staging for his next section of a roof. He had broken his back, but by God’s grace, was not paralyzed. My daughters both jumped in and did the jobs I couldn’t do because I was so far away on tour. That same afternoon, we got word that the shooting had begun again in the neighborhood around our practice site in Port au Prince, in a neighborhood where many of our choir members live. All of this prompted a late night emergency prayer/worship service. God’s mercy was unfailing.
During our first week of practice, we received some unexpected and wonderful news from Haiti. Compassion International was planning to give us a grant of 50K to begin a trade school in Lamarre! Our goal has always been to help the people in the church and school to become self-sufficient. This brought hope for the fulfillment of that dream. We needed first to promise them three rooms – a building to put it in….meaning approximately another 50K on our part to make it happen. For a few days, we were unsure how to respond, as we didn’t have the money. But on Friday, our friend Rich Dibernardo drove us to two businesses (Color Street and Initech) where we sang a few songs…and by the end of the morning, we had received 25K towards the building! That money is now in Haiti, and a building may soon be started. God’s mercy was rich.
On the previous day, August 16th, our kids and chaperones were all excited to see a Family Dollar next door to the church in Fairfield, so they went. As they were checking out, a man and one of our kids were arguing about who should go first. The man won and ended up leaving his credit card in as all our kids went through! Wow…God’s mercy was tender.
After the tour, we received a call from our pastor Obias who told us of all the good that was happening at the church in Lamarre. Activities have been going on all summer. This past week, a missionary group from another part of the country had come to share the good news of Jesus with the community. Five people decided to put their trust in Him. God’s mercy was abounding.
And over two thousand years ago, God became a man, lived a perfect life and died the perfect sacrifice – so that we could be reconciled to Him and gain eternal life through confession of His name as Lord. God’s mercy was great and undeserved.
We have seen Him do amazing things over these past few weeks, but more amazing is that we have seen HIM! What a wonderful, kind, gracious, powerful, loving, creative, and merciful God we serve. It has been our blessing and honor to serve Him and to sing for His name!
“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.” Romans 15:13
With great thanks to you and to our God,

July 17, 2019
“So it is not the will of my Father who is in heaven that one of these little ones should perish.” Matthew 18:14
Jesus made it very clear that children are important. They have incredible potential and are a hope for a better tomorrow.
So we invest in them.
But sometimes children have the possibility to invest in us...to show us that no matter our age, God is not finished with us.
This is our story with Hope Haitian Choir.
From the first time we met these beautiful young people from Haiti, we just couldn't get enough of what good things they had to offer. And now in year number 8, we are ready to embark on another month-long adventure with 15 children and young adults who exude hope in a land that appears so hopeless to so many.
Our land is at a crossroads on so many fronts. We pray that in this next month, many people will be challenged and encouraged to look outside what is seen in order to find peace and redemption in the Unseen.
There is HOPE!
Here is the list of concerts ahead of us. We know life is busy, but God has never failed to bring a blessing on any night, so we hope to see you. We all may need what these young people have to offer more than we think!
Yesterday we traveled to New Jersey to meet the choir and chaperones who are expected early Wednesday morning…we can’t wait to see them!!
HHC 2019 Tour Schedule
July 21 at 10:00am: Montvale Evangelical Free Church, Montvale, NJ
July 21 PM at 7:00pm: The Presbyterian Church, Shrewsbury, NJ
July 23 at 7:30pm: First Haitian Baptist Church, Irvington, NJ
July 24 at 7:00pm: Graceway Bible Church, Hamilton, NJ
July 25 at 7:00pm: Grace Fellowship Evangelical Free Church, Milford, NJ
July 26 at 7:00pm: Trinity UMC, Ewing, NJ
July 27 from 5:30-6:00 and a couple songs during the service: Alfred St. Baptist Church, Alexandria, VA
July 28 at 10:30 AM: Del Ray UMC, Alexandria, VA
July 28 at 7:00pm: First United Presbyterian Church of Dale City, Woodbridge, VA
July 30 at 7:00pm: Shiloh Baptist Chursh, Ashland, VA
July 31 at 7:00pm: Mechanicsville UMC, Mechanicsville, VA
August 1 at 7:00pm: Salem Baptist Church, Milford, VA
August 2 at 7:00pm: Dahlgren United Methodist Church, Dahlgren, VA
August 3 at 7:00pm: Haitian Church of God of Prophecy, Philadelphia, PA
Aug 4 at 10:00 AM: Haitian Church of God of Prophecy, Philadelphia, PA
Aug 4 at 7:00 PM: Brooklyn French Speaking Baptist Church, Brooklyn, NY
Aug 6 at 7:00pm: Christ Episcopal Church, Stratford, CT
Aug 7 at 7:00pm: Grace Fellowship Evangelical Free Church, North Stonington, CT
August 8 at 7:00pm: Exeter Chapel, Exeter, RI
August 9 at 7:00pm: Congregational Church of Eastford, Eastford, CT
August 10 at 7:00 PM: Rochester First UMC, Rochester, NH
August 11 at 9:30 AM: Farmington First Congregational Church, Farmington, NH
August 11 at 7:00 PM: Alton Bay Christian Conference Center, Alton Bay, NH
Aug 13 at 7:00pm: Messiah Christian Church, Wells, Maine
Aug 14 at 7:00pm: Cressey Road UMC, Gorham, ME
Aug 15 from 5:00-7:00pm: Red Barn Restaurant, Augusta, ME (Come for supper!)
Aug 16 at 7:00pm: Church of the Nazarene, Fairfield, ME (sponsored by Fairfield UMC)
Aug 17 from 5:00-7:00pm: Centerpoint Community Church, Waterville, ME
Aug 18 at 9:00 and 11:00 AM: East Auburn Baptist Church, Auburn, ME
Aug 18 at 6:00pm: American Legion Hall in Boothbay, ME; hosted by Boothbay Region Community Fellowship
To God be the glory!!
“So it is not the will of my Father who is in heaven that one of these little ones should perish.” Matthew 18:14
Jesus made it very clear that children are important. They have incredible potential and are a hope for a better tomorrow.
So we invest in them.
But sometimes children have the possibility to invest in us...to show us that no matter our age, God is not finished with us.
This is our story with Hope Haitian Choir.
From the first time we met these beautiful young people from Haiti, we just couldn't get enough of what good things they had to offer. And now in year number 8, we are ready to embark on another month-long adventure with 15 children and young adults who exude hope in a land that appears so hopeless to so many.
Our land is at a crossroads on so many fronts. We pray that in this next month, many people will be challenged and encouraged to look outside what is seen in order to find peace and redemption in the Unseen.
There is HOPE!
Here is the list of concerts ahead of us. We know life is busy, but God has never failed to bring a blessing on any night, so we hope to see you. We all may need what these young people have to offer more than we think!
Yesterday we traveled to New Jersey to meet the choir and chaperones who are expected early Wednesday morning…we can’t wait to see them!!
HHC 2019 Tour Schedule
July 21 at 10:00am: Montvale Evangelical Free Church, Montvale, NJ
July 21 PM at 7:00pm: The Presbyterian Church, Shrewsbury, NJ
July 23 at 7:30pm: First Haitian Baptist Church, Irvington, NJ
July 24 at 7:00pm: Graceway Bible Church, Hamilton, NJ
July 25 at 7:00pm: Grace Fellowship Evangelical Free Church, Milford, NJ
July 26 at 7:00pm: Trinity UMC, Ewing, NJ
July 27 from 5:30-6:00 and a couple songs during the service: Alfred St. Baptist Church, Alexandria, VA
July 28 at 10:30 AM: Del Ray UMC, Alexandria, VA
July 28 at 7:00pm: First United Presbyterian Church of Dale City, Woodbridge, VA
July 30 at 7:00pm: Shiloh Baptist Chursh, Ashland, VA
July 31 at 7:00pm: Mechanicsville UMC, Mechanicsville, VA
August 1 at 7:00pm: Salem Baptist Church, Milford, VA
August 2 at 7:00pm: Dahlgren United Methodist Church, Dahlgren, VA
August 3 at 7:00pm: Haitian Church of God of Prophecy, Philadelphia, PA
Aug 4 at 10:00 AM: Haitian Church of God of Prophecy, Philadelphia, PA
Aug 4 at 7:00 PM: Brooklyn French Speaking Baptist Church, Brooklyn, NY
Aug 6 at 7:00pm: Christ Episcopal Church, Stratford, CT
Aug 7 at 7:00pm: Grace Fellowship Evangelical Free Church, North Stonington, CT
August 8 at 7:00pm: Exeter Chapel, Exeter, RI
August 9 at 7:00pm: Congregational Church of Eastford, Eastford, CT
August 10 at 7:00 PM: Rochester First UMC, Rochester, NH
August 11 at 9:30 AM: Farmington First Congregational Church, Farmington, NH
August 11 at 7:00 PM: Alton Bay Christian Conference Center, Alton Bay, NH
Aug 13 at 7:00pm: Messiah Christian Church, Wells, Maine
Aug 14 at 7:00pm: Cressey Road UMC, Gorham, ME
Aug 15 from 5:00-7:00pm: Red Barn Restaurant, Augusta, ME (Come for supper!)
Aug 16 at 7:00pm: Church of the Nazarene, Fairfield, ME (sponsored by Fairfield UMC)
Aug 17 from 5:00-7:00pm: Centerpoint Community Church, Waterville, ME
Aug 18 at 9:00 and 11:00 AM: East Auburn Baptist Church, Auburn, ME
Aug 18 at 6:00pm: American Legion Hall in Boothbay, ME; hosted by Boothbay Region Community Fellowship
To God be the glory!!

April 23, 2019
As I was enjoying my first class seat (which I did not request nor pay for) on the plane from Miami to JFK, I was reading Psalm 56. In the middle of his words, David exclaims “This I know, that God is for me.” Tears came to my eyes as I read it, reclining in my seat and looking out the window at God’s ever-changing display of clouds.
Those words stuck with me, as shortly I received an email that my next flight had been cancelled and the rebook took me home the following day.
Thankfully, through a rented car with a total stranger (who became a friend!) and then a bus ride, I got home that same day.
God is for us….no matter what the circumstances around us are speaking.
I thought back over the week… A successful and safe trip to Lamarre to visit the school, a good and intense week of practice for the choir, 5-year visa approvals for 6 out of our 10 candidates, lots of meaningful conversations, a random meeting with the director of a Rotary club that may help us with a clean water project….I could go on and on. How can I express my thanks for your prayers? How can I express my thanks to God?
We have decided to reapply for three of the visas – so please keep praying!
And then – we’re on the home stretch for our 2019 tour!! Looking forward to seeing some of you soon, by God’s grace.
May you be blessed as you serve the risen Savior!
Til next time,
As I was enjoying my first class seat (which I did not request nor pay for) on the plane from Miami to JFK, I was reading Psalm 56. In the middle of his words, David exclaims “This I know, that God is for me.” Tears came to my eyes as I read it, reclining in my seat and looking out the window at God’s ever-changing display of clouds.
Those words stuck with me, as shortly I received an email that my next flight had been cancelled and the rebook took me home the following day.
Thankfully, through a rented car with a total stranger (who became a friend!) and then a bus ride, I got home that same day.
God is for us….no matter what the circumstances around us are speaking.
I thought back over the week… A successful and safe trip to Lamarre to visit the school, a good and intense week of practice for the choir, 5-year visa approvals for 6 out of our 10 candidates, lots of meaningful conversations, a random meeting with the director of a Rotary club that may help us with a clean water project….I could go on and on. How can I express my thanks for your prayers? How can I express my thanks to God?
We have decided to reapply for three of the visas – so please keep praying!
And then – we’re on the home stretch for our 2019 tour!! Looking forward to seeing some of you soon, by God’s grace.
May you be blessed as you serve the risen Savior!
Til next time,

March 27, 2019
Oh how I love the sights, smells, and sounds of spring! They are so defined in Maine where our winters remove them all for at least three months of the year. I kind of wish all this newness could last for the whole year, but then it wouldn’t be new. The darkness creates a longing for light and death creates a longing for life. Even this world creates a longing for the next. Praise God for His amazing wisdom and discernment!
In February of this year, the country of Haiti was in lockdown. Schools were closed. Businesses couldn’t function. Many couldn’t travel far from their homes for fear for their lives. The result – food and water supplies were low, there was little gas for cars or for cooking, and tensions were high. During those days, someone graciously passed me a check for $200 that began several transactions to help as we could. Thankfully, after a couple weeks of this, the country began to normalize and our friends could move on with their lives. Heaven sure looks more beautiful every day!!
The choir has been able to practice together a couple times this past month. Thank you to those who prayed for this! They also were able to receive food which has been sponsored by several of you. I was told that around 50 families received this necessary food. See photo
There is also good news from Lamarre. We are in the process of purchasing another small piece of land adjacent to ours. Ours has been maxed out with five buildings: a home for our pastor and director, classroom buildings, a church, cafeteria, latrine, not to mention a garden. If we are to expand to accommodate the ever expanding need, we must have more land. There are other pieces adjacent to ours that are not for sale, so we are praying for the next step. Our enrollment at the school is now over 300!
An update on the library: we have decided to create a Gofundme page for our School of Hope library. There are several books that our teachers have requested and this seems to be the easiest way to fill the shelves that were just recently built by our partner, Compassion International. Here’s the link if you’d like to donate https://www.gofundme.com/school-of-hope-library
I promised I would give an update on the opportunities to help our choir members with their education. Last month, I mentioned it briefly, and someone immediately responded by providing the means for two of our girls to finish their year in Haiti!
There are several others in Haiti who could use some help of any amount. Also, we have one student finishing his high school junior year in Maine who has not been sponsored since September – his bill remains at $1100.
We are hoping to bring three more to Maine this next year and another girl to begin studying music education in college within the year.
In the next few weeks, I anticipate traveling to Haiti for our yearly choir-training week. We so appreciate your prayers as the current security level issued by the American Embassy is level 4 – Do not travel. God knows and we are trusting that He will accomplish what needs to be accomplished. Our tour schedule is almost full and we are so looking forward to sharing all the great things God is doing and will do in the midst of such difficult circumstances!
May you be blessed with His presence today and this coming month,
Oh how I love the sights, smells, and sounds of spring! They are so defined in Maine where our winters remove them all for at least three months of the year. I kind of wish all this newness could last for the whole year, but then it wouldn’t be new. The darkness creates a longing for light and death creates a longing for life. Even this world creates a longing for the next. Praise God for His amazing wisdom and discernment!
In February of this year, the country of Haiti was in lockdown. Schools were closed. Businesses couldn’t function. Many couldn’t travel far from their homes for fear for their lives. The result – food and water supplies were low, there was little gas for cars or for cooking, and tensions were high. During those days, someone graciously passed me a check for $200 that began several transactions to help as we could. Thankfully, after a couple weeks of this, the country began to normalize and our friends could move on with their lives. Heaven sure looks more beautiful every day!!
The choir has been able to practice together a couple times this past month. Thank you to those who prayed for this! They also were able to receive food which has been sponsored by several of you. I was told that around 50 families received this necessary food. See photo
There is also good news from Lamarre. We are in the process of purchasing another small piece of land adjacent to ours. Ours has been maxed out with five buildings: a home for our pastor and director, classroom buildings, a church, cafeteria, latrine, not to mention a garden. If we are to expand to accommodate the ever expanding need, we must have more land. There are other pieces adjacent to ours that are not for sale, so we are praying for the next step. Our enrollment at the school is now over 300!
An update on the library: we have decided to create a Gofundme page for our School of Hope library. There are several books that our teachers have requested and this seems to be the easiest way to fill the shelves that were just recently built by our partner, Compassion International. Here’s the link if you’d like to donate https://www.gofundme.com/school-of-hope-library
I promised I would give an update on the opportunities to help our choir members with their education. Last month, I mentioned it briefly, and someone immediately responded by providing the means for two of our girls to finish their year in Haiti!
There are several others in Haiti who could use some help of any amount. Also, we have one student finishing his high school junior year in Maine who has not been sponsored since September – his bill remains at $1100.
We are hoping to bring three more to Maine this next year and another girl to begin studying music education in college within the year.
In the next few weeks, I anticipate traveling to Haiti for our yearly choir-training week. We so appreciate your prayers as the current security level issued by the American Embassy is level 4 – Do not travel. God knows and we are trusting that He will accomplish what needs to be accomplished. Our tour schedule is almost full and we are so looking forward to sharing all the great things God is doing and will do in the midst of such difficult circumstances!
May you be blessed with His presence today and this coming month,
February 17, 2019
You may or may not know, but these past several days have been extremely difficult for our friends in Haiti. Many protests, killings, lootings. Promises from the leaders have failed and the people are angry. Unfortunately, everyone suffers during times like these.
I have been texting with the kids in the choir some as well as with the leaders. Pastor Jacques said, “ It’s like the whole country is on pause, except that people still need food to eat and water to drink.”
Some of our kids are OK, but there is less and less contact – as I’m sure they are running out of minutes on their phones.
I just got a text from Pastor Obias who has not been able to get back to Lamarre where the school is because of road blocks. Right now he is traveling by motorcycle and taptap (taxi) crossing the road blocks and said he would let me know when he arrived.
These are times when we need your prayers. God is the Provider and Strength and Comfort.
“When I am afraid, I will trust in You” Psalm 56:3
Standing on His promises,
You may or may not know, but these past several days have been extremely difficult for our friends in Haiti. Many protests, killings, lootings. Promises from the leaders have failed and the people are angry. Unfortunately, everyone suffers during times like these.
I have been texting with the kids in the choir some as well as with the leaders. Pastor Jacques said, “ It’s like the whole country is on pause, except that people still need food to eat and water to drink.”
Some of our kids are OK, but there is less and less contact – as I’m sure they are running out of minutes on their phones.
I just got a text from Pastor Obias who has not been able to get back to Lamarre where the school is because of road blocks. Right now he is traveling by motorcycle and taptap (taxi) crossing the road blocks and said he would let me know when he arrived.
These are times when we need your prayers. God is the Provider and Strength and Comfort.
“When I am afraid, I will trust in You” Psalm 56:3
Standing on His promises,

December 25, 2018
Many of us live with pain every day, whether physical or emotional.
So we have a choice EVERY DAY – to let it take us down or let it take us to Jesus.
I ask myself - Why choose the first when I can have the second!
Christmas can be a difficult time for many, especially if we have lost someone special during the previous year. But it was never intended to be sad, even though, if we look ahead, Jesus’ life ended in terrible agony. His coming brought hope for life beyond this life.
Wow! If only I could focus on that!
As you celebrate the birth of our Savior, may you continually be filled with hope. May you see, maybe for the first time, that Jesus is always ready to lead you to a beautiful and abundant life – beginning now and lasting through eternity with Him.
He has told us that salvation is a gift – not one you will find under a tree, but one made possible by the One nailed to a tree. He is holy; we are not. He can take us to heaven; nothing we can do can make that happen. It’s a gift. All we can do is accept it, receive it.
Some of my favorite verses are Titus 3:5-7
“He saved us, not on the basis of deeds which we have done in righteousness, but according to His mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit, whom He poured out upon us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that being justified by His grace we would be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life.”
HOPE is what we love to proclaim! Without it, the people perish. With it, we can have joy, no matter the circumstances!
May you have a joyous Christmas,
With thanks and love,
Barb (and Chuck)
Many of us live with pain every day, whether physical or emotional.
So we have a choice EVERY DAY – to let it take us down or let it take us to Jesus.
I ask myself - Why choose the first when I can have the second!
Christmas can be a difficult time for many, especially if we have lost someone special during the previous year. But it was never intended to be sad, even though, if we look ahead, Jesus’ life ended in terrible agony. His coming brought hope for life beyond this life.
Wow! If only I could focus on that!
As you celebrate the birth of our Savior, may you continually be filled with hope. May you see, maybe for the first time, that Jesus is always ready to lead you to a beautiful and abundant life – beginning now and lasting through eternity with Him.
He has told us that salvation is a gift – not one you will find under a tree, but one made possible by the One nailed to a tree. He is holy; we are not. He can take us to heaven; nothing we can do can make that happen. It’s a gift. All we can do is accept it, receive it.
Some of my favorite verses are Titus 3:5-7
“He saved us, not on the basis of deeds which we have done in righteousness, but according to His mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit, whom He poured out upon us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that being justified by His grace we would be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life.”
HOPE is what we love to proclaim! Without it, the people perish. With it, we can have joy, no matter the circumstances!
May you have a joyous Christmas,
With thanks and love,
Barb (and Chuck)

October 30, 2018
Chuck and I are sitting at JFK on our way home from Haiti, reflecting on the past few days as we wait until the next flight home. Thank you for your emails and prayers. The days were full, educational, and as always, inspiring to see what only God can do.
Before we left Maine, we knew the days ahead would be challenging. I had some type of stomach infection and Chuck had fallen off a roof and broken both hands. But, God was gracious and supplied extra strength and many helpers along the way.
Day 1 was mostly a day to prepare for audition day on Saturday (day 2).
But one touching moment was visiting Maranatha School where 11 people were killed just a year ago. We saw that morning about 400 happy kids packed in one room for devotions, and we were able to deliver to the group four musical instruments donated by some friends in Acton, ME, as well as some cash to buy more. This past summer, we learned that during the night of the killing, the gang returned and stole every instrument in the school. There were about 150 kids in the band. Our friends in Acton are hoping to continue in this replacement process. Let me know if God moves you to help in this.
On Saturday, 18 pre-selected children and young adults auditioned. We are always so grateful to Francesse and many other leaders for all they do to prepare for this big day. In the afternoon, we were able to do a bit of practicing with the full Hope Haitian Choir – about 25 were there, and we learned two new songs for the 2019 tour. Every time we interact with these kids, we observe how God is training up more and more leaders.
On Sunday, we left early for Lamarre and arrived in time to see our pastor Obias’s new house, a blessing provided by a group of friends from New Jersey. Then we walked down the hill to the church service. We are so thankful to have such a gifted young man in this position…and now to have him living with his family in the same village as the church. Of course, there are drawbacks to this situation as he doesn’t easily get a break from his work. I’m sure some of you pastors fully understand this. Prayer and boundaries are important!
Chuck gave a short devotional during the service and I played the keyboard – which is always interesting when I don’t know some of the songs, and the keys tend to mysteriously modulate every so often. Thank God for the three-chord pattern! That afternoon I got a chance to teach that principal to about 6 young adults interested in learning how to play the piano. Between these two meetings, I had the special opportunity to sit down with our son’s biological brothers and share our hope for them as well as Jesus’s gift of love for them.
Another service in the evening and back to the house for the night.
Monday was a regular day at School of Hope. We learned that we no longer have 200 children, but 274!!! Three levels of preschool/kindergarten and then grades 1-4. Some of the levels have had to be divided – i.e. grade 1 has 66 children.
The Compassion staff is on site, including a full-time nurse. Unbelievably, all but 18 of those children are sponsored. There are several cooks in the kitchen and all the children get a balanced meal each day. We watched some of the teachers and observed that we are surely blessed. They are enthusiastic and caring. One of our teachers went beyond the classroom duties to give a bath to two young boys who had traveled very far to come to school. Some of the kids travel over two hours on foot just to get an education at School of Hope.
Chuck met with the administrators and discussed curriculum, then later we both met with the full staff to encourage them and talk again about our vision for the school. I personally, along with another staff member, Gephte, met with 7 of SOH’s 31 sponsored children - preparing letters to their sponsors. Two siblings came for the first time this school year, as one of them had been sick – possibly as a result of malnutrition…so sad. The picture shows one of the two children in my lap. We heard another story about one of the young girls, Lelie, who was told by a doctor that she would never be able to learn. She is now doing very well, as well as the others in her grade.
We met our first handicapped child. I’m so glad God creates all with worth and value. This little one had reason to smile!
We headed back to Port au Prince after lunch and got the word that shooting had unexpectedly started again around the area where we were staying. Jacques (our escort, driver, and friend) was encouraged to listen to the news and be careful about returning. By the time we arrived about 4 hours later, the streets were eerily empty. Some of you may remember Evenine in the choir…she was at the school and couldn’t get home, so decided to climb the hill to our place to spend the night. I asked if she had heard the gunshots and she replied it was like a war – the shooting was all around our compound. One of the workers at the house was alone at the time and told me later she was trying to find a place to hide. We were not there when it happened, and God again prevented anyone from getting hurt.
Sometimes, I want to remove all these children and our best friends from the middle of all this, but they know they are a light in a very dark place. Jacques told us that there are more children who have given their lives to Christ at Maranatha than any of the other 200 churches under his charge. Oh what God can do in the middle of darkness!
As always, we saw many needs, but we also saw fulfilled prayers and the fruit of our labors. Despite some horrible circumstances and trials, God’s hope is very much alive.
We add now one more practical need – a library for School of Hope. They are limited by the government curriculum and have few extra books. Would you or your church or school take this project on?
Again, thank you for your support through gifts and prayers.
May God continue to do His will in Haiti!
Barb (for Chuck as well)
Chuck and I are sitting at JFK on our way home from Haiti, reflecting on the past few days as we wait until the next flight home. Thank you for your emails and prayers. The days were full, educational, and as always, inspiring to see what only God can do.
Before we left Maine, we knew the days ahead would be challenging. I had some type of stomach infection and Chuck had fallen off a roof and broken both hands. But, God was gracious and supplied extra strength and many helpers along the way.
Day 1 was mostly a day to prepare for audition day on Saturday (day 2).
But one touching moment was visiting Maranatha School where 11 people were killed just a year ago. We saw that morning about 400 happy kids packed in one room for devotions, and we were able to deliver to the group four musical instruments donated by some friends in Acton, ME, as well as some cash to buy more. This past summer, we learned that during the night of the killing, the gang returned and stole every instrument in the school. There were about 150 kids in the band. Our friends in Acton are hoping to continue in this replacement process. Let me know if God moves you to help in this.
On Saturday, 18 pre-selected children and young adults auditioned. We are always so grateful to Francesse and many other leaders for all they do to prepare for this big day. In the afternoon, we were able to do a bit of practicing with the full Hope Haitian Choir – about 25 were there, and we learned two new songs for the 2019 tour. Every time we interact with these kids, we observe how God is training up more and more leaders.
On Sunday, we left early for Lamarre and arrived in time to see our pastor Obias’s new house, a blessing provided by a group of friends from New Jersey. Then we walked down the hill to the church service. We are so thankful to have such a gifted young man in this position…and now to have him living with his family in the same village as the church. Of course, there are drawbacks to this situation as he doesn’t easily get a break from his work. I’m sure some of you pastors fully understand this. Prayer and boundaries are important!
Chuck gave a short devotional during the service and I played the keyboard – which is always interesting when I don’t know some of the songs, and the keys tend to mysteriously modulate every so often. Thank God for the three-chord pattern! That afternoon I got a chance to teach that principal to about 6 young adults interested in learning how to play the piano. Between these two meetings, I had the special opportunity to sit down with our son’s biological brothers and share our hope for them as well as Jesus’s gift of love for them.
Another service in the evening and back to the house for the night.
Monday was a regular day at School of Hope. We learned that we no longer have 200 children, but 274!!! Three levels of preschool/kindergarten and then grades 1-4. Some of the levels have had to be divided – i.e. grade 1 has 66 children.
The Compassion staff is on site, including a full-time nurse. Unbelievably, all but 18 of those children are sponsored. There are several cooks in the kitchen and all the children get a balanced meal each day. We watched some of the teachers and observed that we are surely blessed. They are enthusiastic and caring. One of our teachers went beyond the classroom duties to give a bath to two young boys who had traveled very far to come to school. Some of the kids travel over two hours on foot just to get an education at School of Hope.
Chuck met with the administrators and discussed curriculum, then later we both met with the full staff to encourage them and talk again about our vision for the school. I personally, along with another staff member, Gephte, met with 7 of SOH’s 31 sponsored children - preparing letters to their sponsors. Two siblings came for the first time this school year, as one of them had been sick – possibly as a result of malnutrition…so sad. The picture shows one of the two children in my lap. We heard another story about one of the young girls, Lelie, who was told by a doctor that she would never be able to learn. She is now doing very well, as well as the others in her grade.
We met our first handicapped child. I’m so glad God creates all with worth and value. This little one had reason to smile!
We headed back to Port au Prince after lunch and got the word that shooting had unexpectedly started again around the area where we were staying. Jacques (our escort, driver, and friend) was encouraged to listen to the news and be careful about returning. By the time we arrived about 4 hours later, the streets were eerily empty. Some of you may remember Evenine in the choir…she was at the school and couldn’t get home, so decided to climb the hill to our place to spend the night. I asked if she had heard the gunshots and she replied it was like a war – the shooting was all around our compound. One of the workers at the house was alone at the time and told me later she was trying to find a place to hide. We were not there when it happened, and God again prevented anyone from getting hurt.
Sometimes, I want to remove all these children and our best friends from the middle of all this, but they know they are a light in a very dark place. Jacques told us that there are more children who have given their lives to Christ at Maranatha than any of the other 200 churches under his charge. Oh what God can do in the middle of darkness!
As always, we saw many needs, but we also saw fulfilled prayers and the fruit of our labors. Despite some horrible circumstances and trials, God’s hope is very much alive.
We add now one more practical need – a library for School of Hope. They are limited by the government curriculum and have few extra books. Would you or your church or school take this project on?
Again, thank you for your support through gifts and prayers.
May God continue to do His will in Haiti!
Barb (for Chuck as well)
September 7, 2018
Yesterday, I was inspired to begin writing again. God’s Word is a never-ending writing prompt and I was reading Psalm 8.
When I consider the heavens, the earth and the sea
Your power displayed in birds and trees
I can’t comprehend all Your majesty
And yet there’s far more in what I don’t see…
At the beginning of July, just before the Hope Haitian Choir tour, all I saw were T shirts to fold, sleeping bags to air out and pack, supplies to order, and on and on. There was a lot to do, and yet we were in some ways unprepared for all that God would do, nor the enemy as well.
After the choir’s delayed, then eventually cancelled flight from Boston to Atlanta on July 17th, with precious practice time missed, God had all our attention! We were ready to start, but there was a pause and poignant reminder that He was the one running the show! In some strange way, there was excitement in the air as we looked forward to what He alone could do. And as the days unfolded, we saw a talented group come together in power as they shared that eternal perspective that so many times I miss. Even from the start, they were singing at the airport while I was arguing on the phone, working out details of their imminent arrival in Atlanta.
We spent several days in Thomson, GA, cared for by the people of the United Methodist Church. They cared for us well and we thank them!
Then the concerts began, with a short presentation for the welcoming Rotary Club of Thomson, and then on to our 31-concert tour ending in Boothbay Harbor, Maine!
We were blessed to share the hope of Christ with close to 4000 people, but even more when we include people listening to radio stations and CD’s…and the JetBlue Facebook page with over 100K views! At the end of the tour, one of our kids was asked “which concert was the best”. He had trouble answering, and I would agree…they all were.
Only God knows the real answer to that – but we got an indication from a few people who took the time to be vulnerable and say thank you with tears in their eyes.
On the financial end of things, two days ago, we sent down to Haiti 25K in order to finish the second story on the original classroom that we built. There are so many needs and lots more parents who want their kids at our school. Please pray for wisdom as we try to make good decisions with a master plan in mind.
If you or your church would like a fund-raising project, here are some:
$30,000 to build another classroom
$6,000 to build a radio station
$70,000 to build a security wall around the entire property so items don’t continue to get stolen
Then looking ahead:
$1,000 to sponsor a child to be a part of Hope Haitian Choir next year
But even though I list the financial needs, we are very aware that prayer partners are even more important!
Thank you SO much to all of you who gave abundantly to all of us while we were on tour. There were so many people who blessed us with housing, food, activities, gifts….and prayers.
May God return to you His blessings!
To Him be the glory and to Him be His throne.
Yesterday, I was inspired to begin writing again. God’s Word is a never-ending writing prompt and I was reading Psalm 8.
When I consider the heavens, the earth and the sea
Your power displayed in birds and trees
I can’t comprehend all Your majesty
And yet there’s far more in what I don’t see…
At the beginning of July, just before the Hope Haitian Choir tour, all I saw were T shirts to fold, sleeping bags to air out and pack, supplies to order, and on and on. There was a lot to do, and yet we were in some ways unprepared for all that God would do, nor the enemy as well.
After the choir’s delayed, then eventually cancelled flight from Boston to Atlanta on July 17th, with precious practice time missed, God had all our attention! We were ready to start, but there was a pause and poignant reminder that He was the one running the show! In some strange way, there was excitement in the air as we looked forward to what He alone could do. And as the days unfolded, we saw a talented group come together in power as they shared that eternal perspective that so many times I miss. Even from the start, they were singing at the airport while I was arguing on the phone, working out details of their imminent arrival in Atlanta.
We spent several days in Thomson, GA, cared for by the people of the United Methodist Church. They cared for us well and we thank them!
Then the concerts began, with a short presentation for the welcoming Rotary Club of Thomson, and then on to our 31-concert tour ending in Boothbay Harbor, Maine!
We were blessed to share the hope of Christ with close to 4000 people, but even more when we include people listening to radio stations and CD’s…and the JetBlue Facebook page with over 100K views! At the end of the tour, one of our kids was asked “which concert was the best”. He had trouble answering, and I would agree…they all were.
Only God knows the real answer to that – but we got an indication from a few people who took the time to be vulnerable and say thank you with tears in their eyes.
On the financial end of things, two days ago, we sent down to Haiti 25K in order to finish the second story on the original classroom that we built. There are so many needs and lots more parents who want their kids at our school. Please pray for wisdom as we try to make good decisions with a master plan in mind.
If you or your church would like a fund-raising project, here are some:
$30,000 to build another classroom
$6,000 to build a radio station
$70,000 to build a security wall around the entire property so items don’t continue to get stolen
Then looking ahead:
$1,000 to sponsor a child to be a part of Hope Haitian Choir next year
But even though I list the financial needs, we are very aware that prayer partners are even more important!
Thank you SO much to all of you who gave abundantly to all of us while we were on tour. There were so many people who blessed us with housing, food, activities, gifts….and prayers.
May God return to you His blessings!
To Him be the glory and to Him be His throne.
July 14, 2018
Dear friends,
We are just about ready to head south to meet the choir next week! Amidst the fear and reality of demonstrations, God has allowed the kids some time to practice together this week – praise His name! We continue to pray they will be able to leave on Tuesday.
I wanted to pass along two things – our tour schedule and an amazing praise report from Lamarre written by our pastor Obias.
We do hope to see you on tour!!!!
2018 Tour Schedule!
July 22 at 11:00am: Fields Chapel, Canton, GA
July 22 at 5:30pm: Calhoun FUMC, Calhoun, GA
July 24 at 7:00pm: Thomson FUMC, Thomson, GA
July 25 at 6:30pm: Clarkesville FUMC, Clarkesville, GA
July 26 at 7:00pm: Marietta First FUMC, Marietta, GA
July 27 at 7:00pm:Washington FUMC, Washington, GA
July 28 at 6:00pm: Zion Canaan Baptist Church in Columbia, SC
July 29 9:00 and 11:15am: Lyttleton UMC, Camden, SC
July 29 at 6:00pm: Greenwood Baptist, Florence, SC
July 31 at 7:00pm: Arlington Baptist Church, Rocky Mount, NC
Aug 1 at 7:00pm: Mechanicsville UMC, Mechanicsville, VA
Aug 2 at 7:00pm: The Presbyterian Church, Shrewsbury, NJ
Aug 3 at 7:00pm: First Shiloh Baptist Church, Orange, NJ
Aug 4 at 7:00pm: Haitian Church of God of Prophecy, Philadelphia, PA ...2061 Chelton Ave.
Aug 5 at 10:00am: Haitian Church of God of Prophecy, Philadelphia, PA ...2061 Chelton Ave.
Aug 5 at 7:00pm: Montvale Evangelical Free Church, Montvale, NJ
Aug 7 at 10:00am during VBS: First Baptist Church, Wallingford, CT
Aug 8 at 7:00pm: Ellington Congregational Church, Ellington, CT
Aug 9 at 7:00pm: Calvary Baptist Church, Claremont, NH
Aug 10 at 7:00pm: Rumney Bible Conference, Rumney, NH
Aug 11 at 7:00pm: South Congregational Church, Concord, NH
Aug 12 at 10:30am: Good Shepherd Lutheran, Laconia, NH
Aug 12 at 7:00pm: Alton Bay Christian conference Center, Alton Bay, NH
Aug 14 at 7:00pm: Acton Congregational Church, Acton, ME
Aug 15 at 7:00pm (potluck at 5:30): Small Point Baptist, Phippsburg, ME
Aug 16 from 5:00-7:00pm: Red Barn Restaurant, Augusta, ME (Come for supper!)
Aug 17 at 6:00pm: Veteran's Memorial Park, Fairfield, ME
(sponsored by Fairfield UMC and Lawrence Public Library)
Aug 18 at 6:30pm: Boothbay Baptist Church, Boothbay, ME
Aug 19 at 9:00am: E. Boothbay Methodist Church, East Boothbay, ME
Aug 19 at 5:00pm: Barretts Park in Boothbay Harbor, ME (sponsored by the Anchor Church)
Narrative report from Lamarre:
2015 we started our school in Lamarre with only 31 kids from 3 to 6 years old with two preschool classes. We wanted to reach these kids for Christ through formal education with two well grounded Christian teachers. Our satisfaction was beyond measure at the end of that school year. This was possible because of the help of those who sponsored these kids. (Once again thank you). We wanted to do more but we were limited economically, but God, our faithful father was with us and in the background was working for a greater achievement for the next school year. Through an opening door via UEBH and the church in the Deschapelles, Compassion International was ready to come along and broaden the vision and the goals.
We finally started a new school year (2018-2019) with about 200 kids. That was just crazy but real. At that time our needs were huge but our God was bigger and He did provide for three new buildings on site (Church/school building, three classrooms, a cafeteria and even a latrine) praise GOD! We had another fruitful year with the kids even though we had a lot of challenges to face. Because we had most of the best teachers of the area, we succeeded. We ended the year with 191 kids, some of them left school in the middle of the year due to family issues, so sad. Now this ministry in Lamarre is able to reach directly 200 kids for the Lord via Compassion program and also the parents through special program. We also have a sewing class for some ladies considered as parents.
To end this school year we had a big ceremony with all the kids, the parents and other people from the community to assist the graduation of 24 preK 3 before heading to 1rst grade next year, it was just unbelievable. We can say yes “THERE IS HOPE” and these kids represent this hope.
Since our establishment in the area we already provide more than 35 jobs directly. (8 Teachers, 3 school staff, 6 helpers, 14 @ Child Development Center (CDC) /staff and tutors, cooks and janitors, 1 musician and 1 garden technician) and over 100 jobs indirectly through garden project, constructions…
Each year we end and start with tons of problems, such as more spaces to host the kids, school administration and CDC staff. Our biggest challenge is to provide more rooms to facilitate the activities.
About the church ministry
From 2014, when we first started to now we registered more than 80 converts but few remain or attending the church. We have 18 baptized believers; God is good and is faithful! For this summer we have more than 10 to be baptized and two couples to be married. Our average attendant on a Sunday morning service is 70-80 persons. God is doing marvelous things in Lamarre and this ministry keeps arousing people’s curiosity to come to the Lord. Do pray with us as they are coming to visit for strong decisions, for Christian maturity and ministry appropriation as they should devote themselves for the growing of the ministry.
As the pastor of the church, I want to thank God, friends in NJ who facilitate the construction of the house for me in order for me to do a better job. Hopefully at the end of this week the keys should be given to me. Praise God!
It is true that our needs in Lamarre are huge but we have enough confidence in our GOD that everything is just going to fulfill at His time. (1 Cor. 1:8-9) His faithfulness is our guaranty.
Dear friends,
We are just about ready to head south to meet the choir next week! Amidst the fear and reality of demonstrations, God has allowed the kids some time to practice together this week – praise His name! We continue to pray they will be able to leave on Tuesday.
I wanted to pass along two things – our tour schedule and an amazing praise report from Lamarre written by our pastor Obias.
We do hope to see you on tour!!!!
2018 Tour Schedule!
July 22 at 11:00am: Fields Chapel, Canton, GA
July 22 at 5:30pm: Calhoun FUMC, Calhoun, GA
July 24 at 7:00pm: Thomson FUMC, Thomson, GA
July 25 at 6:30pm: Clarkesville FUMC, Clarkesville, GA
July 26 at 7:00pm: Marietta First FUMC, Marietta, GA
July 27 at 7:00pm:Washington FUMC, Washington, GA
July 28 at 6:00pm: Zion Canaan Baptist Church in Columbia, SC
July 29 9:00 and 11:15am: Lyttleton UMC, Camden, SC
July 29 at 6:00pm: Greenwood Baptist, Florence, SC
July 31 at 7:00pm: Arlington Baptist Church, Rocky Mount, NC
Aug 1 at 7:00pm: Mechanicsville UMC, Mechanicsville, VA
Aug 2 at 7:00pm: The Presbyterian Church, Shrewsbury, NJ
Aug 3 at 7:00pm: First Shiloh Baptist Church, Orange, NJ
Aug 4 at 7:00pm: Haitian Church of God of Prophecy, Philadelphia, PA ...2061 Chelton Ave.
Aug 5 at 10:00am: Haitian Church of God of Prophecy, Philadelphia, PA ...2061 Chelton Ave.
Aug 5 at 7:00pm: Montvale Evangelical Free Church, Montvale, NJ
Aug 7 at 10:00am during VBS: First Baptist Church, Wallingford, CT
Aug 8 at 7:00pm: Ellington Congregational Church, Ellington, CT
Aug 9 at 7:00pm: Calvary Baptist Church, Claremont, NH
Aug 10 at 7:00pm: Rumney Bible Conference, Rumney, NH
Aug 11 at 7:00pm: South Congregational Church, Concord, NH
Aug 12 at 10:30am: Good Shepherd Lutheran, Laconia, NH
Aug 12 at 7:00pm: Alton Bay Christian conference Center, Alton Bay, NH
Aug 14 at 7:00pm: Acton Congregational Church, Acton, ME
Aug 15 at 7:00pm (potluck at 5:30): Small Point Baptist, Phippsburg, ME
Aug 16 from 5:00-7:00pm: Red Barn Restaurant, Augusta, ME (Come for supper!)
Aug 17 at 6:00pm: Veteran's Memorial Park, Fairfield, ME
(sponsored by Fairfield UMC and Lawrence Public Library)
Aug 18 at 6:30pm: Boothbay Baptist Church, Boothbay, ME
Aug 19 at 9:00am: E. Boothbay Methodist Church, East Boothbay, ME
Aug 19 at 5:00pm: Barretts Park in Boothbay Harbor, ME (sponsored by the Anchor Church)
Narrative report from Lamarre:
2015 we started our school in Lamarre with only 31 kids from 3 to 6 years old with two preschool classes. We wanted to reach these kids for Christ through formal education with two well grounded Christian teachers. Our satisfaction was beyond measure at the end of that school year. This was possible because of the help of those who sponsored these kids. (Once again thank you). We wanted to do more but we were limited economically, but God, our faithful father was with us and in the background was working for a greater achievement for the next school year. Through an opening door via UEBH and the church in the Deschapelles, Compassion International was ready to come along and broaden the vision and the goals.
We finally started a new school year (2018-2019) with about 200 kids. That was just crazy but real. At that time our needs were huge but our God was bigger and He did provide for three new buildings on site (Church/school building, three classrooms, a cafeteria and even a latrine) praise GOD! We had another fruitful year with the kids even though we had a lot of challenges to face. Because we had most of the best teachers of the area, we succeeded. We ended the year with 191 kids, some of them left school in the middle of the year due to family issues, so sad. Now this ministry in Lamarre is able to reach directly 200 kids for the Lord via Compassion program and also the parents through special program. We also have a sewing class for some ladies considered as parents.
To end this school year we had a big ceremony with all the kids, the parents and other people from the community to assist the graduation of 24 preK 3 before heading to 1rst grade next year, it was just unbelievable. We can say yes “THERE IS HOPE” and these kids represent this hope.
Since our establishment in the area we already provide more than 35 jobs directly. (8 Teachers, 3 school staff, 6 helpers, 14 @ Child Development Center (CDC) /staff and tutors, cooks and janitors, 1 musician and 1 garden technician) and over 100 jobs indirectly through garden project, constructions…
Each year we end and start with tons of problems, such as more spaces to host the kids, school administration and CDC staff. Our biggest challenge is to provide more rooms to facilitate the activities.
About the church ministry
From 2014, when we first started to now we registered more than 80 converts but few remain or attending the church. We have 18 baptized believers; God is good and is faithful! For this summer we have more than 10 to be baptized and two couples to be married. Our average attendant on a Sunday morning service is 70-80 persons. God is doing marvelous things in Lamarre and this ministry keeps arousing people’s curiosity to come to the Lord. Do pray with us as they are coming to visit for strong decisions, for Christian maturity and ministry appropriation as they should devote themselves for the growing of the ministry.
As the pastor of the church, I want to thank God, friends in NJ who facilitate the construction of the house for me in order for me to do a better job. Hopefully at the end of this week the keys should be given to me. Praise God!
It is true that our needs in Lamarre are huge but we have enough confidence in our GOD that everything is just going to fulfill at His time. (1 Cor. 1:8-9) His faithfulness is our guaranty.
- Fencing the property is so important; we are going to consider fencing it partly.
- Constructing another building for school and CDC offices during the summer, another 20k is needed.
April 13, 2018
All visas approved!!!!
Thank You, God!
All visas approved!!!!
Thank You, God!
April 13, 2018
All visas approved!!!!
Thank You, God!
All visas approved!!!!
Thank You, God!

April 1, 2018
Sometimes I wonder what we mean by “home again”.
For where is home anyway??
This is home, here with my family…
but I also have a bigger family,
the family of God,
and home is where they are,
so going to Haiti is also something like going home.
We had a wonderful week together from March 22-28. Training most every day with Hope Haitian Choir, but beginning the week with a trip to the school and church in Lamarre. Thanks to a group of ladies in California, I had received about 100 lbs. of homemade dresses and was able to take down half of them this trip. As the kids were just finishing their last day of school before Easter break, we were able to get almost all of the Hope Haitian Ministries’ sponsored children in one picture, set in front of the new school building. They are growing up so fast, and we can see the benefit of feeding them a meal every day.
With the funds from the recent painting parties in Boothbay, we were able to provide two sewing machines for the sewing classes there at the school. I was excited to see them delivered while I was there!!!
Now on to the rest of the week…
Hope Haitian Choir training was scheduled to begin in earnest at 8:00am on Saturday. Of course, that doesn’t always happen. The traffic was extremely thick and many didn’t show up until at least an hour later. But we were on our way preparing for this summer’s concert
By God’s grace, I had more energy than I had had in months. Thank you to many friends who prayed!
We are so looking forward to seeing many of you this summer. The schedule is almost complete…beginning in Atlanta, GA and ending in Boothbay, Maine. Check out our tour schedule page: https://www.hopehaitian.com/tour-schedule.html
PLEASE continue to pray for us!! We clearly know that only God can do the things that need doing.
We want our supporters to know that none on the board for Hope Haitian Ministries takes any salary. Everything that is sent to us goes directly to the ministry!
To the praise of our almighty God!
Sometimes I wonder what we mean by “home again”.
For where is home anyway??
This is home, here with my family…
but I also have a bigger family,
the family of God,
and home is where they are,
so going to Haiti is also something like going home.
We had a wonderful week together from March 22-28. Training most every day with Hope Haitian Choir, but beginning the week with a trip to the school and church in Lamarre. Thanks to a group of ladies in California, I had received about 100 lbs. of homemade dresses and was able to take down half of them this trip. As the kids were just finishing their last day of school before Easter break, we were able to get almost all of the Hope Haitian Ministries’ sponsored children in one picture, set in front of the new school building. They are growing up so fast, and we can see the benefit of feeding them a meal every day.
With the funds from the recent painting parties in Boothbay, we were able to provide two sewing machines for the sewing classes there at the school. I was excited to see them delivered while I was there!!!
Now on to the rest of the week…
Hope Haitian Choir training was scheduled to begin in earnest at 8:00am on Saturday. Of course, that doesn’t always happen. The traffic was extremely thick and many didn’t show up until at least an hour later. But we were on our way preparing for this summer’s concert
By God’s grace, I had more energy than I had had in months. Thank you to many friends who prayed!
We are so looking forward to seeing many of you this summer. The schedule is almost complete…beginning in Atlanta, GA and ending in Boothbay, Maine. Check out our tour schedule page: https://www.hopehaitian.com/tour-schedule.html
PLEASE continue to pray for us!! We clearly know that only God can do the things that need doing.
- Please pray for open hearts in Lamarre and all along our tour route
- For visa approvals on April 13th
- For God’s provision. Feeding the 200 kids at the school - $3000 per month
The choir tour is another big expense at maybe $20,000
We want our supporters to know that none on the board for Hope Haitian Ministries takes any salary. Everything that is sent to us goes directly to the ministry!
To the praise of our almighty God!

February 19, 2018
While I’m spending many hours confirming churches and other venues for the Hope Haitian Choir’s 2018 tour this summer, the choir has been spending many hours practicing every Saturday as well! It would be impossible to be prepared without the help of a few leaders in Haiti. We and they are very excited about this next season in America!
We still have a few open dates, so if you’d like the choir to come, please let us know ASAP.
A couple hours away, news is happening in Lamarre at School of Hope and EBEL (Eglise Biblique Espoir de Lamarre). A few days ago, a router was connected and internet is now available! It should really help with being in touch with the people there, especially our pastor Obias!
Because of our connection now with Compassion International, more buildings have been built with their funding and the school enrollment is now over 200.
And with the help of a group of friends in NJ, Obias should soon have a home in Lamarre. Up until now he’s been traveling about three hours many days a week. We have all agreed he and his family need to be on the campus.
Hope Haitian Ministries still has their 31 student, but only 30 sponsors.
This little guy has been attending School of Hope since it began in 2016. Unfortunately, his sponsor was not able to continue this year.
Maybe you’re meant to take over and invest in his life!
At the church and through the ministry of the school, more people are recognizing their hope in Jesus and are dedicating their lives to Him. This gives us joy more than anything!
Prayer needs:
We give God the throne in all of our future endeavors. It’s His already anyway!
For His glory,
While I’m spending many hours confirming churches and other venues for the Hope Haitian Choir’s 2018 tour this summer, the choir has been spending many hours practicing every Saturday as well! It would be impossible to be prepared without the help of a few leaders in Haiti. We and they are very excited about this next season in America!
We still have a few open dates, so if you’d like the choir to come, please let us know ASAP.
A couple hours away, news is happening in Lamarre at School of Hope and EBEL (Eglise Biblique Espoir de Lamarre). A few days ago, a router was connected and internet is now available! It should really help with being in touch with the people there, especially our pastor Obias!
Because of our connection now with Compassion International, more buildings have been built with their funding and the school enrollment is now over 200.
And with the help of a group of friends in NJ, Obias should soon have a home in Lamarre. Up until now he’s been traveling about three hours many days a week. We have all agreed he and his family need to be on the campus.
Hope Haitian Ministries still has their 31 student, but only 30 sponsors.
This little guy has been attending School of Hope since it began in 2016. Unfortunately, his sponsor was not able to continue this year.
Maybe you’re meant to take over and invest in his life!
At the church and through the ministry of the school, more people are recognizing their hope in Jesus and are dedicating their lives to Him. This gives us joy more than anything!
Prayer needs:
- Financial – our funds are going down while the ministry is ever advancing
- Concerts – that HHC would be exactly where God wants us this summer
- A continuing spiritual awakening in Lamarre and the rest of Haiti
- Health and protection (physically and spiritually) for all of us involved in this ministry
We give God the throne in all of our future endeavors. It’s His already anyway!
For His glory,

December 19, 2017
The One Who Came Remains!
God in the flesh – what an amazing feat! Someone shared the other day that our God is the only god who needed courage. Hmmm, how true,
for He knew the purpose for which He came.
I have to say that this thanksgiving season is probably my favorite.
It’s the time of year when everything stops so we can say thank you. Some may not have a focal point of those thanks, but I am thankful that I do….
the One who came remains – Jesus, my Savior and Lord.
God continues to bless in Lamarre at EBEL (our church there) and at School of Hope. Thank you to those who have faithfully continued to support the children there. This picture of the first graders was taken this week by former choir member, Jude Simon, who is back in Haiti helping his mom and earning a living through photography. I don’t know who you are, but we are grateful to the person who gave Jude the camera, thereby giving him a tool to provide income.
A few hundred miles to the north, Richardsky and Shiselie, our Haitian siblings who are living with us, got to see and play in snow for the first time. It was quite a thrill! Unfortunately, they learned all too quickly that snowmen don’t last forever…
Preparations for next year’s tour are beginning. God has provided our friends, Tom and Sara Kerr, to help us out. It’s possible we may change things up a bit and begin in Georgia instead of Maine! I can’t quite wrap my brain around that yet, but God will pave His way. We’ll keep you updated. Again, if you’d like the choir to come to your town, please let us know as soon as possible.
Thanks to so many of you, we have been able to provide food for many in Hope Haitian Choir as well as the children at School of Hope. I’ve included a picture of Neissa receiving food in Port au Prince. Neissa was the girl who texted me a few weeks ago, asking for prayer because of the severe gunfire around her. As you may remember, the gang members entered her school after the children had left, and several lost their lives that day. Unfortunately, a short time later, she lost her cousin who was in the line of fire during another gang war. We are actively trying to find a way to move her family into a safer neighborhood. It will cost about $1500-$2000 rent for one year. If you are motivated to help with any amount, please let us know.
Prayer is critical to the success of this ministry. We believe that when God is doing mighty things around us, someone has prayed. It is the most important thing we can do to support each other.
If you’ve been keeping up on our news, you know some of our prayer needs.
*for Neissa and her family as they mourn the loss of a family member and look to relocate
*for our leaders in Lamarre and in Port au Prince.
*for God’s provision for the choir, the church, the school, and for us
*for God-breathed music that will be written by His grace over the next few months
*for open doors to share music in song, dance, and testimony this summer
*****and most of all, for Jesus to enter and remain in the many lives that have been touched by this ministry
Our prayer is that just as John the Baptist leapt in his mother’s womb when he felt the nearness of the Savior in Mary’s womb, so God would enter your hearts and be forever alive in you.
For His glory,
The One Who Came Remains!
God in the flesh – what an amazing feat! Someone shared the other day that our God is the only god who needed courage. Hmmm, how true,
for He knew the purpose for which He came.
I have to say that this thanksgiving season is probably my favorite.
It’s the time of year when everything stops so we can say thank you. Some may not have a focal point of those thanks, but I am thankful that I do….
the One who came remains – Jesus, my Savior and Lord.
God continues to bless in Lamarre at EBEL (our church there) and at School of Hope. Thank you to those who have faithfully continued to support the children there. This picture of the first graders was taken this week by former choir member, Jude Simon, who is back in Haiti helping his mom and earning a living through photography. I don’t know who you are, but we are grateful to the person who gave Jude the camera, thereby giving him a tool to provide income.
A few hundred miles to the north, Richardsky and Shiselie, our Haitian siblings who are living with us, got to see and play in snow for the first time. It was quite a thrill! Unfortunately, they learned all too quickly that snowmen don’t last forever…
Preparations for next year’s tour are beginning. God has provided our friends, Tom and Sara Kerr, to help us out. It’s possible we may change things up a bit and begin in Georgia instead of Maine! I can’t quite wrap my brain around that yet, but God will pave His way. We’ll keep you updated. Again, if you’d like the choir to come to your town, please let us know as soon as possible.
Thanks to so many of you, we have been able to provide food for many in Hope Haitian Choir as well as the children at School of Hope. I’ve included a picture of Neissa receiving food in Port au Prince. Neissa was the girl who texted me a few weeks ago, asking for prayer because of the severe gunfire around her. As you may remember, the gang members entered her school after the children had left, and several lost their lives that day. Unfortunately, a short time later, she lost her cousin who was in the line of fire during another gang war. We are actively trying to find a way to move her family into a safer neighborhood. It will cost about $1500-$2000 rent for one year. If you are motivated to help with any amount, please let us know.
Prayer is critical to the success of this ministry. We believe that when God is doing mighty things around us, someone has prayed. It is the most important thing we can do to support each other.
If you’ve been keeping up on our news, you know some of our prayer needs.
*for Neissa and her family as they mourn the loss of a family member and look to relocate
*for our leaders in Lamarre and in Port au Prince.
*for God’s provision for the choir, the church, the school, and for us
*for God-breathed music that will be written by His grace over the next few months
*for open doors to share music in song, dance, and testimony this summer
*****and most of all, for Jesus to enter and remain in the many lives that have been touched by this ministry
Our prayer is that just as John the Baptist leapt in his mother’s womb when he felt the nearness of the Savior in Mary’s womb, so God would enter your hearts and be forever alive in you.
For His glory,

November 5, 2017
It seems last spring, there were problems upon problems as we were preparing for our Hope Haitian Choir 2017 tour. We learned and are continuing to learn how to praise our Lord no matter what is going on. Now, we are overflowing with blessings! I am currently in Haiti for auditions and also to see the growth at School of Hope for the first time. Auditions were held yesterday with about 80 children!! You can see Jacques and Obias processing all the applications.
Callback auditions are planned for tomorrow morning and 26 have been asked to come. This is the hard part – narrowing the group down to about 8!
A lot of listening, reading, interviewing…and a lot of prayer.
Now on to what’s happening in Lamarre…
About two weeks ago, we learned that our school of 31 students is now a school of about 200!
Because of donations from you and a 50K grant from Compassion International, three more buildings are going up to accommodate them all. Unfortunately, we’ve had to turn some kids away. The quickly growing number of children has been a challenge in terms of supplies and meals.
How do we feed 200 kids every day? A plan is in the works and funds are on the way. We should begin this week.
Vocational training for the adults is also continuing with a sewing class and soon education on welding and screen printing.
We’re still hoping to work with Coca Cola, providing renewable energy options as well as some other things. Check their website to see the possibilities: http://www.coca-colacompany.com/sustainability .
Another wonderful piece of news is the promised support from Eastern Christian School in North Haledon, NJ. The school has decided to help with our project for two years!!
We stand amazed at where this began and where God has taken us. His strength and provision are providing hope for the people of Lamarre. Food, education, jobs, but most of all, freedom in Christ.
This world is a dark place, and Lamarre has sometimes been called the center of Haiti’s darkness. There is no advancement of God’s kingdom without the moving of His Spirit. Please, please help this mission by praying.
People have also asked how they can help financially. Two different couples have offered to help provide an education for three Haitians who are ready for the work force. Others are giving tools that will help with the welding program.
Here are some other ways you might help:
It seems last spring, there were problems upon problems as we were preparing for our Hope Haitian Choir 2017 tour. We learned and are continuing to learn how to praise our Lord no matter what is going on. Now, we are overflowing with blessings! I am currently in Haiti for auditions and also to see the growth at School of Hope for the first time. Auditions were held yesterday with about 80 children!! You can see Jacques and Obias processing all the applications.
Callback auditions are planned for tomorrow morning and 26 have been asked to come. This is the hard part – narrowing the group down to about 8!
A lot of listening, reading, interviewing…and a lot of prayer.
Now on to what’s happening in Lamarre…
About two weeks ago, we learned that our school of 31 students is now a school of about 200!
Because of donations from you and a 50K grant from Compassion International, three more buildings are going up to accommodate them all. Unfortunately, we’ve had to turn some kids away. The quickly growing number of children has been a challenge in terms of supplies and meals.
How do we feed 200 kids every day? A plan is in the works and funds are on the way. We should begin this week.
Vocational training for the adults is also continuing with a sewing class and soon education on welding and screen printing.
We’re still hoping to work with Coca Cola, providing renewable energy options as well as some other things. Check their website to see the possibilities: http://www.coca-colacompany.com/sustainability .
Another wonderful piece of news is the promised support from Eastern Christian School in North Haledon, NJ. The school has decided to help with our project for two years!!
We stand amazed at where this began and where God has taken us. His strength and provision are providing hope for the people of Lamarre. Food, education, jobs, but most of all, freedom in Christ.
This world is a dark place, and Lamarre has sometimes been called the center of Haiti’s darkness. There is no advancement of God’s kingdom without the moving of His Spirit. Please, please help this mission by praying.
People have also asked how they can help financially. Two different couples have offered to help provide an education for three Haitians who are ready for the work force. Others are giving tools that will help with the welding program.
Here are some other ways you might help:
- $4000 per month to feed the kids at School of Hope one meal a day.
- Non-electric sewing machines
- A Christian radio station! We already have one member of the church who has worked in radio, as well as a man from Worship Radio Network in Maine who is willing to go down to set it up! The cost could be about $6000.
- School supplies, playground and sports equipment, teaching supplies
- Help with transportation costs for the upcoming HHC tour

September 6, 2017
Two things of note: **please pray for those in Haiti as Hurricane Irma gets closer.
**Also, our pastor and Compassion Center director in Lamarre, Haiti, is scheduled to be in the US for much of October. He would love to share the exciting things that are happening there with you or your church. Please email back or give us a call as we are putting together a schedule for him, from Maine to NJ. Maybe you would consider including Hope Haitian Ministries in your missions giving. Hope Haitian Ministries is a 501c3 corporation and all the money given goes to the mission.
“O Lord, the God of our fathers, are You not God in the Heavens?...
Power and might are in Your hand so that no one can stand against You.” 2 Chronicles 20: 6
This year’s journey with Hope Haitian Choir began the early morning hours of July 19th when they arrived in Boston. The airline ticket showed the landing time of 5:09pm, but as most of us know, that’s no guarantee. The actual arrival time in Boothbay was 3:00am! I don’t think the kids have ever arrived in Maine when the sun is shining. But, as always, God used the delay to glorify His name. They were asked several times to give a song!
Before coming to the states, the choir had spent the previous many weeks practicing in Haiti. Every year I’m amazed at how prepared they are upon arrival. Within three days the rigorous concert schedule began – 31 concerts in 30 days. The kids worked hard and worked together well. We also had two great bus drivers who became part of our family.
There were blessings everywhere! So many provided food and drink and lodging and fun activities. Everywhere we went, we knew there was a lot of behind-the-scenes work that had taken place. We appreciate so much all those who took the lead in each of our churches and venues. We pray God will bless you in return! Thank you to all who gave financially to help pay for this tour; you helped make it possible to share the hope of Christ every day.
If you were to ask each of us what was our favorite part of the tour, the answers would be varied: going to Washington DC, seeing an NBA player dunk, jumping on a trampoline, eating! But I think many would say it was watching how God was using us to encourage and challenge others. Every concert, there were people who would express thanks, many times through tears. Even between concerts, there were moments when we had opportunities to offer a song or hugs to someone who was hurting.
The choir is now back in Haiti, but two were left behind – two who started school this past Tuesday and who are living with us this year. As you can see, they were ready to get to work and cook Haitian food! Even after being with us just a few days, their English has improved. Please pray for them that God will guide them and give them the knowledge, wisdom, patience and perseverance to complete this school year well.
Now on to other news!
School of Hope in Lamarre, Haiti, by God’s grace, will be opening its doors to over 120 students this fall – a big jump from 31 last year!
A new building is being constructed that should hold three more classrooms. We now are also working with Compassion International’s child sponsorship program, so all the new children will go through them. So far, 170 are registered. It costs $38 per month to sponsor a child. If you are interested in doing this, here is the link to our project:
Compassion is a Christ-centered, holistic development program that provides for the kids to go to school, have medical care, and food. Many will be coming to our school.
God has graciously connected us with a church and school in New Jersey. We had some time to talk while I was there this past month. These guys from Montvale Evangelical Free Church have already been to Haiti to scope out the possibilities of expanding our ministry there. Eastern Christian Schools has decided to take us on as a year project, encouraging their kids and families to find ways to help us. Our friends are also seeking help from Coca Cola, since this company has provided solar power around the country in other situations. Here is a sample infographic I just received from them.
We are very excited about what God is doing and has done, and we are convinced more than ever that He is in this! Praise His Name – What an Adventure!
Prayer needs:
*Protection for the delivery of God’s word as we do our best to communicate His truth
*Wisdom, perseverance, discernment, and focus on God’s plans
*The future of Hope Haitian Choir – although our donations increased this year, our expenses did as well. We will need to rethink how to make the tour more cost effective and self-sustaining.
*Provision for God’s children and their families in Lamarre
*That we would all stay close to Jesus so we’ll always have hope to offer to those around us!
Two things of note: **please pray for those in Haiti as Hurricane Irma gets closer.
**Also, our pastor and Compassion Center director in Lamarre, Haiti, is scheduled to be in the US for much of October. He would love to share the exciting things that are happening there with you or your church. Please email back or give us a call as we are putting together a schedule for him, from Maine to NJ. Maybe you would consider including Hope Haitian Ministries in your missions giving. Hope Haitian Ministries is a 501c3 corporation and all the money given goes to the mission.
“O Lord, the God of our fathers, are You not God in the Heavens?...
Power and might are in Your hand so that no one can stand against You.” 2 Chronicles 20: 6
This year’s journey with Hope Haitian Choir began the early morning hours of July 19th when they arrived in Boston. The airline ticket showed the landing time of 5:09pm, but as most of us know, that’s no guarantee. The actual arrival time in Boothbay was 3:00am! I don’t think the kids have ever arrived in Maine when the sun is shining. But, as always, God used the delay to glorify His name. They were asked several times to give a song!
Before coming to the states, the choir had spent the previous many weeks practicing in Haiti. Every year I’m amazed at how prepared they are upon arrival. Within three days the rigorous concert schedule began – 31 concerts in 30 days. The kids worked hard and worked together well. We also had two great bus drivers who became part of our family.
There were blessings everywhere! So many provided food and drink and lodging and fun activities. Everywhere we went, we knew there was a lot of behind-the-scenes work that had taken place. We appreciate so much all those who took the lead in each of our churches and venues. We pray God will bless you in return! Thank you to all who gave financially to help pay for this tour; you helped make it possible to share the hope of Christ every day.
If you were to ask each of us what was our favorite part of the tour, the answers would be varied: going to Washington DC, seeing an NBA player dunk, jumping on a trampoline, eating! But I think many would say it was watching how God was using us to encourage and challenge others. Every concert, there were people who would express thanks, many times through tears. Even between concerts, there were moments when we had opportunities to offer a song or hugs to someone who was hurting.
The choir is now back in Haiti, but two were left behind – two who started school this past Tuesday and who are living with us this year. As you can see, they were ready to get to work and cook Haitian food! Even after being with us just a few days, their English has improved. Please pray for them that God will guide them and give them the knowledge, wisdom, patience and perseverance to complete this school year well.
Now on to other news!
School of Hope in Lamarre, Haiti, by God’s grace, will be opening its doors to over 120 students this fall – a big jump from 31 last year!
A new building is being constructed that should hold three more classrooms. We now are also working with Compassion International’s child sponsorship program, so all the new children will go through them. So far, 170 are registered. It costs $38 per month to sponsor a child. If you are interested in doing this, here is the link to our project:
Compassion is a Christ-centered, holistic development program that provides for the kids to go to school, have medical care, and food. Many will be coming to our school.
God has graciously connected us with a church and school in New Jersey. We had some time to talk while I was there this past month. These guys from Montvale Evangelical Free Church have already been to Haiti to scope out the possibilities of expanding our ministry there. Eastern Christian Schools has decided to take us on as a year project, encouraging their kids and families to find ways to help us. Our friends are also seeking help from Coca Cola, since this company has provided solar power around the country in other situations. Here is a sample infographic I just received from them.
We are very excited about what God is doing and has done, and we are convinced more than ever that He is in this! Praise His Name – What an Adventure!
Prayer needs:
*Protection for the delivery of God’s word as we do our best to communicate His truth
*Wisdom, perseverance, discernment, and focus on God’s plans
*The future of Hope Haitian Choir – although our donations increased this year, our expenses did as well. We will need to rethink how to make the tour more cost effective and self-sustaining.
*Provision for God’s children and their families in Lamarre
*That we would all stay close to Jesus so we’ll always have hope to offer to those around us!

May 28, 2017
How Great is Our God!
Have you seen the video from Louis Giglio – How Great is Our God? If you haven’t, I highly recommend it!
After seeing it, I was taking a walk and thinking about God’s evidence of greatness through our Haitian journey, and I just kept repeating over and over, “How did this all happen? How did this all happen?”.
Mark 9:23, a verse I keep on my refrigerator, has become even more poignant.
“And Jesus said to him, ‘If you can? All things are possible to him who believes!’ ”
Recently, I took a picture of our Haitian son, now 28, holding our newest grandson, Ezra, adopted from Nevada, and I wonder –
what’s next for our daughter and son-in-law!!
Thank you to all who prayed for the choir’s visa appointment a week and a half ago. Eight out of nine received good news. Unfortunately, we just found out minutes ago that they only get one entry, so we’ll need to go through the process again next year. By the way, as a follow-up from the last update, I’ve posted here a picture of the choir at Karibe Convention Center in Port au Prince. They had a great time, and I’ve been told they did a great job!
We still have some open dates for the tour this summer…South Carolina, southern NY, CT, MA, or southern ME. If you’d like to host us, check out where we’re at on our tour schedule page: http://www.hopehaitian.com/tour-schedule.html. It is unfortunate this year that we have no Haitian churches. Any possibilities?
We also are looking for a night’s lodging for 23 of us near Washington DC on August 14 – our day off. Does anyone own a huge house?? J
***Please take note of our fundraiser taking place in Boothbay, ME next Sunday afternoon! Let us know if you’d like to come!
Most of the choir will travel on July 18, but we’re planning to bring a couple sooner – one to apprentice with a licensed electrician in Maine for a couple weeks, and a girl who can receive more English training before the rest of the choir comes. After the tour, Lord willing, another two will be staying with us for the year and going to school here. The student visa process is soon to begin for them.
On the same day as the choir visa appointment, April 19th, three men from NJ flew to Haiti to see how they could best help in the project in Lamarre. On that trip, two of them were able to visit their sponsored child, and the third was able to deliver gifts to a third sponsored child for a man who was not able to go at the last minute. It was a special moment – the first time!
The building project to expand the school is scheduled to begin the first week of June. Again, I never would have believed this!
There are always prayer needs. Maybe you can help!!
How Great is Our God!
Have you seen the video from Louis Giglio – How Great is Our God? If you haven’t, I highly recommend it!
After seeing it, I was taking a walk and thinking about God’s evidence of greatness through our Haitian journey, and I just kept repeating over and over, “How did this all happen? How did this all happen?”.
Mark 9:23, a verse I keep on my refrigerator, has become even more poignant.
“And Jesus said to him, ‘If you can? All things are possible to him who believes!’ ”
Recently, I took a picture of our Haitian son, now 28, holding our newest grandson, Ezra, adopted from Nevada, and I wonder –
what’s next for our daughter and son-in-law!!
Thank you to all who prayed for the choir’s visa appointment a week and a half ago. Eight out of nine received good news. Unfortunately, we just found out minutes ago that they only get one entry, so we’ll need to go through the process again next year. By the way, as a follow-up from the last update, I’ve posted here a picture of the choir at Karibe Convention Center in Port au Prince. They had a great time, and I’ve been told they did a great job!
We still have some open dates for the tour this summer…South Carolina, southern NY, CT, MA, or southern ME. If you’d like to host us, check out where we’re at on our tour schedule page: http://www.hopehaitian.com/tour-schedule.html. It is unfortunate this year that we have no Haitian churches. Any possibilities?
We also are looking for a night’s lodging for 23 of us near Washington DC on August 14 – our day off. Does anyone own a huge house?? J
***Please take note of our fundraiser taking place in Boothbay, ME next Sunday afternoon! Let us know if you’d like to come!
Most of the choir will travel on July 18, but we’re planning to bring a couple sooner – one to apprentice with a licensed electrician in Maine for a couple weeks, and a girl who can receive more English training before the rest of the choir comes. After the tour, Lord willing, another two will be staying with us for the year and going to school here. The student visa process is soon to begin for them.
On the same day as the choir visa appointment, April 19th, three men from NJ flew to Haiti to see how they could best help in the project in Lamarre. On that trip, two of them were able to visit their sponsored child, and the third was able to deliver gifts to a third sponsored child for a man who was not able to go at the last minute. It was a special moment – the first time!
The building project to expand the school is scheduled to begin the first week of June. Again, I never would have believed this!
There are always prayer needs. Maybe you can help!!
- Financial
- Finalization of the concert schedule
- Prayer for perseverance and health for all of us involved
- Gifts of LL Bean backpacks
- For safety for those working on the new buildings in Lamarre
- More true salvations in Lamarre and beyond
- Prayer that our choir will give effective presentations of the gospel, and many would be drawn to come
- …most of all, that Jesus’ name would be highly lifted up through the ministry He has given
May 19, 2017
A quick update: 8 out of 9 of the visas were approved this morning! Also, a team from NJ is traveling to Haiti today to scope out the project in Lamarre and to see how they can best help us. Please pray for them!
A quick update: 8 out of 9 of the visas were approved this morning! Also, a team from NJ is traveling to Haiti today to scope out the project in Lamarre and to see how they can best help us. Please pray for them!

April 20, 2017 - Back from Haiti
Back from Haiti
Last week I returned from Haiti after a week training the choir, visiting School of Hope and meeting with many people. It was an exceptionally profitable week, and by God’s grace, the travel was smooth and safe, no one got sick, and there were no demonstrations or weather issues to prevent the kids from coming to practices. We all worked hard – and I especially thank all those who were praying, as well as those who made it possible for this special time.
Now is a time of waiting for the visas. We are praying the appointment will come soon, so we can have a better chance of good airline ticket prices. We’ve also asked two young people from the choir to stay longer and attend a Christian school near our home, where my husband is now principal. Again, we are praying for a favorable response from the American Embassy – for student visas.
Hope Haitian Choir is gaining recognition in Haiti. Below is a poster for an upcoming event at Karibe Convention Center in Port au Prince. The kids are very excited! And so am I!!
Would you like to host the choir here in the states? We still have open dates http://www.hopehaitian.com/tour-schedule.html, just give a call or send an email…. [email protected] or 207-633-7195. Details about what’s involved are on this page as well.
For updated information about us, here’s another link – our new promotional video to be shared with whomever: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SRS9rFLZyV8
School of Hope
On Friday, I had an opportunity to see again the work at School of Hope. Many of you sponsors sent gifts and letters for your children and they were so excited! It was the last day before Easter vacation, so there was already a ceremony going on when we arrived, and the gifts just added to the presentations!
I also decided to initiate some work for the villagers, so took down some scrap material and supplies to make various crafts for them to sell.
While there, I met a lady who is a seamstress. We decided to pay her $30 a month to come in to teach a couple times a week. Would anyone like to sponsor her?
Compassion International
I was able to spend some time working through the details of our future partnership with Compassion International, an after-school sponsorship program. I just learned yesterday that the program may accept up to 200 students and will be hiring about 4 staff members to run it. We are still waiting on the 50K grant we should be receiving from them that will help in building the school larger, as well as providing office space. So for now, we are beginning with adding three classrooms with money we designated for this: one building out of four…maybe 90 new students.
And have you ever seen one of these? (look below) It’s a container home. With the help of some friends from NJ, something like this may become a home for our pastor in Lamarre! Stay tuned!
Please pray for us. The projects are bigger than our pocketbooks…the mission is bigger than our bodies and time can manage.
And as many know, when Good News is being proclaimed there is always opposition. We have had many challenges in the last few months, and as we look ahead, we see many more.
But we also see clearly that God is at work. We will never regret these days – as it says just above our house entrance “The days given to God are never lost”.
Until next time,
Back from Haiti
Last week I returned from Haiti after a week training the choir, visiting School of Hope and meeting with many people. It was an exceptionally profitable week, and by God’s grace, the travel was smooth and safe, no one got sick, and there were no demonstrations or weather issues to prevent the kids from coming to practices. We all worked hard – and I especially thank all those who were praying, as well as those who made it possible for this special time.
Now is a time of waiting for the visas. We are praying the appointment will come soon, so we can have a better chance of good airline ticket prices. We’ve also asked two young people from the choir to stay longer and attend a Christian school near our home, where my husband is now principal. Again, we are praying for a favorable response from the American Embassy – for student visas.
Hope Haitian Choir is gaining recognition in Haiti. Below is a poster for an upcoming event at Karibe Convention Center in Port au Prince. The kids are very excited! And so am I!!
Would you like to host the choir here in the states? We still have open dates http://www.hopehaitian.com/tour-schedule.html, just give a call or send an email…. [email protected] or 207-633-7195. Details about what’s involved are on this page as well.
For updated information about us, here’s another link – our new promotional video to be shared with whomever: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SRS9rFLZyV8
School of Hope
On Friday, I had an opportunity to see again the work at School of Hope. Many of you sponsors sent gifts and letters for your children and they were so excited! It was the last day before Easter vacation, so there was already a ceremony going on when we arrived, and the gifts just added to the presentations!
I also decided to initiate some work for the villagers, so took down some scrap material and supplies to make various crafts for them to sell.
While there, I met a lady who is a seamstress. We decided to pay her $30 a month to come in to teach a couple times a week. Would anyone like to sponsor her?
Compassion International
I was able to spend some time working through the details of our future partnership with Compassion International, an after-school sponsorship program. I just learned yesterday that the program may accept up to 200 students and will be hiring about 4 staff members to run it. We are still waiting on the 50K grant we should be receiving from them that will help in building the school larger, as well as providing office space. So for now, we are beginning with adding three classrooms with money we designated for this: one building out of four…maybe 90 new students.
And have you ever seen one of these? (look below) It’s a container home. With the help of some friends from NJ, something like this may become a home for our pastor in Lamarre! Stay tuned!
Please pray for us. The projects are bigger than our pocketbooks…the mission is bigger than our bodies and time can manage.
And as many know, when Good News is being proclaimed there is always opposition. We have had many challenges in the last few months, and as we look ahead, we see many more.
But we also see clearly that God is at work. We will never regret these days – as it says just above our house entrance “The days given to God are never lost”.
Until next time,

January 19, 2017...An Unexpected Trip
I made an unplanned trip to Haiti this past week for several reasons: The first being to give comfort and support to our pastor in Lamarre and his family who just lost their son during childbirth. (family picture) They are doing OK, continuing to serve God and pressing forward. I’m sure they would appreciate any prayers on their behalf.
What to put in my suitcase is always a challenge. This trip, I decided to focus on clothes. There is such a need. I also was able to carry down a keyboard for the church and a new computer for the school. The keyboard was welcomed, and there already is a young man who can play. The children were fascinated with the computer, as I’m sure some probably were seeing one up close for the first time! I was hoping this would be a way to connect with our liaison, Michelet, who is helping with the sponsorships and church.
But we have a problem...
The Natcom data jump drive that I bought doesn’t connect to the internet: the signal is too weak, no matter where we stand. Any ideas??
Our last child is sponsored!!!!
Next year? With the interest of the villagers and the prospects of a new building with 9 more grades, we should have plenty of children who will need sponsors. So if you missed out this time around, you’ll get another chance!
Barbie Simon joined me this trip. As you can see, she got a chance to do some teaching at the school. We’d love to have her join the teaching staff at some point. Praying.
SHORT TERM MISSION TRIP: There may be an opportunity for a building crew to go down and help with construction of another school building, a home for our pastor, as well as a guest house, primarily for the teachers. We’re not sure of the dates yet, but hoping for April. Please let me know if you’re interested.
It sure would be nice to complete all of this by this fall. Again, praying!
I just learned that since the beginning of school, there have been at least of couple of parents who have learned of Jesus and are now headed towards heaven! Hallelujah!
On Saturday, I met with the choir and worked on a couple songs for this summer. On Sunday, several traveled with me to the church in Lamarre. Pastor Obias preached and the choir sang. After church, we had a dance workshop for anyone who wanted to stay. We were thinking kids, but they all stayed!
CHOIR update: I just learned that the choir has been asked to sing at a big event at the Karibe
Convention Center at the end of April. I can't wait to hear more! Already since returning from the tour, they have shared their hope through music 6 to 7 times.
Needs and prayer requests:
**New vehicles for Jacques and Nacesse (who transport the choir and minister in many other ways) and Obias (our pastor in Lamarre).
**Internet in Lamarre
**Funds and builders for the new school building, house for our pastor, and a guest house for our added teachers this fall
**Job opportunities in Lamarre
**Continued progress in scheduling Hope Haitian Choir concerts for this summer. (if you’d like to host us,
contact Meredith Fowlie at [email protected]. )
**There is one more passport to receive, and then the visa applications
**The increase of the kingdom of Jesus Christ!
I made an unplanned trip to Haiti this past week for several reasons: The first being to give comfort and support to our pastor in Lamarre and his family who just lost their son during childbirth. (family picture) They are doing OK, continuing to serve God and pressing forward. I’m sure they would appreciate any prayers on their behalf.
What to put in my suitcase is always a challenge. This trip, I decided to focus on clothes. There is such a need. I also was able to carry down a keyboard for the church and a new computer for the school. The keyboard was welcomed, and there already is a young man who can play. The children were fascinated with the computer, as I’m sure some probably were seeing one up close for the first time! I was hoping this would be a way to connect with our liaison, Michelet, who is helping with the sponsorships and church.
But we have a problem...
The Natcom data jump drive that I bought doesn’t connect to the internet: the signal is too weak, no matter where we stand. Any ideas??
Our last child is sponsored!!!!
Next year? With the interest of the villagers and the prospects of a new building with 9 more grades, we should have plenty of children who will need sponsors. So if you missed out this time around, you’ll get another chance!
Barbie Simon joined me this trip. As you can see, she got a chance to do some teaching at the school. We’d love to have her join the teaching staff at some point. Praying.
SHORT TERM MISSION TRIP: There may be an opportunity for a building crew to go down and help with construction of another school building, a home for our pastor, as well as a guest house, primarily for the teachers. We’re not sure of the dates yet, but hoping for April. Please let me know if you’re interested.
It sure would be nice to complete all of this by this fall. Again, praying!
I just learned that since the beginning of school, there have been at least of couple of parents who have learned of Jesus and are now headed towards heaven! Hallelujah!
On Saturday, I met with the choir and worked on a couple songs for this summer. On Sunday, several traveled with me to the church in Lamarre. Pastor Obias preached and the choir sang. After church, we had a dance workshop for anyone who wanted to stay. We were thinking kids, but they all stayed!
CHOIR update: I just learned that the choir has been asked to sing at a big event at the Karibe
Convention Center at the end of April. I can't wait to hear more! Already since returning from the tour, they have shared their hope through music 6 to 7 times.
Needs and prayer requests:
**New vehicles for Jacques and Nacesse (who transport the choir and minister in many other ways) and Obias (our pastor in Lamarre).
**Internet in Lamarre
**Funds and builders for the new school building, house for our pastor, and a guest house for our added teachers this fall
**Job opportunities in Lamarre
**Continued progress in scheduling Hope Haitian Choir concerts for this summer. (if you’d like to host us,
contact Meredith Fowlie at [email protected]. )
**There is one more passport to receive, and then the visa applications
**The increase of the kingdom of Jesus Christ!

A Mission in Haiti
November 3, 2016
Auditions for Hope Haitian Choir 2017 began in Port au Prince on Saturday, October 29th. About 70 children auditioned. Out of those, only 15-16 can be chosen to come to the US next summer. And, of course, there’s always the visa and passport process! The talent was again impressive and the final decisions need to be made over the next few days.
“I am the Vine and you are the branches” John 15:5
As I was sitting outside resting and reading my Bible after the final auditions were complete, I looked up and saw this sight on top of a nearby wall. As is usual in Haiti the wall was protected by barbed wire. But this wire could not stop the vine from growing through it. Some branches were just attached, but the longer ones joined the vine in going through the barbs. It was a fabulous image of what had just occurred the previous day as Jacques, his daughter, and I delivered your gifts of help to our choir member in Les Cayes whose house was partly destroyed during
Hurricane Matthew.
As we were there, we learned that a young boy was killed during a fight just a short distance away as needed food was arriving at the port. Demonstrations erupted all over the city, but we didn’t know until we headed back to Port au Prince. The road out was partly blocked in several places with burning tires, rocks, and branches. As Jacques said, “I don’t know what to do”, I began to sing quietly Oh Lord, You’re My Strength and My Song”. It was as if we were going through barbed wire, and our God was right beside us showing us which way to go, and He graciously led us safely back to Port au Prince.
Louanj pou Bondye!
School of Hope
Finally, for the first time, I was able to visit our new school in Lamarre!! This was a moment I had long awaited. On Sunday, during the church service, all the children sat together and I found myself holding back tears as they came to the front together to sing a song for me.
On Monday, we came back to the school and were
introduced to them all. Some were absent because of sickness, but most were there. I was so pleased to see the two teachers were enthusiastic, creative, and keeping the children on task. What a blessing!
We are still looking for a few more sponsors. $30 per month provides for their education as well as one meal per day. Please let me know if you would like to be a blessing to us and to a child there.
The time with our pastor Obias and Pastor Jacques was incredibly helpful. It was good to discuss future plans. The need is so great for education, that we all envision another larger building in the near future to house more classes. A proposal will soon be put before us by an architect in Haiti.
We also discussed the need for jobs. There are still some tools leftover from the construction project, and there is interest from those in the village to learn how to work with wood. If you know this skill and are interested in a short-term mission project, there is a need. Please give us a call or send an email.
November 3, 2016
Auditions for Hope Haitian Choir 2017 began in Port au Prince on Saturday, October 29th. About 70 children auditioned. Out of those, only 15-16 can be chosen to come to the US next summer. And, of course, there’s always the visa and passport process! The talent was again impressive and the final decisions need to be made over the next few days.
“I am the Vine and you are the branches” John 15:5
As I was sitting outside resting and reading my Bible after the final auditions were complete, I looked up and saw this sight on top of a nearby wall. As is usual in Haiti the wall was protected by barbed wire. But this wire could not stop the vine from growing through it. Some branches were just attached, but the longer ones joined the vine in going through the barbs. It was a fabulous image of what had just occurred the previous day as Jacques, his daughter, and I delivered your gifts of help to our choir member in Les Cayes whose house was partly destroyed during
Hurricane Matthew.
As we were there, we learned that a young boy was killed during a fight just a short distance away as needed food was arriving at the port. Demonstrations erupted all over the city, but we didn’t know until we headed back to Port au Prince. The road out was partly blocked in several places with burning tires, rocks, and branches. As Jacques said, “I don’t know what to do”, I began to sing quietly Oh Lord, You’re My Strength and My Song”. It was as if we were going through barbed wire, and our God was right beside us showing us which way to go, and He graciously led us safely back to Port au Prince.
Louanj pou Bondye!
School of Hope
Finally, for the first time, I was able to visit our new school in Lamarre!! This was a moment I had long awaited. On Sunday, during the church service, all the children sat together and I found myself holding back tears as they came to the front together to sing a song for me.
On Monday, we came back to the school and were
introduced to them all. Some were absent because of sickness, but most were there. I was so pleased to see the two teachers were enthusiastic, creative, and keeping the children on task. What a blessing!
We are still looking for a few more sponsors. $30 per month provides for their education as well as one meal per day. Please let me know if you would like to be a blessing to us and to a child there.
The time with our pastor Obias and Pastor Jacques was incredibly helpful. It was good to discuss future plans. The need is so great for education, that we all envision another larger building in the near future to house more classes. A proposal will soon be put before us by an architect in Haiti.
We also discussed the need for jobs. There are still some tools leftover from the construction project, and there is interest from those in the village to learn how to work with wood. If you know this skill and are interested in a short-term mission project, there is a need. Please give us a call or send an email.
October 6, 2016
Thank you to all of you who have been praying for those in Haiti through the last few days. As far as I know, the school and the children are fine…Obias and Jacques and their families as well.
The only sad news is that since one of our choir members from 2014 (Esther) was living in Les Cayes, she and her family were directly hit by the storm. Now, her family is partly homeless because they lost two homes there. Please pray for them, and if you are able and want to help, please let me know. I should see her the end of the month when, Lord willing, I return to Haiti for auditions.
Thank you to all of you who have been praying for those in Haiti through the last few days. As far as I know, the school and the children are fine…Obias and Jacques and their families as well.
The only sad news is that since one of our choir members from 2014 (Esther) was living in Les Cayes, she and her family were directly hit by the storm. Now, her family is partly homeless because they lost two homes there. Please pray for them, and if you are able and want to help, please let me know. I should see her the end of the month when, Lord willing, I return to Haiti for auditions.

July 18, 2016
Dear Friends,
It’s July 18th and we are excitedly looking forward to tomorrow night when, by God’s grace, we pick up the choir from Logan Airport. Already, we have three and tomorrow seventeen more! It’s hard to believe that all the months of preparation are past and the main event is about to start for the fifth year!
I can’t express our gratitude to all of you who have prayed for all of us already, and donated towards this ministry. It has been a year of challenges and even now, this week has brought new unpleasant distractions. But God is still God and we need to keep our focus on Him!
“May the Lord answer you in the day of trouble! May the name of the God of Jacob set you securely on high!” Psalm 20:1
We look forward to seeing many of you again over the next month, and we pray God will encourage you through the children’s songs of hope.
Dear Friends,
It’s July 18th and we are excitedly looking forward to tomorrow night when, by God’s grace, we pick up the choir from Logan Airport. Already, we have three and tomorrow seventeen more! It’s hard to believe that all the months of preparation are past and the main event is about to start for the fifth year!
I can’t express our gratitude to all of you who have prayed for all of us already, and donated towards this ministry. It has been a year of challenges and even now, this week has brought new unpleasant distractions. But God is still God and we need to keep our focus on Him!
“May the Lord answer you in the day of trouble! May the name of the God of Jacob set you securely on high!” Psalm 20:1
We look forward to seeing many of you again over the next month, and we pray God will encourage you through the children’s songs of hope.

June 16, 2016
Almost time to begin!
As I look around this country and see the heartbreak and fear, terror and hopelessness, it is easy to give up hope. Sometimes I think I just want to find a
remote island away from it all. But, at other times, I see an opportunity to be a light in the darkness. Our faith in Jesus is our hope! I have seen it over and over in Haiti – when so many things are taken away, the choices for joy and contentment can only come from our plumb line, our sure rock who will not fail us if we choose to hold tight to Him.
Fifteen children are preparing to sing and dance and share that hope in America. They will arrive in the states on July 19th, and pretty much, hit the ground running! There are many last-minute preparations, but thankfully, much of the work has been done. The songs are finished, the tour schedule is full. Plane tickets have been purchased, and our bus company, Elite, is still able to provide transportation this year.
For those of you who are hosting us, we thank you, and are looking forward to spending time with you and getting to know you! Hopefully, by tomorrow, I will have uploaded to our website the updated promotional material that was sent to you.
An update on Lamarre: the church congregation is growing and understanding more and more the powerful gift of love that God graciously has given. They are becoming more independent in their faith, studying on their own and following through on God’s best work for each of them.
Plans for a school are moving forward with a kindergarten and pre-kindergarten class this fall. The last I heard, there were about 22 children registered and two teachers hired. I soon should have pictures of each of the kids with a little information about them. Then, we can begin the process of seeking sponsors for them. If you are interested in this, you can sponsor a child for $30 a month. This money will go towards teachers, cooks, security and janitorial salaries, as well as curriculum and food. Please let us know if you would like to be a part of helping to educate the children in our Haitian son’s birth village.
At the moment, we have two faithful supporters of our Hope Haitian Choir Sponsorship program – set up to provide food for the choir members while they’re in Haiti. Please let us know if you can help with this as well. So many needs!! Yet so much hope!! God is building His church, and we are so privileged to be a part of it!
Almost time to begin!
As I look around this country and see the heartbreak and fear, terror and hopelessness, it is easy to give up hope. Sometimes I think I just want to find a
remote island away from it all. But, at other times, I see an opportunity to be a light in the darkness. Our faith in Jesus is our hope! I have seen it over and over in Haiti – when so many things are taken away, the choices for joy and contentment can only come from our plumb line, our sure rock who will not fail us if we choose to hold tight to Him.
Fifteen children are preparing to sing and dance and share that hope in America. They will arrive in the states on July 19th, and pretty much, hit the ground running! There are many last-minute preparations, but thankfully, much of the work has been done. The songs are finished, the tour schedule is full. Plane tickets have been purchased, and our bus company, Elite, is still able to provide transportation this year.
For those of you who are hosting us, we thank you, and are looking forward to spending time with you and getting to know you! Hopefully, by tomorrow, I will have uploaded to our website the updated promotional material that was sent to you.
An update on Lamarre: the church congregation is growing and understanding more and more the powerful gift of love that God graciously has given. They are becoming more independent in their faith, studying on their own and following through on God’s best work for each of them.
Plans for a school are moving forward with a kindergarten and pre-kindergarten class this fall. The last I heard, there were about 22 children registered and two teachers hired. I soon should have pictures of each of the kids with a little information about them. Then, we can begin the process of seeking sponsors for them. If you are interested in this, you can sponsor a child for $30 a month. This money will go towards teachers, cooks, security and janitorial salaries, as well as curriculum and food. Please let us know if you would like to be a part of helping to educate the children in our Haitian son’s birth village.
At the moment, we have two faithful supporters of our Hope Haitian Choir Sponsorship program – set up to provide food for the choir members while they’re in Haiti. Please let us know if you can help with this as well. So many needs!! Yet so much hope!! God is building His church, and we are so privileged to be a part of it!
May 14, 2016
11 out of 12 visas approved!!!!
Thank you for praying,
11 out of 12 visas approved!!!!
Thank you for praying,
May 9, 2016
Finally, this Friday at 7:30am, the Hope Haitian Choir 2016 children are scheduled for their visa appointment. This is a critical meeting and we are praying for God's favor as we seek to honor Him this summer through these children.
Please join us in praying!
Finally, this Friday at 7:30am, the Hope Haitian Choir 2016 children are scheduled for their visa appointment. This is a critical meeting and we are praying for God's favor as we seek to honor Him this summer through these children.
Please join us in praying!

April 25, 2016
As I have been reminded so many times, God is the One who chooses our choirs.
Eight applications for passports were submitted this year. Only five were approved before our deadline. Last week, Pastor Obias filled out the necessary forms for the visas. Just today we learned that the visa group appointment was approved. We must now pay more fees and wait to see when that appointment will happen. We are praying that all these children and young adults will be able to come.
*On another note, we want to say thank you to John Holub, one of our faithful supporters, for donating his beautiful painting of the choir which is now being replicated on 11 oz. coffee mugs! Thank you also to DR Designs in Manchester, ME for working with us to help make this affordable. If you would like to be a part of sponsoring this fundraiser, please let us know.
*Hope Haitian Ministries is looking forward to having a booth at the "Why Jesus? Conference" on May 7th in Bangor, ME. And if I read my information correctly, our booth will be next door to the Ravi Zacharias International booth! I hope I get to meet him!! And I hope to see many of you there as well!
*Plans are still moving ahead for the kindergarten class in Lamarre. Tables and chairs are being crafted to fit little children and Obias is still seeking a gifted teacher, along with a helper, cook and a custodian/security person.
*The choir tour is almost complete - but there are still a few empty spots, especially in Maine. If you know of a venue for a concert, again, please let me know, and I will pass the word along to Meredith.
Well. that's a summary of what's happening in our world these days. We are so blessed to be a part of this group of "hope".
As I have been reminded so many times, God is the One who chooses our choirs.
Eight applications for passports were submitted this year. Only five were approved before our deadline. Last week, Pastor Obias filled out the necessary forms for the visas. Just today we learned that the visa group appointment was approved. We must now pay more fees and wait to see when that appointment will happen. We are praying that all these children and young adults will be able to come.
*On another note, we want to say thank you to John Holub, one of our faithful supporters, for donating his beautiful painting of the choir which is now being replicated on 11 oz. coffee mugs! Thank you also to DR Designs in Manchester, ME for working with us to help make this affordable. If you would like to be a part of sponsoring this fundraiser, please let us know.
*Hope Haitian Ministries is looking forward to having a booth at the "Why Jesus? Conference" on May 7th in Bangor, ME. And if I read my information correctly, our booth will be next door to the Ravi Zacharias International booth! I hope I get to meet him!! And I hope to see many of you there as well!
*Plans are still moving ahead for the kindergarten class in Lamarre. Tables and chairs are being crafted to fit little children and Obias is still seeking a gifted teacher, along with a helper, cook and a custodian/security person.
*The choir tour is almost complete - but there are still a few empty spots, especially in Maine. If you know of a venue for a concert, again, please let me know, and I will pass the word along to Meredith.
Well. that's a summary of what's happening in our world these days. We are so blessed to be a part of this group of "hope".

March 28, 2016
It's been almost a week since I returned from Haiti. What a blessed trip! To those of you who prayed for me and my time there, THANK YOU.
I was originally planning to go alone, but at the last moment, I found a partner - and what a wonderful partner he was! Thank you, Jude, for seeking the Holy Spirit and following His lead.
We spent Friday through Tuesday teaching songs and dances, as well as listening to the new songs many of the choir wrote. More and more each year, I am amazed at the talent and spiritual maturity of these young people. They learn quickly, and one or two of them could probably do a concert tomorrow!
But, not one passport has been approved. Jacques and I decided we need to set a deadline - if the passports don't come in the next couple weeks, we will need to seek visas with those who already have a passport - previous choir members. We are leaving it in God's hands - He is the one to choose this year's choir.
Another blessing - God provided a young seminary student, Jephte, to be our videographer for the trip. He spent hours with us and is putting together a 3-minute promotional video. Thank you, Jephte!!
Our pastor, Obias, filled me in on the happenings and vision for the church in Lamarre. On Easter Sunday, five people were baptized! We discussed in more detail what needs to happen to prepare for a pre-kindergarten and kindergarten class. Our hope is that each of the 25 possible new students would be sponsored by people here in the states. We are also praying for an experienced and qualified teacher, along with one or two aids, a cook, and a janitor/security person. Our hope is that the parents can be involved with helping to pay for their child/children - which means providing jobs. A job-training school as well?? Obias mentioned how wonderful it would be to have a woodworking shop. It appears the village men have expressed an interest in this. If any of you have this skill and are interested in a short-term mission trip, please let us know.
I leave you with some specific prayer requests:
Thank you for your continued support!
To the praise of His glory!!
It's been almost a week since I returned from Haiti. What a blessed trip! To those of you who prayed for me and my time there, THANK YOU.
I was originally planning to go alone, but at the last moment, I found a partner - and what a wonderful partner he was! Thank you, Jude, for seeking the Holy Spirit and following His lead.
We spent Friday through Tuesday teaching songs and dances, as well as listening to the new songs many of the choir wrote. More and more each year, I am amazed at the talent and spiritual maturity of these young people. They learn quickly, and one or two of them could probably do a concert tomorrow!
But, not one passport has been approved. Jacques and I decided we need to set a deadline - if the passports don't come in the next couple weeks, we will need to seek visas with those who already have a passport - previous choir members. We are leaving it in God's hands - He is the one to choose this year's choir.
Another blessing - God provided a young seminary student, Jephte, to be our videographer for the trip. He spent hours with us and is putting together a 3-minute promotional video. Thank you, Jephte!!
Our pastor, Obias, filled me in on the happenings and vision for the church in Lamarre. On Easter Sunday, five people were baptized! We discussed in more detail what needs to happen to prepare for a pre-kindergarten and kindergarten class. Our hope is that each of the 25 possible new students would be sponsored by people here in the states. We are also praying for an experienced and qualified teacher, along with one or two aids, a cook, and a janitor/security person. Our hope is that the parents can be involved with helping to pay for their child/children - which means providing jobs. A job-training school as well?? Obias mentioned how wonderful it would be to have a woodworking shop. It appears the village men have expressed an interest in this. If any of you have this skill and are interested in a short-term mission trip, please let us know.
I leave you with some specific prayer requests:
- Passports and visas
- tour schedule would be full
- a qualified teacher for the new school this fall
- financial provision for the choir tour, the new school, and sponsorships for both the choir and the new students
- continued wisdom for Obias, Jacques, Chuck and I as we plan for the future of HHM
Thank you for your continued support!
To the praise of His glory!!

March 9, 2016
For the last several months I’ve been reading through The Jesus Storybook Bible in Creole, written by Sally Lloyd Jones. If you have young children I highly recommend it (maybe in English though). The author is extremely insightful and I’ve seen simple Bible stories in a whole new light. For instance: the creation of the world is really God making something out of nothing – incredible! That’s hope…We may not see what we’re asking for…we may think our situation is impossible, but we don’t see what God sees…and He is the God who can create something out of nothing!
So let’s make this practical – we have yet to see the several passports needed to get this new choir to the states this summer. The paperwork is somewhere, in a stack of papers, or in someone’s hand, or maybe the passports are even in the mail. But we don’t see them. We are praying for faith to become sight…for the unseen to become seen. And we trust Him for this year’s choir.
After several weeks of writing and recording, I plan to travel to Haiti next week to teach new songs and dances. I ask for your prayers for this as well, for safety, for quick learners, for all the preparations to be complete before leaving, for wisdom and knowledge and a sense of family – as we all spend time together for the first time.
EBEL (Eglise Biblique Espoir de Lamarre…Bible Hope Church of Lamarre) is growing, (and is now on Facebook)! Our pastor Obias has been faithful to His calling and we are seeing the fruit of his labor, as well as several others in the village. What a blessing to hear of many people who are trusting Jesus for their salva-tion…there is no greater joy for us! The picture above shows our Haitian son’s biological father surrendering his life to his Savior...just two weeks ago.
In the past several weeks, a sign was painted and posted, steps from the building to the road were built, the roof was put on the outhouse, leaks were plugged and electricity was wired to the building. Our hope for this fall is a kitchen area, small tables and chairs to be built, and clean water, whether by a well or water filter. We are preparing for a kindergarten class to begin. There is much work yet to be done, but we are leaning on the Lord to provide what is needed.
The tour schedule is still a work in process, but we are moving ahead as more and more people are expressing an interest in hosting the choir. We are in need of a sound technician for the tour. It’s a specific and rare talent to be able to set up, run, and take down a sound system each night in a new location – and knowing how to stream-line the process when good equipment is already available to plug into. Please let us know if you know of anyone who may be interested and have this experience.
As always, thank you for your encouragement and support. As you pray for us, please let us know how we can pray for you.
For the last several months I’ve been reading through The Jesus Storybook Bible in Creole, written by Sally Lloyd Jones. If you have young children I highly recommend it (maybe in English though). The author is extremely insightful and I’ve seen simple Bible stories in a whole new light. For instance: the creation of the world is really God making something out of nothing – incredible! That’s hope…We may not see what we’re asking for…we may think our situation is impossible, but we don’t see what God sees…and He is the God who can create something out of nothing!
So let’s make this practical – we have yet to see the several passports needed to get this new choir to the states this summer. The paperwork is somewhere, in a stack of papers, or in someone’s hand, or maybe the passports are even in the mail. But we don’t see them. We are praying for faith to become sight…for the unseen to become seen. And we trust Him for this year’s choir.
After several weeks of writing and recording, I plan to travel to Haiti next week to teach new songs and dances. I ask for your prayers for this as well, for safety, for quick learners, for all the preparations to be complete before leaving, for wisdom and knowledge and a sense of family – as we all spend time together for the first time.
EBEL (Eglise Biblique Espoir de Lamarre…Bible Hope Church of Lamarre) is growing, (and is now on Facebook)! Our pastor Obias has been faithful to His calling and we are seeing the fruit of his labor, as well as several others in the village. What a blessing to hear of many people who are trusting Jesus for their salva-tion…there is no greater joy for us! The picture above shows our Haitian son’s biological father surrendering his life to his Savior...just two weeks ago.
In the past several weeks, a sign was painted and posted, steps from the building to the road were built, the roof was put on the outhouse, leaks were plugged and electricity was wired to the building. Our hope for this fall is a kitchen area, small tables and chairs to be built, and clean water, whether by a well or water filter. We are preparing for a kindergarten class to begin. There is much work yet to be done, but we are leaning on the Lord to provide what is needed.
The tour schedule is still a work in process, but we are moving ahead as more and more people are expressing an interest in hosting the choir. We are in need of a sound technician for the tour. It’s a specific and rare talent to be able to set up, run, and take down a sound system each night in a new location – and knowing how to stream-line the process when good equipment is already available to plug into. Please let us know if you know of anyone who may be interested and have this experience.
As always, thank you for your encouragement and support. As you pray for us, please let us know how we can pray for you.

January 28, 2016
Here’s another picture we were thrilled to receive from Pastor Obias in Haiti!!
EBEL...in English: Bible Hope Church of Lamarre. The other words translated say: “We work for what we have, but God’s grace is free!” We have always felt that we don’t want to
create dependents of people through the church, but rather dependents of God. It is a tough balance when so many need so much. We covet your prayers in this.
As I wrote in December, I had the opportunity to live through one more normal Haitian experience—being sick in a hospital. It gave me another reason to be thankful, as well as another connection with those we love in Haiti. Obias asked me the other night—”how did you live through it?” My answer, gratefully, was “with peace”. Thanks again to all who held me up in prayer during those days.
Thank you as well to those who took seriously the prayer requests I mentioned in December….
1. God gave us the perfect time to travel, and now the auditions are behind us.
2. The church in Lamarre is growing and our pastor and family are doing well.
3. It’s looking like our vision for a school may become a reality this fall—with a preschool and
kindergarten class!
Meredith Fowlie and our friend Elly are working hard to put together this year’s tour. Check out the tour schedule page to see the latest, and let them know if you would like to host a concert this coming summer. Meredith’s email address is [email protected].
Fabry Murphy and I have been writing and recording songs in preparation for the tour. It’s a wonderful, sometimes difficult, but humbling experience.
We also want you to know that several of the choir members, because of some generous
donations, were able to receive Christmas gifts of money to help their families with basic needs. If you are interested in helping, checks can be made payable to Hope Haitian Sponsorship. The need is ongoing for many of these kids.
One more thing—we hope very soon to have a new CD with songs in just Creole and French...stay tuned!
May God grant you strength and wisdom and peace in whatever circumstances you are in. He is a God who always knows what is best for us, and even though we may not understand,
He will never settle for second best.
To Him be all the glory,
Here’s another picture we were thrilled to receive from Pastor Obias in Haiti!!
EBEL...in English: Bible Hope Church of Lamarre. The other words translated say: “We work for what we have, but God’s grace is free!” We have always felt that we don’t want to
create dependents of people through the church, but rather dependents of God. It is a tough balance when so many need so much. We covet your prayers in this.
As I wrote in December, I had the opportunity to live through one more normal Haitian experience—being sick in a hospital. It gave me another reason to be thankful, as well as another connection with those we love in Haiti. Obias asked me the other night—”how did you live through it?” My answer, gratefully, was “with peace”. Thanks again to all who held me up in prayer during those days.
Thank you as well to those who took seriously the prayer requests I mentioned in December….
1. God gave us the perfect time to travel, and now the auditions are behind us.
2. The church in Lamarre is growing and our pastor and family are doing well.
3. It’s looking like our vision for a school may become a reality this fall—with a preschool and
kindergarten class!
Meredith Fowlie and our friend Elly are working hard to put together this year’s tour. Check out the tour schedule page to see the latest, and let them know if you would like to host a concert this coming summer. Meredith’s email address is [email protected].
Fabry Murphy and I have been writing and recording songs in preparation for the tour. It’s a wonderful, sometimes difficult, but humbling experience.
We also want you to know that several of the choir members, because of some generous
donations, were able to receive Christmas gifts of money to help their families with basic needs. If you are interested in helping, checks can be made payable to Hope Haitian Sponsorship. The need is ongoing for many of these kids.
One more thing—we hope very soon to have a new CD with songs in just Creole and French...stay tuned!
May God grant you strength and wisdom and peace in whatever circumstances you are in. He is a God who always knows what is best for us, and even though we may not understand,
He will never settle for second best.
To Him be all the glory,
December 18, 2015
Yes, that may be an odd way to start, but within 24 hours after the last email, I realized the importance of that saying! It was our son’s birthday, and I will never remember it the same…
That was the day I got dysentery. Thankfully, Jacques recognized this might be serious, so he took me to the hospital, where I spent the last four days. But as always, God never wastes a moment in our lives if we’re open to listening, and this time was no different. I watched a faithful woman, Jacques’ wife Francesse, stay by my side, literally, for the whole time. She was an inspiration to me, not afraid of exposure while doing “up close” care, sacrificing time with her family and work at home just so she could help. I was so blessed. She practiced her English, and I practiced my Creole (when I had the energy) Thank you to my faithful friends who came to visit me as well…and to Anne Christine for singing to me There’s Hope!
I had plenty of time to observe healthcare in Haiti. For those of you who are medically trained, perhaps you might want to get involved. Education and supplies are so needed.
There was also time, especially the last day, to continue preparing for next year’s concert…more like listening to God’s creative side!
Today is December 18 and it’s time to go home. For those who read the devotional Our Daily Bread, the passage from today came from Psalm 139:
“If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there Your hand shall lead me, and Your right hand shall hold me.” (verse 9-10) I was waiting on His word for assurance that it was time to go, and I got it!
He is in charge and I love Him so much!
For those who gave so generously to help with the extreme poverty of some who were in the 2015 choir, we now have a plan to help them….stay tuned.
Please pray as we continue to seek God’s wisdom in choosing next year’s choir!!!!!
Til next time,
Yes, that may be an odd way to start, but within 24 hours after the last email, I realized the importance of that saying! It was our son’s birthday, and I will never remember it the same…
That was the day I got dysentery. Thankfully, Jacques recognized this might be serious, so he took me to the hospital, where I spent the last four days. But as always, God never wastes a moment in our lives if we’re open to listening, and this time was no different. I watched a faithful woman, Jacques’ wife Francesse, stay by my side, literally, for the whole time. She was an inspiration to me, not afraid of exposure while doing “up close” care, sacrificing time with her family and work at home just so she could help. I was so blessed. She practiced her English, and I practiced my Creole (when I had the energy) Thank you to my faithful friends who came to visit me as well…and to Anne Christine for singing to me There’s Hope!
I had plenty of time to observe healthcare in Haiti. For those of you who are medically trained, perhaps you might want to get involved. Education and supplies are so needed.
There was also time, especially the last day, to continue preparing for next year’s concert…more like listening to God’s creative side!
Today is December 18 and it’s time to go home. For those who read the devotional Our Daily Bread, the passage from today came from Psalm 139:
“If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there Your hand shall lead me, and Your right hand shall hold me.” (verse 9-10) I was waiting on His word for assurance that it was time to go, and I got it!
He is in charge and I love Him so much!
For those who gave so generously to help with the extreme poverty of some who were in the 2015 choir, we now have a plan to help them….stay tuned.
Please pray as we continue to seek God’s wisdom in choosing next year’s choir!!!!!
Til next time,

December 12, 2015
Dear friends,
God has given us an open window to return to Haiti….so we are here. And we are so grateful to be here!!
Our first planned trip was the end of October, but election problems set that back.
Our first day was spent today in Port au Prince with about 50 new candidates. I wish we could have spent a few more hours with them, but time ran out. This afternoon we decided to try a new thing – we recorded a song in Haiti! After a few glitches, it went fine. Soon, our hope is to put together a CD with just French and Creole words. We are almost there!
Tomorrow, I get the privilege of seeing the church in Lamarre for the first time!!! We also hope to Skype there afterwards between our son in the states and his Haitian family….praying it will work.
More auditions there and more again about an hour away in Deschappelles. After listening for just one day, I know the 2016 choir choices will be difficult. We so very much want the eyes and ears and wisdom and discernment of God Himself. He alone knows the future and perfect plan.
We are depending on prayer to direct and sustain us….and we appreciate any you offer to God on our behalf.
One very special blessing recently was the raising of $885 for a new program, just begun in the last month. We became aware that there were members in Hope Haitian Choir who were not getting their basic needs fulfilled. So our church and other friends came forward and shortly gave together this amount. We are praying for God’s discernment with this as well.
On another note, the Christmas tree project (thanks to John Johnston and 25 donated trees) brought in over $1100! That will give a good start to airline tickets for next summer!
Thank you, John!
This is a short letter this time – off to bed with hope of being up and ready at 5:00 tomorrow morning!
Thank you to all of you, who in your own way, have made this trip a reality!
Mesi anpil….e louanj Bondye,
Barb (with Chuck)
Dear friends,
God has given us an open window to return to Haiti….so we are here. And we are so grateful to be here!!
Our first planned trip was the end of October, but election problems set that back.
Our first day was spent today in Port au Prince with about 50 new candidates. I wish we could have spent a few more hours with them, but time ran out. This afternoon we decided to try a new thing – we recorded a song in Haiti! After a few glitches, it went fine. Soon, our hope is to put together a CD with just French and Creole words. We are almost there!
Tomorrow, I get the privilege of seeing the church in Lamarre for the first time!!! We also hope to Skype there afterwards between our son in the states and his Haitian family….praying it will work.
More auditions there and more again about an hour away in Deschappelles. After listening for just one day, I know the 2016 choir choices will be difficult. We so very much want the eyes and ears and wisdom and discernment of God Himself. He alone knows the future and perfect plan.
We are depending on prayer to direct and sustain us….and we appreciate any you offer to God on our behalf.
One very special blessing recently was the raising of $885 for a new program, just begun in the last month. We became aware that there were members in Hope Haitian Choir who were not getting their basic needs fulfilled. So our church and other friends came forward and shortly gave together this amount. We are praying for God’s discernment with this as well.
On another note, the Christmas tree project (thanks to John Johnston and 25 donated trees) brought in over $1100! That will give a good start to airline tickets for next summer!
Thank you, John!
This is a short letter this time – off to bed with hope of being up and ready at 5:00 tomorrow morning!
Thank you to all of you, who in your own way, have made this trip a reality!
Mesi anpil….e louanj Bondye,
Barb (with Chuck)

November 14, 2015
We were thrilled to receive this picture from Pastor Obias in Haiti!! What a joy to see this building almost full...with more outside the door! We learned there was an outreach in the village on this Sunday evening. Four responded to God’s call on their heart and prayed to receive Jesus as their Savior.
We are praying about when to make a trip to Haiti for next year’s choir auditions. If you’ve been keeping up with Haitian news, you know things are a bit unsettled right now, due to the recent political elections. We would appreciate your prayers for wisdom in this and God’s timing.
If you are thinking about making a donation to HHM before the end of the year,
here are some specific needs:
· ceiling fans (We just learned tonight we can get free electricity for now!)
· Internet service with Natcom (about $30/month)
· Airfare for two for the purpose of auditions (from $1200-$1500)
· Feeding the choir and the candidates during auditions ($300-$500)
· Help with expenses for some of the choir members who are having trouble providing for basic needs (any amount) We have begun this new ministry and have set up a specific account called Hope Haitian Sponsorship. Please make checks payable to Hope Haitian Sponsorship
· A keyboard, digital projector, and basic sound system ($1300)
· A well ($5000-$10,000)
Prayer Opportunities
· Wisdom for the right timing to travel to Haiti for auditions
· For the peace of Haiti
· The growth of the church in Lamarre and health for our pastor and family
· How and when to transition to a school
· The Holy Spirit would guide the auditions for next year’s choir
· That we would hear God’s voice in arranging for next year’s tour schedule
· New and original songs that will glorify God
We were thrilled to receive this picture from Pastor Obias in Haiti!! What a joy to see this building almost full...with more outside the door! We learned there was an outreach in the village on this Sunday evening. Four responded to God’s call on their heart and prayed to receive Jesus as their Savior.
We are praying about when to make a trip to Haiti for next year’s choir auditions. If you’ve been keeping up with Haitian news, you know things are a bit unsettled right now, due to the recent political elections. We would appreciate your prayers for wisdom in this and God’s timing.
If you are thinking about making a donation to HHM before the end of the year,
here are some specific needs:
· ceiling fans (We just learned tonight we can get free electricity for now!)
· Internet service with Natcom (about $30/month)
· Airfare for two for the purpose of auditions (from $1200-$1500)
· Feeding the choir and the candidates during auditions ($300-$500)
· Help with expenses for some of the choir members who are having trouble providing for basic needs (any amount) We have begun this new ministry and have set up a specific account called Hope Haitian Sponsorship. Please make checks payable to Hope Haitian Sponsorship
· A keyboard, digital projector, and basic sound system ($1300)
· A well ($5000-$10,000)
Prayer Opportunities
· Wisdom for the right timing to travel to Haiti for auditions
· For the peace of Haiti
· The growth of the church in Lamarre and health for our pastor and family
· How and when to transition to a school
· The Holy Spirit would guide the auditions for next year’s choir
· That we would hear God’s voice in arranging for next year’s tour schedule
· New and original songs that will glorify God

October 15, 2015
I had this feeling as Fay Murphy and I were writing the song "Hope Can't Be Stopped" for this year's choir, we might soon see that statement challenged. That it was! If you have been singing it and claiming it as well, it's possible that you have experienced difficulties too. As I write this, I am specifically praying for those of you whose hope has faded over the last several months. Without going into details, I understand. About a week ago, I was reading Job 19 and felt his anguish…"I shout for help, but there is no justice. He has walled up my way so I cannot pass, and He has put darkness on my paths" (vs.8). Job recognized the complete sovereignty of God. He wasn't privileged to know the "why", but he believed in the "Who". That is why he could say (as the page turns) "Oh that my words were written!...they were engraved in the rock forever! As for me, I know that my Redeemer lives".
Hope can't be stopped because it's God we receive!
At the end of this month, I was planning to go to Haiti to do the auditions for next year's choir. Because of the Haitian elections slated for October 25th, this plan has been put on hold, as violence typically increases 10 fold during these periods. I am waiting for the go-ahead from those in Haiti.
But let me give you some good news....
The church in Lamarre, Eglise Biblique Espoir de Lamarre, is reaching out for Christ each week to the surrounding village, under the leadership of our good friend Obias Exilus who had traveled with the choir for two years. He is meeting at the church twice a week and implementing leadership training already. Last Sunday, Obias was not able to get to the village, but because another man was trained to step in, the worship service was held and 21 people attended. Closer to home, this past weekend we had a booth at the Fall Foliage Festival at the Railway Village in Boothbay. It was good to connect with lots of people and
introduce them to HHM.
We are praying about the next step in Lamarre, allowing a school to begin. Some type of air flow in the building is critical, possibly ceiling fans run by a generator. At some point, we will need a consistent energy source. Please join us in praying for this. I hope and pray you can keep your focus on your Redeemer and the home He’s prepared for you! And if you look ahead and are not sure your home is heaven, then remember this passage in 1 John 5: 13..." I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life. "
Like those books where the image is not visible until you move your nose away from the page and look as if through it, so we need to look beyond and see God's hope and promise!
To God be all the glory,
I had this feeling as Fay Murphy and I were writing the song "Hope Can't Be Stopped" for this year's choir, we might soon see that statement challenged. That it was! If you have been singing it and claiming it as well, it's possible that you have experienced difficulties too. As I write this, I am specifically praying for those of you whose hope has faded over the last several months. Without going into details, I understand. About a week ago, I was reading Job 19 and felt his anguish…"I shout for help, but there is no justice. He has walled up my way so I cannot pass, and He has put darkness on my paths" (vs.8). Job recognized the complete sovereignty of God. He wasn't privileged to know the "why", but he believed in the "Who". That is why he could say (as the page turns) "Oh that my words were written!...they were engraved in the rock forever! As for me, I know that my Redeemer lives".
Hope can't be stopped because it's God we receive!
At the end of this month, I was planning to go to Haiti to do the auditions for next year's choir. Because of the Haitian elections slated for October 25th, this plan has been put on hold, as violence typically increases 10 fold during these periods. I am waiting for the go-ahead from those in Haiti.
But let me give you some good news....
The church in Lamarre, Eglise Biblique Espoir de Lamarre, is reaching out for Christ each week to the surrounding village, under the leadership of our good friend Obias Exilus who had traveled with the choir for two years. He is meeting at the church twice a week and implementing leadership training already. Last Sunday, Obias was not able to get to the village, but because another man was trained to step in, the worship service was held and 21 people attended. Closer to home, this past weekend we had a booth at the Fall Foliage Festival at the Railway Village in Boothbay. It was good to connect with lots of people and
introduce them to HHM.
We are praying about the next step in Lamarre, allowing a school to begin. Some type of air flow in the building is critical, possibly ceiling fans run by a generator. At some point, we will need a consistent energy source. Please join us in praying for this. I hope and pray you can keep your focus on your Redeemer and the home He’s prepared for you! And if you look ahead and are not sure your home is heaven, then remember this passage in 1 John 5: 13..." I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life. "
Like those books where the image is not visible until you move your nose away from the page and look as if through it, so we need to look beyond and see God's hope and promise!
To God be all the glory,

September 3, 2015
What a wonderful journey this past month has been!
Twenty four concerts over twenty five days. I don’t know about the kids, but I’m still catching my breath.
The children and chaperones have safely returned home. Unfortunately, six bags were delayed, and when they arrived, several items had been stolen. But, on the plus side, one of their planes had mechanical difficulties, so they missed a connection and had a free overnight in a hotel – with food – thanks to Delta Airlines!
How can we not praise God…when we were safely driven on a beautiful coach from Maine to Pennsylvania, when we always had plenty to eat and more, when we had a place to rest every night, when we were greeted with warmth and smiles wherever we went, when we had the amazing privelege of sharing the hope of Jesus with countless people. We have truly been blessed.
Over the course of the month, we took in about $20,000, plus more from the sale items. Several have asked – does it cover your expenses. We haven’t yet put it all together, but just adding it in my head, probably not. (Transportation, passports and visas, health insurance, essential clothing for the choir, recording sessions, CD costs, training costs, food, state solicitation fees, and updated sound equipment… just to name a few of our expenses). But God has been faithful, and He always supplies what we need.
Thank you to all of you who have invested in us financially.
The real joy we felt throughout the month was evidenced by the fact that many, hearing these children sing, were touched and hopefully changed for the better. I had great joy also, seeing these young people grow up in their faith, and seeing them practically provided for with safety and provisions for a whole month. The same is not always true for them in Haiti.
The road to next year’s tour has already begun. Meredith tells me that scheduling concerts is underway…and just this morning, God gave me a poem inspired by 1 John 2: 1-2. We’ll see if it ends up in the song list for next year!
Many thanks go to Meredith Fowlie, Terri Bates, David Chamberlain, Gary Richardson, Jamie House, Paul and Marie Kurtz, Monty Walls, Jacques and Francesse Louis, Nacesse Brice and his family, Muriette Lamarre, Jude, Vanessa, and Barbie Simon, and countless others who invested so much time and prayer for this mission….and special thanks go to my husband for leading me to Christ many years ago, for working so hard to make this happen, and for standing together as we dream big. May you all be blessed as you continue to serve the King of kings. Please continue to pray for us, and if you are so inclined, please write and share any personal stories of encouragement.
Thankfully in service to Jesus,
Barb House
What a wonderful journey this past month has been!
Twenty four concerts over twenty five days. I don’t know about the kids, but I’m still catching my breath.
The children and chaperones have safely returned home. Unfortunately, six bags were delayed, and when they arrived, several items had been stolen. But, on the plus side, one of their planes had mechanical difficulties, so they missed a connection and had a free overnight in a hotel – with food – thanks to Delta Airlines!
How can we not praise God…when we were safely driven on a beautiful coach from Maine to Pennsylvania, when we always had plenty to eat and more, when we had a place to rest every night, when we were greeted with warmth and smiles wherever we went, when we had the amazing privelege of sharing the hope of Jesus with countless people. We have truly been blessed.
Over the course of the month, we took in about $20,000, plus more from the sale items. Several have asked – does it cover your expenses. We haven’t yet put it all together, but just adding it in my head, probably not. (Transportation, passports and visas, health insurance, essential clothing for the choir, recording sessions, CD costs, training costs, food, state solicitation fees, and updated sound equipment… just to name a few of our expenses). But God has been faithful, and He always supplies what we need.
Thank you to all of you who have invested in us financially.
The real joy we felt throughout the month was evidenced by the fact that many, hearing these children sing, were touched and hopefully changed for the better. I had great joy also, seeing these young people grow up in their faith, and seeing them practically provided for with safety and provisions for a whole month. The same is not always true for them in Haiti.
The road to next year’s tour has already begun. Meredith tells me that scheduling concerts is underway…and just this morning, God gave me a poem inspired by 1 John 2: 1-2. We’ll see if it ends up in the song list for next year!
Many thanks go to Meredith Fowlie, Terri Bates, David Chamberlain, Gary Richardson, Jamie House, Paul and Marie Kurtz, Monty Walls, Jacques and Francesse Louis, Nacesse Brice and his family, Muriette Lamarre, Jude, Vanessa, and Barbie Simon, and countless others who invested so much time and prayer for this mission….and special thanks go to my husband for leading me to Christ many years ago, for working so hard to make this happen, and for standing together as we dream big. May you all be blessed as you continue to serve the King of kings. Please continue to pray for us, and if you are so inclined, please write and share any personal stories of encouragement.
Thankfully in service to Jesus,
Barb House

July 26, 2015
Hope Haitian Choir is now in the United States!! Praise the Lord!
We will spend much time practicing over the next few days to prepare for our month long tour. Hope you can come to a concert. Please check out our tour schedule page.
Hope Haitian Choir is now in the United States!! Praise the Lord!
We will spend much time practicing over the next few days to prepare for our month long tour. Hope you can come to a concert. Please check out our tour schedule page.
July 6, 2015
I know it's not our gift to market our efforts in Haiti and America, but after reading the first part of 1 Corinthians 9 this morning, I have been reminded that it's important to share the needs. We do have financial needs.
Over the last few days I have been going back and forth with our travel agent, Golden Rule Travel, trying to get the best prices on airline tickets for the choir to come here. The best this morning was $781 per ticket. Last year, we were able to secure them for $642 each. (Part of the issue is that we had to wait so long for the visas to come through, and even now, there are two passport renewals that have not arrived.)
There are 18 coming from Haiti this year...plus 3 more Haitian chaperones from Texas. Please pray with us for the lowest possible price, and wisdom to know when we receive it!
Our financial commitments:
Airline tickets for the choir and chaperones
Airline tickets for our trips to Haiti, for auditions, training, work projects
Health insurance for the choir and chaperones
Food costs during the first week of practice
Updated equipment for the tour
To provide a salary to our pastor of the new church in Lamarre: Eglise Biblique Espoir de Lamarre
Building materials and labor to continue the preparation of the building in Lamarre to become a school
(two of our friends are planning a trip there this month to work on some of these projects as well as taking time to teach the Haitians how to use the tools that are there.)
Thank you to those who are faithfully supporting us each month through your financial gifts as well as your prayers and encouragement!
May God bless you richly,
I know it's not our gift to market our efforts in Haiti and America, but after reading the first part of 1 Corinthians 9 this morning, I have been reminded that it's important to share the needs. We do have financial needs.
Over the last few days I have been going back and forth with our travel agent, Golden Rule Travel, trying to get the best prices on airline tickets for the choir to come here. The best this morning was $781 per ticket. Last year, we were able to secure them for $642 each. (Part of the issue is that we had to wait so long for the visas to come through, and even now, there are two passport renewals that have not arrived.)
There are 18 coming from Haiti this year...plus 3 more Haitian chaperones from Texas. Please pray with us for the lowest possible price, and wisdom to know when we receive it!
Our financial commitments:
Airline tickets for the choir and chaperones
Airline tickets for our trips to Haiti, for auditions, training, work projects
Health insurance for the choir and chaperones
Food costs during the first week of practice
Updated equipment for the tour
To provide a salary to our pastor of the new church in Lamarre: Eglise Biblique Espoir de Lamarre
Building materials and labor to continue the preparation of the building in Lamarre to become a school
(two of our friends are planning a trip there this month to work on some of these projects as well as taking time to teach the Haitians how to use the tools that are there.)
Thank you to those who are faithfully supporting us each month through your financial gifts as well as your prayers and encouragement!
May God bless you richly,
June 28, 2015
Thanks be to God...the eight children got their visas!!
Thanks be to God...the eight children got their visas!!

June 21, 2015
Words cannot express the joy we feel right now as we receive these pictures from Haiti.
(more in Photo Gallery)
Thank you to so many who have helped to make this hope a reality. The church is established - now, we will continue to work towards the next step...a school!
Words cannot express the joy we feel right now as we receive these pictures from Haiti.
(more in Photo Gallery)
Thank you to so many who have helped to make this hope a reality. The church is established - now, we will continue to work towards the next step...a school!
Thank you to all of you who have been praying for the new members for Hope Haitian Choir 2015.
We now have our second visa appointment date scheduled for June 26!
We are grateful, first of all, that the group appointment request was approved. Please continue to pray for the authorities, that they would give their approval to these eight children to come to the states
the end of July!
Also, we received great news that the first Sunday church service in the new building in Lamarre is scheduled for June 21st! We are rejoicing for what God has been doing there!
Serving Him,
May 27, 2015
A few of you have been asking for an update on the visa situation for the new members of Hope Haitian Choir.
About two to three weeks ago, an American missionary in Haiti from Crossworld Ministries helped us by writing a letter to the American Embassy stating who we were and verifying our integrity and constant concern for the well-being of the children who travel with us. The Embassy responded with what appeared to be a form letter stating their procedures...we were welcome to resubmit the applications. After much prayer and support in prayer, we decided to do just that.
The application process is now complete and the earliest date they saw available was July 2. As of today, no appointment has been approved or rejected.
Please pray with us for the group appointment to be accepted soon...and please pray for God's favor on these eight children who have already worked so hard preparing to come.
A few of you have been asking for an update on the visa situation for the new members of Hope Haitian Choir.
About two to three weeks ago, an American missionary in Haiti from Crossworld Ministries helped us by writing a letter to the American Embassy stating who we were and verifying our integrity and constant concern for the well-being of the children who travel with us. The Embassy responded with what appeared to be a form letter stating their procedures...we were welcome to resubmit the applications. After much prayer and support in prayer, we decided to do just that.
The application process is now complete and the earliest date they saw available was July 2. As of today, no appointment has been approved or rejected.
Please pray with us for the group appointment to be accepted soon...and please pray for God's favor on these eight children who have already worked so hard preparing to come.
May 4, 2015
We are praying and believing that God can overturn the decision for the eight children to come to the US for this year's tour. We thank you for your prayers, especially over the next few days and weeks as we do what we can!
We are praying and believing that God can overturn the decision for the eight children to come to the US for this year's tour. We thank you for your prayers, especially over the next few days and weeks as we do what we can!
April 30, 2015
Visas and Beyond...
"The land which we passed through to spy out is an exceedingly good land. If the Lord is pleased with us, then He will bring us into this land and give it to us, a land which flows with milk and honey." (Numbers 14:7-8)
Yesterday I was finishing my power point slide presentation: "Progress in Haiti: Is It Possible?" At the same time, Jacques was sending me an email reporting that the 8 visas for the new choir members were denied yesterday morning. My last presentation slide stated "Never Stop Hoping". (Thank You Lord for preparing me for the news)
The previous night, our good friend Herb Mullen was sharing in our Bible study that sometimes we need to close our eyes - for they can distract us from what God can do. Then this morning, I read Spurgeon, taken from Numbers 14, and came across this verse above. Two spies, Joshua and Caleb, saw with God's eyes what the others couldn't see - there was tremendous fruit in moving ahead.
We have been praying and speaking with Jacques about the next step. I called our state department and they told me we cannot appeal the decision. In a nutshell, the counselor in Haiti felt it might be unsafe for the children to be allowed to come, and especially since the parents did not have visas themselves. It was, in the end, a personal decision made by the counselor. Her supervisors told her they backed her up no matter what she decided.
This is a strong blow to the progress of Hope Haitian Choir. Please be assured, at this point we are planning to still move ahead with our concert schedule this summer. We do have seven members returning who are able to come and there are older members we could bring as well.
We desperately need God's mind in this, so we ask for your prayers, especially over the next few days. Please pray also that the consulate would reconsider the decision and allow the kids to come.
With hope,
Visas and Beyond...
"The land which we passed through to spy out is an exceedingly good land. If the Lord is pleased with us, then He will bring us into this land and give it to us, a land which flows with milk and honey." (Numbers 14:7-8)
Yesterday I was finishing my power point slide presentation: "Progress in Haiti: Is It Possible?" At the same time, Jacques was sending me an email reporting that the 8 visas for the new choir members were denied yesterday morning. My last presentation slide stated "Never Stop Hoping". (Thank You Lord for preparing me for the news)
The previous night, our good friend Herb Mullen was sharing in our Bible study that sometimes we need to close our eyes - for they can distract us from what God can do. Then this morning, I read Spurgeon, taken from Numbers 14, and came across this verse above. Two spies, Joshua and Caleb, saw with God's eyes what the others couldn't see - there was tremendous fruit in moving ahead.
We have been praying and speaking with Jacques about the next step. I called our state department and they told me we cannot appeal the decision. In a nutshell, the counselor in Haiti felt it might be unsafe for the children to be allowed to come, and especially since the parents did not have visas themselves. It was, in the end, a personal decision made by the counselor. Her supervisors told her they backed her up no matter what she decided.
This is a strong blow to the progress of Hope Haitian Choir. Please be assured, at this point we are planning to still move ahead with our concert schedule this summer. We do have seven members returning who are able to come and there are older members we could bring as well.
We desperately need God's mind in this, so we ask for your prayers, especially over the next few days. Please pray also that the consulate would reconsider the decision and allow the kids to come.
With hope,
April 7, 2015
HHC visa update!!
This past week we received word that the visa appointment for the new and returning members of the choir is set for April 29th. I believe that's as early as it has ever been! It is a blessing as it typically helps us to get better prices on airline tickets.
I am also preparing a presentation for that same night entitled "Haitian Hope: Progress in Haiti - Is It Just a Dream?" The venue is Boothbay Harbor Memorial Library.
Thank you for your prayers. They give us fuel for the work!
HHC visa update!!
This past week we received word that the visa appointment for the new and returning members of the choir is set for April 29th. I believe that's as early as it has ever been! It is a blessing as it typically helps us to get better prices on airline tickets.
I am also preparing a presentation for that same night entitled "Haitian Hope: Progress in Haiti - Is It Just a Dream?" The venue is Boothbay Harbor Memorial Library.
Thank you for your prayers. They give us fuel for the work!
March 23, 2015
Our tour schedule for 2015 is now posted! Go to http://www.hopehaitian.com/tour-schedule.html. We still have many open dates, so please pray and let us know if your church is interested in having the children come.
Our tour schedule for 2015 is now posted! Go to http://www.hopehaitian.com/tour-schedule.html. We still have many open dates, so please pray and let us know if your church is interested in having the children come.
March 18, 2015
Dear Friends of Hope Haitian,
Just a couple bits of news to share…
First, Hope Haitian Ministries has registered with Amazon Smile, a donation program that benefits charitable organizations. Here is the information on their website:
Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the charitable organization of your choice.
AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you know. Same products, same prices, same service.
Support your charitable organization by starting your shopping at smile.amazon.com.
So, if you would like to help us, we would appreciate it! You just need to choose our organization and then shop through smile.amazon.com.
Secondly, we are waiting still for two more Hope Haitian Choir passports to come in the mail so that the visa appointment can be set. The scheduled deadline for them to arrive is this weekend. Please join me in praying for this. It is always an issue, but it seems this year, the process has taken longer than normal.
Praise be to God for HIS perfect will!
Dear Friends of Hope Haitian,
Just a couple bits of news to share…
First, Hope Haitian Ministries has registered with Amazon Smile, a donation program that benefits charitable organizations. Here is the information on their website:
Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the charitable organization of your choice.
AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you know. Same products, same prices, same service.
Support your charitable organization by starting your shopping at smile.amazon.com.
So, if you would like to help us, we would appreciate it! You just need to choose our organization and then shop through smile.amazon.com.
Secondly, we are waiting still for two more Hope Haitian Choir passports to come in the mail so that the visa appointment can be set. The scheduled deadline for them to arrive is this weekend. Please join me in praying for this. It is always an issue, but it seems this year, the process has taken longer than normal.
Praise be to God for HIS perfect will!

February 20, 2015
As I write this, I am on my way back from Haiti after a full week of training the next choir for 2015. We worked on several new songs and a few of the old, singing and dancing about seven hours each day. I love this time...who can beat great food and a good workout! We had 26 kids attending, as we include any of the previous year's choir members who wish to come. Every so often they get a chance to sing in various locations in Haiti, so it's good to keep all the kids involved. It's also helpful for the older, experienced members to teach the new ones. We are so blessed with many talented and maturing leaders. I love seeing how God is growing them up.
This time I was blessed to have alongside a friend from Baltimore...Shanna Babbidge. Shanna is a lovely young Christian, as well as talented singer and dancer. She was a great help, sharing her expertise and giving me a break in taking the lead every so often.
What was such a praise was that both Shanna and I were free from illnesses for the week. Both of us have struggled with various medical issues over the last month or two, and God took care of them and gave us both energy and good health while we were there. Thank you, Lord!
Maybe you read about this in the news, but Haiti was also celebrating Carnival week (Mardi Gras) for the last few days. Haitians are normally very modest, but as we drove away from the airport after landing, I saw people dressed in ways I had never seen before. Crowds were gathering and what normally was an hour's drive to Jacques' house turned into two. We were warned that we should bring earplugs as the sound would be extremely loud. For two nights that was indeed the case, but in the middle of the second night a major deadly accident occurred. Evidently, a band was traveling in a vehicle and the lead singer was so high up that his head hit an electric wire. Miraculously, he was not killed, but others were, trying to escape the explosion. The people decided to cancel the last night's celebration. Please join us in praying for the families of those who lost loved ones.
Over the last several days I have been reading a book called Demons of Poverty. It's the story of an American entrepreneur who had a vision to build a retirement village for Haitians in the northwest part of Haiti so that those who had left could safely return to finish their lives in their homeland. His story is fascinating, and expresses some of the frustrations of many who have tried to help the poorest country in the western hemisphere. After our own experience with corruption in customs, it was an eye-opening account. His summary of what he learned was that there is so much more going on in the spiritual realm than what is seen, and that the best way to begin to help Haiti is through prayer. The older I get in the faith, the more I too am convinced of this fact, not just in Haiti, but in every other place as well.
Thank you to those of you who pray faithfully for this ministry. It is indeed a privilege to be a part of this amazing adventure!
As I write this, I am on my way back from Haiti after a full week of training the next choir for 2015. We worked on several new songs and a few of the old, singing and dancing about seven hours each day. I love this time...who can beat great food and a good workout! We had 26 kids attending, as we include any of the previous year's choir members who wish to come. Every so often they get a chance to sing in various locations in Haiti, so it's good to keep all the kids involved. It's also helpful for the older, experienced members to teach the new ones. We are so blessed with many talented and maturing leaders. I love seeing how God is growing them up.
This time I was blessed to have alongside a friend from Baltimore...Shanna Babbidge. Shanna is a lovely young Christian, as well as talented singer and dancer. She was a great help, sharing her expertise and giving me a break in taking the lead every so often.
What was such a praise was that both Shanna and I were free from illnesses for the week. Both of us have struggled with various medical issues over the last month or two, and God took care of them and gave us both energy and good health while we were there. Thank you, Lord!
Maybe you read about this in the news, but Haiti was also celebrating Carnival week (Mardi Gras) for the last few days. Haitians are normally very modest, but as we drove away from the airport after landing, I saw people dressed in ways I had never seen before. Crowds were gathering and what normally was an hour's drive to Jacques' house turned into two. We were warned that we should bring earplugs as the sound would be extremely loud. For two nights that was indeed the case, but in the middle of the second night a major deadly accident occurred. Evidently, a band was traveling in a vehicle and the lead singer was so high up that his head hit an electric wire. Miraculously, he was not killed, but others were, trying to escape the explosion. The people decided to cancel the last night's celebration. Please join us in praying for the families of those who lost loved ones.
Over the last several days I have been reading a book called Demons of Poverty. It's the story of an American entrepreneur who had a vision to build a retirement village for Haitians in the northwest part of Haiti so that those who had left could safely return to finish their lives in their homeland. His story is fascinating, and expresses some of the frustrations of many who have tried to help the poorest country in the western hemisphere. After our own experience with corruption in customs, it was an eye-opening account. His summary of what he learned was that there is so much more going on in the spiritual realm than what is seen, and that the best way to begin to help Haiti is through prayer. The older I get in the faith, the more I too am convinced of this fact, not just in Haiti, but in every other place as well.
Thank you to those of you who pray faithfully for this ministry. It is indeed a privilege to be a part of this amazing adventure!

January 23, 2015
“And the wall was completed”….Nehemiah 6:15
Last Sunday, my husband Chuck and three others returned from Haiti feeling blessed that the church/school building now is up! The team left Maine on January 8th shortly after we learned that the 40’container that held the building materials and tools was released from customs. They arrived and went straight to work!
The week was not without difficulties though as our construction leader contracted what appeared to be the flu and on day one was down. Some of the metal was bent, due to the container dropping on top of the pieces when the container was moved from the truck to the ground. They also found that the foundation which was poured in early December was very thin and soft and there was about 6” difference in height from one end of the building area to the other. A box of tools and some nails had been stolen also, evidently before the container arrived, but fortunately, they were able to work without them.
The guys hired some Haitians to help, and our friends Obias and Jacques also built alongside them when they could. Because of so much lost time in December and having a smaller crew, they chose to sleep at the building site and bring along a two-burner cook stove with some pre-packaged meals. A hose from a nearby spring allowed them to wash up.
After eight long days, the building is now almost complete – just one end is not vinyl-sided and the insulation inside was not finished. But it is usable, and we believe it was used for the first time as a Bible study center on Thursday this past week!
I think the guys would say that the highlight of the week was interacting with all the natives, especially the children. (One of the pictures above is a picture of Elina, our son’s biological half-sister, who watched the process along with the others.) One beautiful blessing was when some of the Hope Haitian Choir members came out to the site to sing for them on Sunday.
With the construction behind us, we are now praying for the next several steps: hiring a pastor and teachers and beginning a school. After that, we can begin the process of working with Compassion International, a child-sponsorship program. We are anxious to be at that point, but God’s timetable is perfect, and we will see how things progress, as we pray for and listen to His leading.
We are ever so grateful to you who have walked alongside us in this exciting work, whether by prayer, or giving, or an encouraging email. We especially thank the crew: Dan, Alex, and Barry. We pray God will bless you as you have blessed us!
Glad to be in His service,
January 4, 2015
Dear Friends,
The last time I gave you an update on December 28th, the 40’ container which held the school/church building was still in Port au Prince customs. As in the past, God sometimes needs to bring us to the place where we accept His will no matter what before He can say yes to our specific prayers. This was the case. On December 29th, the day after my email, the container was released and on its way to Lamarre. Thanks be to God! In the unloading, some of the materials were damaged, but it doesn’t sound like irreparably.
Chuck and three others are planning to head back to Haiti sometime within the next week to begin and, hopefully, finish the building.
Thank you for your continued prayers,
December 14, 2014
I ask that people please pray - Chuck and six other guys are in Haiti ready to build the church/school in our son's home village. They have been there since Thursday evening and the container has still not been released from customs.
Thank you,
“And the wall was completed”….Nehemiah 6:15
Last Sunday, my husband Chuck and three others returned from Haiti feeling blessed that the church/school building now is up! The team left Maine on January 8th shortly after we learned that the 40’container that held the building materials and tools was released from customs. They arrived and went straight to work!
The week was not without difficulties though as our construction leader contracted what appeared to be the flu and on day one was down. Some of the metal was bent, due to the container dropping on top of the pieces when the container was moved from the truck to the ground. They also found that the foundation which was poured in early December was very thin and soft and there was about 6” difference in height from one end of the building area to the other. A box of tools and some nails had been stolen also, evidently before the container arrived, but fortunately, they were able to work without them.
The guys hired some Haitians to help, and our friends Obias and Jacques also built alongside them when they could. Because of so much lost time in December and having a smaller crew, they chose to sleep at the building site and bring along a two-burner cook stove with some pre-packaged meals. A hose from a nearby spring allowed them to wash up.
After eight long days, the building is now almost complete – just one end is not vinyl-sided and the insulation inside was not finished. But it is usable, and we believe it was used for the first time as a Bible study center on Thursday this past week!
I think the guys would say that the highlight of the week was interacting with all the natives, especially the children. (One of the pictures above is a picture of Elina, our son’s biological half-sister, who watched the process along with the others.) One beautiful blessing was when some of the Hope Haitian Choir members came out to the site to sing for them on Sunday.
With the construction behind us, we are now praying for the next several steps: hiring a pastor and teachers and beginning a school. After that, we can begin the process of working with Compassion International, a child-sponsorship program. We are anxious to be at that point, but God’s timetable is perfect, and we will see how things progress, as we pray for and listen to His leading.
We are ever so grateful to you who have walked alongside us in this exciting work, whether by prayer, or giving, or an encouraging email. We especially thank the crew: Dan, Alex, and Barry. We pray God will bless you as you have blessed us!
Glad to be in His service,
January 4, 2015
Dear Friends,
The last time I gave you an update on December 28th, the 40’ container which held the school/church building was still in Port au Prince customs. As in the past, God sometimes needs to bring us to the place where we accept His will no matter what before He can say yes to our specific prayers. This was the case. On December 29th, the day after my email, the container was released and on its way to Lamarre. Thanks be to God! In the unloading, some of the materials were damaged, but it doesn’t sound like irreparably.
Chuck and three others are planning to head back to Haiti sometime within the next week to begin and, hopefully, finish the building.
Thank you for your continued prayers,
December 14, 2014
I ask that people please pray - Chuck and six other guys are in Haiti ready to build the church/school in our son's home village. They have been there since Thursday evening and the container has still not been released from customs.
Thank you,

November 26, 2014
A cou ple of weeks ago as we were driving to Logan Airport to catch our flight to Haiti, we needed to stop because my husband (who was driving) was getting sleepy. Unfortunately, I’m not usually a lot of help in those times, but Fay, my traveling companion, offered to take over. She moved to the drivers’ seat, Chuck moved to the passenger side and I went in back. When I opened my door to move back, I noticed a bungee cord on the ground. Now bungee cords are definitely a “find” in our family! I showed Chuck, then tossed it in the back seat.
A few miles later we stopped for a bathroom break and parked the car in the lot. Directly in front of us was another car with an unusual problem. The driver told us that while driving south they got behind a semi and one of the mud flaps broke loose and hit their car, ripping the front bumper half off. Well guess what we had in our back seat! The bungee cord was exactly the right size to tie up their bumper until they got to a place where it could be fixed. Does God plan those things – absolutely! And I believe He was smiling and maybe chuckling while we watched it unfold.
Our God is amazing – and as we spent several days in Haiti to audition for next year’s choir, His loving character continued to be evident.
Over three days we auditioned 82 children between the ages of 7 and 15. There was so much talent, singing and dancing, as well as great testimonies. It was a very difficult decision, narrowing down and finally choosing the ones who will pursue the government papers for coming next summer. It is always hard to say no to the majority of them, but a joy to say yes to 15. Please pray for those who didn’t make it, that they will continue to rejoice and grow in the Lord in Haiti. Pray as well for the new choir as they move ahead, beginning the legal process and also beginning to work as a team on the music for next year. Please pray for us as we choose the right combination of music, and write more music that we feel God leading us to write.
The day before I left, November 15, I was blessed to be able to speak to a group of seniors in the Boothbay Region, sharing what we’re doing - what God is doing. This is now more feasible for me as I retired from my job the end of October. If you are interested in having us come to share the same, please let us know. We’re also planning to have a booth along with several other non-profits, at the Boothbay Region Elementary School on Tuesday, December 2nd – now known as “Giving Tuesday”. This is a community dinner, between 5-7 pm, to support the non-profits in our area. Giving Tuesday is a national movement, and I’m pleased that our community (as far as I know) is the first to participate in Maine.
Our next major project comes next month – as Chuck and 6 other guys travel to Haiti to build a school/church. The container of materials is in Port au Prince Customs at the moment, and the foundation should be underway maybe even as I write. We will keep you updated!
Thank you, thank you for your prayers. They change lives, including our own.
May God grant you a blessed Thanksgiving! To Him be the glory!
Barb and Chuck
A cou ple of weeks ago as we were driving to Logan Airport to catch our flight to Haiti, we needed to stop because my husband (who was driving) was getting sleepy. Unfortunately, I’m not usually a lot of help in those times, but Fay, my traveling companion, offered to take over. She moved to the drivers’ seat, Chuck moved to the passenger side and I went in back. When I opened my door to move back, I noticed a bungee cord on the ground. Now bungee cords are definitely a “find” in our family! I showed Chuck, then tossed it in the back seat.
A few miles later we stopped for a bathroom break and parked the car in the lot. Directly in front of us was another car with an unusual problem. The driver told us that while driving south they got behind a semi and one of the mud flaps broke loose and hit their car, ripping the front bumper half off. Well guess what we had in our back seat! The bungee cord was exactly the right size to tie up their bumper until they got to a place where it could be fixed. Does God plan those things – absolutely! And I believe He was smiling and maybe chuckling while we watched it unfold.
Our God is amazing – and as we spent several days in Haiti to audition for next year’s choir, His loving character continued to be evident.
Over three days we auditioned 82 children between the ages of 7 and 15. There was so much talent, singing and dancing, as well as great testimonies. It was a very difficult decision, narrowing down and finally choosing the ones who will pursue the government papers for coming next summer. It is always hard to say no to the majority of them, but a joy to say yes to 15. Please pray for those who didn’t make it, that they will continue to rejoice and grow in the Lord in Haiti. Pray as well for the new choir as they move ahead, beginning the legal process and also beginning to work as a team on the music for next year. Please pray for us as we choose the right combination of music, and write more music that we feel God leading us to write.
The day before I left, November 15, I was blessed to be able to speak to a group of seniors in the Boothbay Region, sharing what we’re doing - what God is doing. This is now more feasible for me as I retired from my job the end of October. If you are interested in having us come to share the same, please let us know. We’re also planning to have a booth along with several other non-profits, at the Boothbay Region Elementary School on Tuesday, December 2nd – now known as “Giving Tuesday”. This is a community dinner, between 5-7 pm, to support the non-profits in our area. Giving Tuesday is a national movement, and I’m pleased that our community (as far as I know) is the first to participate in Maine.
Our next major project comes next month – as Chuck and 6 other guys travel to Haiti to build a school/church. The container of materials is in Port au Prince Customs at the moment, and the foundation should be underway maybe even as I write. We will keep you updated!
Thank you, thank you for your prayers. They change lives, including our own.
May God grant you a blessed Thanksgiving! To Him be the glory!
Barb and Chuck

Oh come, let us adore Him!
The morning has arrived and this long-anticipated trip to Haiti begins today! Many children in Haiti are preparing their songs and dances for the auditions for Hope Haitian Choir 2015. It's hard to believe thIs is our fourth season of worshiping our Savior and sharing His hope together. I ask for your prayers for all of us who will make the decisions, including my friend and co-songwriter Fabry Christy...my traveling companion. The process this year has changed slightly. Each candidate will need to pass through the first level of auditions successfully to make the final audition and interview. It is a time when we will need divine discernment, realizing these decisions can change lives forever.
On another note, the Hope Haitian Ministries building project in Lamarre, Haiti is moving forward. A few weeks ago, thanks to so many of you, we purchased a 54' by 30' steel building and sent it by tractor trailer and barge to Haiti. It now sits in customs awaiting the processing of paperwork and payment of fees. Then, this 40' container will be trucked to the village. Meanwhile, the foundation is being prepared, and the people are being prepared as well. A group of 70 went to the village almost two weeks ago to share the good news of Jesus to the people there. Twenty seven gave their hearts to Jesus and three more returned to Him. We are praying these conversions are real.
Chuck and a crew of 5-6 others plan to go down the middle of December for eight days in order to build this building. Again, we are so dependent upon prayers - for strength, health, protection, and favor.
So we write to you to say thank you for your support through your finances and your prayers and we ask again for your continued prayers as we move ahead with God's help. We know that just as Nehemiah led the charge to rebuild the wall around Jerusalem and only a few lived there at first....we too are building just a building. This is only the beginning for what is to come....a school, a church, and who knows....!
May God return to you in the same way as you have given to us.
Onward in Jesus!
September 23, 2014
Hope Haitian Ministries Update
Thank you to those who have unselfishly given toward the cost of constructing a building in Haiti, and for all who continue to pray for this effort. One particular gift is reflective of the sacrifice some have made - a young lady who just finished college and probably owns little and is working hard to get started in life financially, was among the first to give {a substantial amount}. We were so blessed and know that the Lord will reward her many times over.
In December, a small group of guys and I (Chuck) plan to fly to Haiti for 8 days to construct the 54’ x 30’ building, which will be used as a school and what we hope will be a growing church congregation. We continue to pursue a partnership with Compassion International and its sponsorship program for children once the school is established. After considerable research, we decided on a steel building manufactured in Ontario, Canada, which is easily shipped and can be assembled without machinery. It is rated for high wind and we are impressed with the design. The building materials have arrived in Boothbay, and high security windows and doors are presently being shipped. We hope to get the 20’ container on its way to Haiti during the second week of October {getting things through customs can take up to 6 weeks}. Insulation {to keep the building cool}, tables, chairs, generator, saws, etc. still need to be purchased and will go into the container as well. Our contact person in Haiti is arranging to have the ground work done and a concrete slab in place before we arrive, which will be paid for from the building fund.
A few people have asked how our money situation has progressed. Barb and I are personally contributing $40,000. Others have given approximately $35,000. As best as I can tell, we are still needing about $15,000 to complete the project. We trust that God will meet the needs. I appreciate the guys who are going down - they are paying their way as well as giving of their time.
We will try to get another update to you before leaving in December. Again, we so appreciate your help and believe that much fruit will be derived from this endeavor. Thank you for being partners with us.
Hope Haitian Ministries Update
Thank you to those who have unselfishly given toward the cost of constructing a building in Haiti, and for all who continue to pray for this effort. One particular gift is reflective of the sacrifice some have made - a young lady who just finished college and probably owns little and is working hard to get started in life financially, was among the first to give {a substantial amount}. We were so blessed and know that the Lord will reward her many times over.
In December, a small group of guys and I (Chuck) plan to fly to Haiti for 8 days to construct the 54’ x 30’ building, which will be used as a school and what we hope will be a growing church congregation. We continue to pursue a partnership with Compassion International and its sponsorship program for children once the school is established. After considerable research, we decided on a steel building manufactured in Ontario, Canada, which is easily shipped and can be assembled without machinery. It is rated for high wind and we are impressed with the design. The building materials have arrived in Boothbay, and high security windows and doors are presently being shipped. We hope to get the 20’ container on its way to Haiti during the second week of October {getting things through customs can take up to 6 weeks}. Insulation {to keep the building cool}, tables, chairs, generator, saws, etc. still need to be purchased and will go into the container as well. Our contact person in Haiti is arranging to have the ground work done and a concrete slab in place before we arrive, which will be paid for from the building fund.
A few people have asked how our money situation has progressed. Barb and I are personally contributing $40,000. Others have given approximately $35,000. As best as I can tell, we are still needing about $15,000 to complete the project. We trust that God will meet the needs. I appreciate the guys who are going down - they are paying their way as well as giving of their time.
We will try to get another update to you before leaving in December. Again, we so appreciate your help and believe that much fruit will be derived from this endeavor. Thank you for being partners with us.
Thanks for the pictures, Suze!
Don't Forget to Fly! He Reigns! Sing it sister!
September 4, 2014...back home Last Thursday, my husband and I drove from New Jersey back to Maine after our concert tour came to an end. I have to admit, I spent some time sleeping, and when we switched driving, my husband as well. It always is an exhausting month, but such a wonderful month. What a joy to be able to serve the King of kings and tell hundreds of people about His love and power and hope. What a joy to live with these young people and their chaperones as a family. We worked together, had fun together, sang together, and grew together. I wish sometimes that all of you could see and experience what happens from day to day in our travels. What an amazing God we have and what an amazing family He has created through our common love of Jesus! Over the course of the month we shared our music at more than 30 venues, which included 25 full concerts. People donated over $17,500 with another $5500 to purchase tee shirts and CD's. One time in a parking lot, a lady saw our bus with the Hope Haitian Choir sign and began speaking with our bus driver. He called me over and she generously gave us a check for $250, prompted by God's Spirit! At one of our churches, a woman came to me and asked what their church could do as a fund-raiser for us, and she wanted a specific cause - so we decided upon Haitian Kreyol Bibles, which we have been purchasing every year! It amazes me that God is working even when we sometimes can't see it. He provides faithfully - we just need to trust. "Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus"... The children and adults are now safely back in Haiti and some began school this week. We look forward to seeing them again...Lord willing in a couple months...for next year's auditions. While I was away from home, my husband purchased the materials for a building for the village of Lamarre, Haiti, where our adopted son was born and where we plan to start a church, school, and Compassion sponsorship program. Several men have committed to going and working to build it sometime in December. There are still decisions to make, equipment and supplies to purchase, and prayer needed for a way to get it all shipped down and out of customs at the right time. We also need to be praying that this village will be open to the truth and hope of God's word. Thanks to so many of you who make what we do possible...from those who helped provide food or lodging to those who supported us financially and in prayer....and in ways we will never know. We love you and feel privileged to serve you and our LORD. On another note, Hope Haitian Choir is now part of Hope Haitian Ministries - a 501(c)3 certified IRS approved non-profit!! Praise be to God! To God be all the glory, Barb |
July 9, 2014
For the last four months I have been reading through a book entitled Worship Matters by Bob Kauflin as part of my devotional time each day. I'm nearing the end and can reflect back on the many things I have learned. Today's pages focused on receiving criticism. Here's a quote by Alfred Poirier that could change our lives: "By agreeing with God's criticism of me in Christ's cross, I can face any criticism man may lay against me. In other words, no one can criticize me more than the cross has." It reminds me, especially through these busy and sometimes fruitful days, that I am far from perfect, and I need and require the help and perspective of others in becoming more like Christ.
In the last month, so much has happened with Hope Haitian Choir and the ministries beyond. On June 14th, each of the prospective choir members and chaperones received visas allowing them to come to America the end of this month. It is always something for which to be grateful. Last week, after much back and forth with our travel agent, we purchased the plane tickets. The choir, Lord willing, arrives July 25th, one week earlier than last year. The next steps include purchasing choir outfits, temporary health insurance, some needed technical equipment, and finalizing the songs, concert schedule, and choreography. We are excited and are already looking forward to a full month!
On another front, we said goodbye to our former choir members, the three Simons, who have lived with us this past year and have now graduated from Coastal Christian School in Waldoboro, ME. It was a bittersweet parting as we will miss them very much, and yet we rejoice for them as they begin a new chapter in college. They were miraculously given a five-year visa before they left Haiti, so they will likely remain in the states until the end of their schooling.
As you know, my husband Chuck sent out a plea about a month ago for financial help in building a new church and school in the village where our adopted Haitian son was raised for the first year of his life. He promised to provide the first $40,000 and asked for others to come alongside. We can gratefully tell you that many have done just that! We now have received about $30,000 towards this project. We are amazed and praising God for you who have given. We also praise God for those of you who have promised to pray for us in this endeavor. Chuck is now researching the possibility of purchasing and filling a large container with the building materials and having it shipped to Haiti. Several men are planning to go down this fall to be a part of the building crew. When we first went to Haiti in 2007 and met our son's biological family, a connection began and the hope of reaching them and the rest of the village for Christ has become stronger. It's hard to believe that what was once a hope and prayer is now finally taking shape.
We so appreciate your prayers in this. We know the enemy may try to detour and defeat us, but we also know that He who is in us is greater than he who is in the world! (1 John 4:4)
To God be all the glory!
For the last four months I have been reading through a book entitled Worship Matters by Bob Kauflin as part of my devotional time each day. I'm nearing the end and can reflect back on the many things I have learned. Today's pages focused on receiving criticism. Here's a quote by Alfred Poirier that could change our lives: "By agreeing with God's criticism of me in Christ's cross, I can face any criticism man may lay against me. In other words, no one can criticize me more than the cross has." It reminds me, especially through these busy and sometimes fruitful days, that I am far from perfect, and I need and require the help and perspective of others in becoming more like Christ.
In the last month, so much has happened with Hope Haitian Choir and the ministries beyond. On June 14th, each of the prospective choir members and chaperones received visas allowing them to come to America the end of this month. It is always something for which to be grateful. Last week, after much back and forth with our travel agent, we purchased the plane tickets. The choir, Lord willing, arrives July 25th, one week earlier than last year. The next steps include purchasing choir outfits, temporary health insurance, some needed technical equipment, and finalizing the songs, concert schedule, and choreography. We are excited and are already looking forward to a full month!
On another front, we said goodbye to our former choir members, the three Simons, who have lived with us this past year and have now graduated from Coastal Christian School in Waldoboro, ME. It was a bittersweet parting as we will miss them very much, and yet we rejoice for them as they begin a new chapter in college. They were miraculously given a five-year visa before they left Haiti, so they will likely remain in the states until the end of their schooling.
As you know, my husband Chuck sent out a plea about a month ago for financial help in building a new church and school in the village where our adopted Haitian son was raised for the first year of his life. He promised to provide the first $40,000 and asked for others to come alongside. We can gratefully tell you that many have done just that! We now have received about $30,000 towards this project. We are amazed and praising God for you who have given. We also praise God for those of you who have promised to pray for us in this endeavor. Chuck is now researching the possibility of purchasing and filling a large container with the building materials and having it shipped to Haiti. Several men are planning to go down this fall to be a part of the building crew. When we first went to Haiti in 2007 and met our son's biological family, a connection began and the hope of reaching them and the rest of the village for Christ has become stronger. It's hard to believe that what was once a hope and prayer is now finally taking shape.
We so appreciate your prayers in this. We know the enemy may try to detour and defeat us, but we also know that He who is in us is greater than he who is in the world! (1 John 4:4)
To God be all the glory!
May 1, 2014
We are excited about building a church/school in the village of Lamarre, Haiti, this fall, then establishing a sponsorship program which will link young children with sponsors in the US and other countries. Lamarre is where our son's biological family lives. We are in need of help to raise money for the materials with which to build. Can you help? Six to eight very capable guys have tentatively volunteered to go to Haiti with us for a week this fall to do the bulk of the project. UEBH, which among other efforts, trains native pastors, is equipped to facilitate establishing the church once the building is constructed. If you can help us financially, go to the "How You Can Help" page and donate online, or checks can be made payable to Hope Haitian Choir and sent to PO Box 64 in Boothbay, ME 04537.
Above all, please pray for us and for the project’s success and for God to be glorified!
We are excited about building a church/school in the village of Lamarre, Haiti, this fall, then establishing a sponsorship program which will link young children with sponsors in the US and other countries. Lamarre is where our son's biological family lives. We are in need of help to raise money for the materials with which to build. Can you help? Six to eight very capable guys have tentatively volunteered to go to Haiti with us for a week this fall to do the bulk of the project. UEBH, which among other efforts, trains native pastors, is equipped to facilitate establishing the church once the building is constructed. If you can help us financially, go to the "How You Can Help" page and donate online, or checks can be made payable to Hope Haitian Choir and sent to PO Box 64 in Boothbay, ME 04537.
Above all, please pray for us and for the project’s success and for God to be glorified!

What a great four days we had together in Haiti practicing for this upcoming 2014 HHC concert tour!
This group of kids and adults worked very hard, and I thank them. A special thank you to Anna from Delaware - we all love you!
March 23, 2014
Thank you to all of you who have been praying for us. I mean that sincerely, for I know that true and persevering prayer is hard work. All of the passports are back and a visa appointment has been scheduled for June 16th. We are praying that all the new candidates will be able to come. But I am so thankful that God knows the exact group and He will work out what is best.
I am planning a trip to Haiti in a couple weeks and am so excited to have along with me a talented young Christian lady from the Philly area. We'll be preparing to teach about ten songs and dances while we're there.
Many of you have been asking about our Nashville connection. So far there has been no phone call or email. Again, God knows it all!
May God richly bless each of you and show you all that He can do when we submit our lives to Him.
Til next time,
Thank you to all of you who have been praying for us. I mean that sincerely, for I know that true and persevering prayer is hard work. All of the passports are back and a visa appointment has been scheduled for June 16th. We are praying that all the new candidates will be able to come. But I am so thankful that God knows the exact group and He will work out what is best.
I am planning a trip to Haiti in a couple weeks and am so excited to have along with me a talented young Christian lady from the Philly area. We'll be preparing to teach about ten songs and dances while we're there.
Many of you have been asking about our Nashville connection. So far there has been no phone call or email. Again, God knows it all!
May God richly bless each of you and show you all that He can do when we submit our lives to Him.
Til next time,
Over school vacation, the Simons and we took a trip south. As we left the kids in PA, to look into future college education, Chuck and I headed further south towards Nashville. We were reminded that God is always working even when we don't see it! Our Lord was already preparing our way. The kids stayed with good friends whom they knew as missionaries to Haiti. They were able to visit and see their mom one more time. These friends have connections to a college there that may be next year's education location for all three of them. We ask for your prayers for this. The financial cost is high, but God is a God of "bara", creating something out of nothing!
Chuck and I were glad to be able to visit with one of Chuck's former students, one of my former students, Chuck's brother, and our sister in the Lord, Chapin Hartford.
Chapin, who is now writing music in Nashville for a few months, made arrangements for us to meet with the president of New Haven Records, who had shown an interest in the Hope Haitian Choir project. We met with him for an hour and gave a brief presentation of who we were and what we were trying to accomplish by God's grace. He told us he would plan to be in touch in a couple weeks after doing more research. We are now just waiting to see what God may have in store.
An update on the choir - they have begun practicing already with some new songs! Some of the passports are in, but we are still waiting on four. The deadline has been extended to March 10th. At that point, the visa appointment will be requested, and only those whose passports are ready will be the ones who can pursue the visa. Again, we ask for your prayers.
We are grateful for those of you who share our interest and hope for the people of Haiti and America. We are even more grateful to those of you who support us in prayer.
We have an amazing God, and I am glad to be walking this path towards Him with you,
January 19, 2014
Dear friends,
One of my favorite passages is Titus 3:5
"He saved us,
not on the basis of deeds which we have done in righteousness,
but according to His mercy,
by the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit."
I can never do enough good things in this life to be assured of entrance into heaven. I'm so glad that's true, because I'd be exhausted trying to beat out the next guy! But God promises it's possible.
How can it be? God is perfection, and His heaven is a place for holy people. There is no way - except with His help.
Praise God for His help!!
And His help brings joy...and the joy of the LORD is our strength!
That's what we hope to communicate this coming August as we travel around the Northeast.
The choir had its final audition yesterday via Skype. The connection was a little rough, and the video looked a little like our TV converter connection, but the sound came through fairly well. The kids were all interviewed as well by our friend Jacques and some others, and we conferenced together before picking 15 members for Hope Haitian Choir 2014: 9 girls and 6 boys between the ages of 8 and 15. They now need to get passports processed and in hand by the middle of February. Then, the visa appointment can be scheduled. It's late and we pray things move along quickly. It has taken awhile to recover from the shock of Pastor Simon's death and to begin to move ahead again.
As Hope Haitian is expanding, there is also an update on the land we're in the process of purchasing by our son's birthplace near Lamarre, Haiti. When we were down in November, we were able to walk it and pray over it...that it would be a place of refuge and aid for those in the village - beginning with a church and a school, with a sponsorship program to help the village families. At this point the land is almost completely paid for.... A little over three acres for $45,000. No, some things in Haiti are not cheap!
The next step is to build a security wall around the perimeter of the land. We just received an estimate for the cost and were a bit in shock at a price of $150,000. In 2009, we had built a home already in this area for our son's family and it only cost $12,000, so you can imagine our reaction. In Haiti, it is the first and necessary thing that must be done before any buildings go up. We were hoping to get this started in February, but it's not looking likely without a major work of God.
So we covet your prayers for this. Even if you all would just pray once on our behalf, there would be hundreds of prayers rising to God's throne...and we are assured our God answers prayer!
Please let us know how we can pray for you. We know very well that our needs are only some of many.
Thank you for partnering with us on this incredible journey!
Pou glwa Bondye,
Dear friends,
One of my favorite passages is Titus 3:5
"He saved us,
not on the basis of deeds which we have done in righteousness,
but according to His mercy,
by the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit."
I can never do enough good things in this life to be assured of entrance into heaven. I'm so glad that's true, because I'd be exhausted trying to beat out the next guy! But God promises it's possible.
How can it be? God is perfection, and His heaven is a place for holy people. There is no way - except with His help.
Praise God for His help!!
And His help brings joy...and the joy of the LORD is our strength!
That's what we hope to communicate this coming August as we travel around the Northeast.
The choir had its final audition yesterday via Skype. The connection was a little rough, and the video looked a little like our TV converter connection, but the sound came through fairly well. The kids were all interviewed as well by our friend Jacques and some others, and we conferenced together before picking 15 members for Hope Haitian Choir 2014: 9 girls and 6 boys between the ages of 8 and 15. They now need to get passports processed and in hand by the middle of February. Then, the visa appointment can be scheduled. It's late and we pray things move along quickly. It has taken awhile to recover from the shock of Pastor Simon's death and to begin to move ahead again.
As Hope Haitian is expanding, there is also an update on the land we're in the process of purchasing by our son's birthplace near Lamarre, Haiti. When we were down in November, we were able to walk it and pray over it...that it would be a place of refuge and aid for those in the village - beginning with a church and a school, with a sponsorship program to help the village families. At this point the land is almost completely paid for.... A little over three acres for $45,000. No, some things in Haiti are not cheap!
The next step is to build a security wall around the perimeter of the land. We just received an estimate for the cost and were a bit in shock at a price of $150,000. In 2009, we had built a home already in this area for our son's family and it only cost $12,000, so you can imagine our reaction. In Haiti, it is the first and necessary thing that must be done before any buildings go up. We were hoping to get this started in February, but it's not looking likely without a major work of God.
So we covet your prayers for this. Even if you all would just pray once on our behalf, there would be hundreds of prayers rising to God's throne...and we are assured our God answers prayer!
Please let us know how we can pray for you. We know very well that our needs are only some of many.
Thank you for partnering with us on this incredible journey!
Pou glwa Bondye,
December 21, 2013
Dear friends,
Here we are again celebrating the birth of the Christ Child. Wasn't it only yesterday when His last birthday was here?
How was YOUR year. If you could give it a number on a scale from 1 to 10, what number would it be? How can we rate a year anyway? Were we successful in our businesses? Did we make it through without any major health problems? Are we and our spouse or children still together? Is there food on the table?
How do we judge what was good or bad?
Our family just experienced one of the most awful and traumatic events - death. Not ours, not our kids, but the father of Vanessa, Jude, and Barbie....our three Haitian Choir leaders trying to finish their high school education here. Their dad was tortured and murdered and their mom was shot when several men broke into their home in Port au Prince on Nov. 22nd. Thankfully, she is recovering and even plans to fly here on Christmas Eve. A friend of mine commented upon hearing the news: "Thanks a lot, God!" Actually, her words rang true.
Yes, in everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:18
How can such an awful thing lead to thanks? Only one way - by God's grace.
We all have spent hours thinking, praying, crying, but worshipping the One whose eyes see the bigger picture....the One who knows what is best. Some of you understand first-hand what this is about.
These kids saw their dad in a new light. He was just Dad to them, but now they know he was much more; there were six funerals for him occurring at the same time around the country, and the one they attended had about 2000 people with 100's outside.
This man was an effective witness for the LORD. Many times we have thought, "what if the kids had been there when it happened?" But they weren't. Already we see a piece of the picture.
The goal of Hope Haitian Choir is to bring kids to the states so they can share the hope of Haiti through Jesus Christ. What we have seen in these kids here over the last month is beyond anything we have ever seen. They have a story to tell. They have a mission; they have hope, and all of that has been cemented even more in their souls because of this tragedy.
Hope Haitian Choir auditions were held in Port au Prince and Deschappelles on November 17th and 18th. My daughters and I auditioned about 170 children between the ages of 5 and 15. Please pray as we try to listen for God's choices for HHC 2014. We also took time to survey the land in Lamarre where we are hoping to begin a church and eventually a sponsorship program. The land is almost paid for. After the purchase, we will need to build a cement wall around the edge of the property - a little over three acres. Our hope is to go down sometime in February.
More news is that half of our concerts for next August are already booked! If you are interested in having the choir come, feel free to contact our tour manager, Meredith at [email protected].
We wish to thank so many of you who sent cards, financial gifts, and prayers our way this past year, and especially this past month. May God return His favor upon you. Jude has put together a video accompanying a new song the choir plans to share next summer. It is from our family to yours as our way of saying thank you. May you be encouraged. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vOFnjWlmkFA
We pray that you will have a joyous Christmas - with joy that comes only from the abiding presence of the Almighty God.
In His love,
Dear friends,
Here we are again celebrating the birth of the Christ Child. Wasn't it only yesterday when His last birthday was here?
How was YOUR year. If you could give it a number on a scale from 1 to 10, what number would it be? How can we rate a year anyway? Were we successful in our businesses? Did we make it through without any major health problems? Are we and our spouse or children still together? Is there food on the table?
How do we judge what was good or bad?
Our family just experienced one of the most awful and traumatic events - death. Not ours, not our kids, but the father of Vanessa, Jude, and Barbie....our three Haitian Choir leaders trying to finish their high school education here. Their dad was tortured and murdered and their mom was shot when several men broke into their home in Port au Prince on Nov. 22nd. Thankfully, she is recovering and even plans to fly here on Christmas Eve. A friend of mine commented upon hearing the news: "Thanks a lot, God!" Actually, her words rang true.
Yes, in everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:18
How can such an awful thing lead to thanks? Only one way - by God's grace.
We all have spent hours thinking, praying, crying, but worshipping the One whose eyes see the bigger picture....the One who knows what is best. Some of you understand first-hand what this is about.
These kids saw their dad in a new light. He was just Dad to them, but now they know he was much more; there were six funerals for him occurring at the same time around the country, and the one they attended had about 2000 people with 100's outside.
This man was an effective witness for the LORD. Many times we have thought, "what if the kids had been there when it happened?" But they weren't. Already we see a piece of the picture.
The goal of Hope Haitian Choir is to bring kids to the states so they can share the hope of Haiti through Jesus Christ. What we have seen in these kids here over the last month is beyond anything we have ever seen. They have a story to tell. They have a mission; they have hope, and all of that has been cemented even more in their souls because of this tragedy.
Hope Haitian Choir auditions were held in Port au Prince and Deschappelles on November 17th and 18th. My daughters and I auditioned about 170 children between the ages of 5 and 15. Please pray as we try to listen for God's choices for HHC 2014. We also took time to survey the land in Lamarre where we are hoping to begin a church and eventually a sponsorship program. The land is almost paid for. After the purchase, we will need to build a cement wall around the edge of the property - a little over three acres. Our hope is to go down sometime in February.
More news is that half of our concerts for next August are already booked! If you are interested in having the choir come, feel free to contact our tour manager, Meredith at [email protected].
We wish to thank so many of you who sent cards, financial gifts, and prayers our way this past year, and especially this past month. May God return His favor upon you. Jude has put together a video accompanying a new song the choir plans to share next summer. It is from our family to yours as our way of saying thank you. May you be encouraged. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vOFnjWlmkFA
We pray that you will have a joyous Christmas - with joy that comes only from the abiding presence of the Almighty God.
In His love,
December 14, 2013
Thank you to so many who have prayed, called, sent cards and gifts in response to the news of the death of Vanessa, Barbie, and Jude's father. The kids were able to travel to Haiti with Chuck last weekend for the funeral.
What an amazing man and servant of the LORD he was! There were about 2000 at the funeral with several hundred others outside....along with five other funerals taking place for him around the country.
This past October I wrote a song called "The LORD is My Keeper" inspired by Psalm 121. Jude created a video for it, and we want to share it with you because we know others have and are going through various trials as well. We pray it will be an encouragement.
With love,
Thank you to so many who have prayed, called, sent cards and gifts in response to the news of the death of Vanessa, Barbie, and Jude's father. The kids were able to travel to Haiti with Chuck last weekend for the funeral.
What an amazing man and servant of the LORD he was! There were about 2000 at the funeral with several hundred others outside....along with five other funerals taking place for him around the country.
This past October I wrote a song called "The LORD is My Keeper" inspired by Psalm 121. Jude created a video for it, and we want to share it with you because we know others have and are going through various trials as well. We pray it will be an encouragement.
With love,
October 13, 2013
Dear friends,
The past two weeks have brought lessons we didn't expect to learn and experiences we didn't expect to have, and yet ones God in his providence knew we needed.
Our three friends and Hope Haitian Choir leaders, Vanessa, Barbie, and Jude, arrived in the states on September 27, prepared to finish their high school education. My daughter and I were on our way to Logan Airport to get them. But our direction was changed when we got a call from immigration at JFK saying their names had been withdrawn from the school they were set to attend. We knew that the school was going through a recertification process in order to continue taking in international students, and we knew they had been denied two days before the flight - but with what we thought was a 10-day grace period. We learned the 10 days was not a grace period, only a time to resubmit the paperwork for a second time without paying the initial fee. That night we drove to JFK and got them after they had worked through immigration for five hours. Our first thanks was that they got through at all. Their passports were taken away and they were told to report back at the end of the month with proof the school was indeed certified.
After a third submission of all the paperwork, a $2355 fee, and a visit with Carroll Conley at the Maine Christian Civic League as well as our Senator's office, the school was given back its accreditation. We celebrated and were again thankful for God's provision......
The next step was to re-enroll them on the immigration website. It seemed an easy task, yet it took another several days, more paperwork and a call to our Senator. Just Friday we learned they are again on "active" status. God again provided.
Within the next week or two, we need to report to the immigration office in South Portland, ME, to show them the necessary papers so they can get back their passports. Only God knows if we will face anymore glitches.
God tells us in John 16:33 "in this world we will have trials, but take heart for I have overcome the world!". I admit I was at times seeing this all as such a waste of time. But looking back and knowing many prayed, especially their classmates...and many students raised at least half the fee in about one week with just food sales - God did something big that wouldn't have happened without this challenge. The only wasted time was when I lay awake stewing about this and letting my frustration get the best of me.
We believe we have the paperwork we now need, and the next step is to schedule an appointment with immigration.
We know these kids have so much potential - and we are grateful to be walking this road with them.
Thank you to so many who have donated towards the expenses of having them here. Thank you to those who prayed, and even fasted. We truly have felt your support.
Bondye vreman bon, (God is indeed good)
Dear friends,
The past two weeks have brought lessons we didn't expect to learn and experiences we didn't expect to have, and yet ones God in his providence knew we needed.
Our three friends and Hope Haitian Choir leaders, Vanessa, Barbie, and Jude, arrived in the states on September 27, prepared to finish their high school education. My daughter and I were on our way to Logan Airport to get them. But our direction was changed when we got a call from immigration at JFK saying their names had been withdrawn from the school they were set to attend. We knew that the school was going through a recertification process in order to continue taking in international students, and we knew they had been denied two days before the flight - but with what we thought was a 10-day grace period. We learned the 10 days was not a grace period, only a time to resubmit the paperwork for a second time without paying the initial fee. That night we drove to JFK and got them after they had worked through immigration for five hours. Our first thanks was that they got through at all. Their passports were taken away and they were told to report back at the end of the month with proof the school was indeed certified.
After a third submission of all the paperwork, a $2355 fee, and a visit with Carroll Conley at the Maine Christian Civic League as well as our Senator's office, the school was given back its accreditation. We celebrated and were again thankful for God's provision......
The next step was to re-enroll them on the immigration website. It seemed an easy task, yet it took another several days, more paperwork and a call to our Senator. Just Friday we learned they are again on "active" status. God again provided.
Within the next week or two, we need to report to the immigration office in South Portland, ME, to show them the necessary papers so they can get back their passports. Only God knows if we will face anymore glitches.
God tells us in John 16:33 "in this world we will have trials, but take heart for I have overcome the world!". I admit I was at times seeing this all as such a waste of time. But looking back and knowing many prayed, especially their classmates...and many students raised at least half the fee in about one week with just food sales - God did something big that wouldn't have happened without this challenge. The only wasted time was when I lay awake stewing about this and letting my frustration get the best of me.
We believe we have the paperwork we now need, and the next step is to schedule an appointment with immigration.
We know these kids have so much potential - and we are grateful to be walking this road with them.
Thank you to so many who have donated towards the expenses of having them here. Thank you to those who prayed, and even fasted. We truly have felt your support.
Bondye vreman bon, (God is indeed good)
September 23, 2013
Dear Friends,I just received word that Vanessa, Barbara, and Jude have received permission to come back to Maine to finish their high school education. The visa appointment was this morning at 7:00 and they have been told their visas will be available on Wednesday!
Thank you to all of you who have helped to make this possible - and thanks be to God for what He has done and will continue to do!
Glory to Him,
Dear Friends,I just received word that Vanessa, Barbara, and Jude have received permission to come back to Maine to finish their high school education. The visa appointment was this morning at 7:00 and they have been told their visas will be available on Wednesday!
Thank you to all of you who have helped to make this possible - and thanks be to God for what He has done and will continue to do!
Glory to Him,
September 16, 2013
Dear friends,
As Hope Haitian Choir traveled around the Northeast, this year and last, we learned of many of you who might be interested in going to Haiti personally. I mentioned this to our friend in Haiti, Jacques Louis. Jacques works for STEP, a seminary in Port au Prince. He is also on the board of Compassion Haiti, and is involved with many outreaches throughout Haiti. He suggested it may be easier for you to contact him directly. There is much that can be done. The first step I believe though is finding what your gifts are and praying for God to match you with a need. Jacques' email address is [email protected]. Feel free to contact him directly...and please - I would love to know what God is doing in and through you as well!
May God bless you and those you touch,
Dear friends,
As Hope Haitian Choir traveled around the Northeast, this year and last, we learned of many of you who might be interested in going to Haiti personally. I mentioned this to our friend in Haiti, Jacques Louis. Jacques works for STEP, a seminary in Port au Prince. He is also on the board of Compassion Haiti, and is involved with many outreaches throughout Haiti. He suggested it may be easier for you to contact him directly. There is much that can be done. The first step I believe though is finding what your gifts are and praying for God to match you with a need. Jacques' email address is [email protected]. Feel free to contact him directly...and please - I would love to know what God is doing in and through you as well!
May God bless you and those you touch,
Singing praises on the bus!

September 7, 2013
Dear Friends of Hope Haitian Choir,
About half way through the choir tour that took us from Houlton, Maine to New Jersey, we were studying together Psalm 121. In verse 5 it says "The LORD is your keeper." Imagine that...
The morning we discussed the passage at Hollis Center Baptist Church, I had just arrived from staying the night with a bee-keeper. I know keepers of bees sometimes get stung, just as my Keeper does as well by His "hive-dwellers". The thought lingered, and later that day we paid a visit to an emergency room when one of our kids appeared to have a reaction to his first bee sting! A thought brought home. Gratefully, he was OK and our caregivers were incredibly fast and thorough in caring for young John.
Throughout our tour, it was clear that the LORD was our Keeper. For 27 days we were cared for, loved upon, made welcome, even spoiled, and given the privilege and joy of sharing the hope of Haiti through Jesus Christ. How can we thank you enough? How can we praise God enough?
There are no words.
During those days we presented 21 concerts, knew of at least two who dedicated their lives to the Lord, were blessed especially by Tina Luce, a blind worship leader from Salem, MA, met people who took off a week of work just to attend revival meetings, met again two adopted kids from Heartline Ministries - now on the other side of the ocean, and were schooled in "CHURCH" as demonstrated in our last two concerts - Haitian churches in New Jersey! You and others gave approximately $17,000 to divide between the choir for next year and our two organizations in Haiti: Compassion International and Heartline Ministries, helping to fulfill our goal of being self-sustaining as well as helpful to the people of Haiti.
The group safely returned to their homes in Haiti about the same time Chuck and I arrived home in Maine. Some of them are back at school, while we are working to bring back three to finish their high school education here. Along the tour we learned how difficult it is sometimes to move through the education system in Haiti. So this is our first prayer request....that God would provide a high school graduation for these three young people, so they can move on in their careers
This past week, we had our first true "board meeting" with eight present from our region. We discussed openly the positives and negatives of the previous month, and we welcome your thoughts as well. I am extremely grateful to Meredith Fowlie, our tour and host manager, our daughter Terri, the "food manager", our host home providers along the way and all those of you who were our contacts for each of the venues. We thank Dr. Jay Andrews for taking time to care for the teeth of many of the kids, Janet Grant in Dover Foxcroft who entertained and fed the choir at her camp, Marlene Myers and Bonnie, who went over and above with donations and gifts from many organizations in the Fairfield area. Thank you to the two men who took a day off from work to just play with the kids at More to Life Campground and the many others at both More to Life and Alton Bay, to the donors of two epipens and a trainer after our bee sting event....and a special thanks to our bus driver and his wife - Paul and Marie - who did way more than cart us around! There are so many of you who prayed specifically for each of the kids - by name - and for us....only God knows who you all are and the support you gave and difference you made... thank you. I know, as soon as I click "send", someone else will come to mind. Please forgive me - I thank you as well.
Along our trip we were able to meet with the team leader of Asante Ministries out of Africa. We spent two days together, talking and praying about his possible involvement in Haiti as well....another prayer request.
Praise be to God for His amazing presence and rewards, on this side of heaven and over there as well.
We are blessed!
To Him be GLWA!
Dear Friends of Hope Haitian Choir,
About half way through the choir tour that took us from Houlton, Maine to New Jersey, we were studying together Psalm 121. In verse 5 it says "The LORD is your keeper." Imagine that...
The morning we discussed the passage at Hollis Center Baptist Church, I had just arrived from staying the night with a bee-keeper. I know keepers of bees sometimes get stung, just as my Keeper does as well by His "hive-dwellers". The thought lingered, and later that day we paid a visit to an emergency room when one of our kids appeared to have a reaction to his first bee sting! A thought brought home. Gratefully, he was OK and our caregivers were incredibly fast and thorough in caring for young John.
Throughout our tour, it was clear that the LORD was our Keeper. For 27 days we were cared for, loved upon, made welcome, even spoiled, and given the privilege and joy of sharing the hope of Haiti through Jesus Christ. How can we thank you enough? How can we praise God enough?
There are no words.
During those days we presented 21 concerts, knew of at least two who dedicated their lives to the Lord, were blessed especially by Tina Luce, a blind worship leader from Salem, MA, met people who took off a week of work just to attend revival meetings, met again two adopted kids from Heartline Ministries - now on the other side of the ocean, and were schooled in "CHURCH" as demonstrated in our last two concerts - Haitian churches in New Jersey! You and others gave approximately $17,000 to divide between the choir for next year and our two organizations in Haiti: Compassion International and Heartline Ministries, helping to fulfill our goal of being self-sustaining as well as helpful to the people of Haiti.
The group safely returned to their homes in Haiti about the same time Chuck and I arrived home in Maine. Some of them are back at school, while we are working to bring back three to finish their high school education here. Along the tour we learned how difficult it is sometimes to move through the education system in Haiti. So this is our first prayer request....that God would provide a high school graduation for these three young people, so they can move on in their careers
This past week, we had our first true "board meeting" with eight present from our region. We discussed openly the positives and negatives of the previous month, and we welcome your thoughts as well. I am extremely grateful to Meredith Fowlie, our tour and host manager, our daughter Terri, the "food manager", our host home providers along the way and all those of you who were our contacts for each of the venues. We thank Dr. Jay Andrews for taking time to care for the teeth of many of the kids, Janet Grant in Dover Foxcroft who entertained and fed the choir at her camp, Marlene Myers and Bonnie, who went over and above with donations and gifts from many organizations in the Fairfield area. Thank you to the two men who took a day off from work to just play with the kids at More to Life Campground and the many others at both More to Life and Alton Bay, to the donors of two epipens and a trainer after our bee sting event....and a special thanks to our bus driver and his wife - Paul and Marie - who did way more than cart us around! There are so many of you who prayed specifically for each of the kids - by name - and for us....only God knows who you all are and the support you gave and difference you made... thank you. I know, as soon as I click "send", someone else will come to mind. Please forgive me - I thank you as well.
Along our trip we were able to meet with the team leader of Asante Ministries out of Africa. We spent two days together, talking and praying about his possible involvement in Haiti as well....another prayer request.
Praise be to God for His amazing presence and rewards, on this side of heaven and over there as well.
We are blessed!
To Him be GLWA!
September 1, 2013...We are back home safely and the choir is back in Haiti as well.
God is amazing! I plan to update with more information soon.

August 4, 2013
The Choir is now here and intense practice begins tomorrow morning!! Please pray for us as we pray for you.
The Choir is now here and intense practice begins tomorrow morning!! Please pray for us as we pray for you.

July 10, 2013
Jude, Vanessa, and Barbara arrived here at 4:30 this morning! We are very excited to have them with us for these three weeks before the choir comes on August 2nd. I love talking with them and hearing how God is moving in their lives. They each are taking the responsibility as chaperones this year and our hope is that they will learn more of our language, get opportunities to network with others and experience many new things all around us.
We praise God for them and their love for their Lord!
We ask for your prayers during these final weeks as preparations are made here and in Haiti.
To God be all the glory,
Jude, Vanessa, and Barbara arrived here at 4:30 this morning! We are very excited to have them with us for these three weeks before the choir comes on August 2nd. I love talking with them and hearing how God is moving in their lives. They each are taking the responsibility as chaperones this year and our hope is that they will learn more of our language, get opportunities to network with others and experience many new things all around us.
We praise God for them and their love for their Lord!
We ask for your prayers during these final weeks as preparations are made here and in Haiti.
To God be all the glory,

June 30, 2013
Our concert schedule is filled in! Plane tickets are purchased....and the excitement is growing. As some of you know, three of our choir members from last year are able to come early this year. We look forward to extra time with Vanessa, Barbara, and Jude. They will be serving in our community and deepening their knowledge of our language and culture. The rest of the choir, Lord willing, will arrive on August 2nd...18 all together coming this year.
Thank you, Lord, for this wonderful adventure!
Our concert schedule is filled in! Plane tickets are purchased....and the excitement is growing. As some of you know, three of our choir members from last year are able to come early this year. We look forward to extra time with Vanessa, Barbara, and Jude. They will be serving in our community and deepening their knowledge of our language and culture. The rest of the choir, Lord willing, will arrive on August 2nd...18 all together coming this year.
Thank you, Lord, for this wonderful adventure!
June 18, 2013
Praise be to God! Thank you to so many who donated money this past week towards Hope Haitian Choir 2013! With the benefit concert and some other checks that came in, we received about $1650.....a great help in purchasing plane tickets - which I did today.
There are 15 in the choir this year with 3 chaperones. We are especially grateful that 3 Compassion-sponsored children and their director are scheduled to come! Also, the tour locations are almost all set - check our Tour Dates page to locate a concert near you.
To God be the glory,
Praise be to God! Thank you to so many who donated money this past week towards Hope Haitian Choir 2013! With the benefit concert and some other checks that came in, we received about $1650.....a great help in purchasing plane tickets - which I did today.
There are 15 in the choir this year with 3 chaperones. We are especially grateful that 3 Compassion-sponsored children and their director are scheduled to come! Also, the tour locations are almost all set - check our Tour Dates page to locate a concert near you.
To God be the glory,
May 31, 2013
Just got these wonderful words from Jacques....
All 8 requests have been approved.
Praise the Lord!
Thank you all for praying! God is so gracious,
Just got these wonderful words from Jacques....
All 8 requests have been approved.
Praise the Lord!
Thank you all for praying! God is so gracious,
May 25, 2013
I learned yesterday afternoon that the visa appointment with the government was postponed until next Friday, the 31st. Evidently, there was flooding in the area where they needed to go.Thank you all for your continued prayers! Also, if anyone would like to write a short positive comment or longer recommendation about the choir that might help, we now have one more week!
In the name of the One Who is in charge!
I learned yesterday afternoon that the visa appointment with the government was postponed until next Friday, the 31st. Evidently, there was flooding in the area where they needed to go.Thank you all for your continued prayers! Also, if anyone would like to write a short positive comment or longer recommendation about the choir that might help, we now have one more week!
In the name of the One Who is in charge!

April 12, 2013
Greetings in the name of Jesus, our merciful Savior,
About two weeks ago, my friend and fellow song-writer Fay Christy and I returned from Haiti and four intensive days of training Hope Haitian Choir 2013. Every so often I recognize the fact that I am inadequate for this work, really for any work that belongs to the Lord. I know Fay would agree. But each time I reflect on this and come to a place of humility, repentance and surrender, I find He does amazing things. It was like a marathon there....covering a great amount in a short time. So many were praying, and how I knew it! A shortage of sleep and singing and dancing for about 6-7 hours each day (and just turning 59) didn’t wear me out. Instead, I felt invigorated! What a joy spending time with such beautiful and inspiring people. As I was training them musically through song and dance, they were teaching me what a huge and wonderful God we serve.
Our days began at 9:00am with Bible study, prayer, and praise. There were 26 children and young adults - last year’s choir and the prospective choir for this year. Some knew very little or no English, and here they were, pronouncing words they had never heard - but yet through a translator, understood. I especially was watching three boys from the Compassion International project in Deschapelles. They worked (with the help of their director) so hard, and by day four were very close to performing as well as the others.
We don’t know at this point the specific children who will be coming to America this August. We do know that a date with the government consulate - interviews for visas -has been scheduled for May 24th, and we should have our answer the end of May. As God moves you, please pray that He will gather the exact group that needs to come. When we know, the purchase of airline tickets will begin.
On a side note, as I mentioned in an earlier email, there was land available in our son’s village of Lamarre - land that could be used to plant a church, then Compassion center, then possibly even a retreat center. A downpayment on that land has begun! I can’t express how excited we are for this opportunity of an eternal investment in these people, relatives of our adopted son.
Stay tuned!
The concert schedule for August is filling up. Our coordinator, Meredith Fowlie, is working to include as many venues as possible during our 3-4 week tour. If you are interested and have not already contacted her, the email address is [email protected].
May your heart and mouth be filled with His praise!
In His care,
Greetings in the name of Jesus, our merciful Savior,
About two weeks ago, my friend and fellow song-writer Fay Christy and I returned from Haiti and four intensive days of training Hope Haitian Choir 2013. Every so often I recognize the fact that I am inadequate for this work, really for any work that belongs to the Lord. I know Fay would agree. But each time I reflect on this and come to a place of humility, repentance and surrender, I find He does amazing things. It was like a marathon there....covering a great amount in a short time. So many were praying, and how I knew it! A shortage of sleep and singing and dancing for about 6-7 hours each day (and just turning 59) didn’t wear me out. Instead, I felt invigorated! What a joy spending time with such beautiful and inspiring people. As I was training them musically through song and dance, they were teaching me what a huge and wonderful God we serve.
Our days began at 9:00am with Bible study, prayer, and praise. There were 26 children and young adults - last year’s choir and the prospective choir for this year. Some knew very little or no English, and here they were, pronouncing words they had never heard - but yet through a translator, understood. I especially was watching three boys from the Compassion International project in Deschapelles. They worked (with the help of their director) so hard, and by day four were very close to performing as well as the others.
We don’t know at this point the specific children who will be coming to America this August. We do know that a date with the government consulate - interviews for visas -has been scheduled for May 24th, and we should have our answer the end of May. As God moves you, please pray that He will gather the exact group that needs to come. When we know, the purchase of airline tickets will begin.
On a side note, as I mentioned in an earlier email, there was land available in our son’s village of Lamarre - land that could be used to plant a church, then Compassion center, then possibly even a retreat center. A downpayment on that land has begun! I can’t express how excited we are for this opportunity of an eternal investment in these people, relatives of our adopted son.
Stay tuned!
The concert schedule for August is filling up. Our coordinator, Meredith Fowlie, is working to include as many venues as possible during our 3-4 week tour. If you are interested and have not already contacted her, the email address is [email protected].
May your heart and mouth be filled with His praise!
In His care,
Back from Haiti...
A great trip - will try to get a full update for you in the next few days!

March 4, 2013
Greetings in the powerful and precious name of Jesus,
I am reminded of the song "Your Name" sung by Phillips, Craig, and Dean...
Your Name is a strong and mighty tower
Your Name is a shelter like no other
Your Name, let the nations sing it louder
'Cause nothing has the power to save but Your Name.
It is the name of Jesus that we want to share this coming August through the music of Hope Haitian Choir. It is His name that has the power to change lives, and we pray for that even now - beginning with ourselves.
On March 22, Lord willing, I will embark on another journey to Haiti. On this trip I am accompanied by my good friend and fellow songwriter, Fay Christy. Our plan is to work with last year's choir as well as several new candidates. We do not know at this point exactly who will be traveling to the states this August. So much depends on government permission - visas. We chose nine new members last November. Three of them already have a passport and visa. Four of the remaining six now have passports, but need to get visas. We are also praying for a chaperone, Obias, to get a visa. He is the head of the Compassion Development Center we supported with part of the monies received last August.
We so would treasure your prayers for this trip and for the completion of the visas within the next couple months. Please pray for Meredith Fowlie as she puts together our concert tour. We want to be where God leads us. Our intent is to be in Maine for a couple weeks and then we hope to expand to other locations outside the state. The concert theme this year is also our first song "Jesus, the Living Hope", cowritten by Fay and I and Grammy award nominee Chapin Hartford ("Better Than a Hallelujah" sung by Amy Grant). Feel free to contact Meredith if you would like to schedule a concert.
Please pray for the choir members. They each have taken on a huge challenge - representing Christ as they sing and share in a foreign language and culture.
If you are led of God to support us financially, we would be honored. It takes about $12,000 just to fly the choir here and back. Maybe you or your church would consider sponsoring one child.
I will plan to give you all an update after we return.
To God be all the glory!
To schedule a concert, call Meredith Fowlie at (207)557-4021 or email her at [email protected]
"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. According to his great mercy, He has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead" 1 Peter 1:3
(207) 633-7195
Greetings in the powerful and precious name of Jesus,
I am reminded of the song "Your Name" sung by Phillips, Craig, and Dean...
Your Name is a strong and mighty tower
Your Name is a shelter like no other
Your Name, let the nations sing it louder
'Cause nothing has the power to save but Your Name.
It is the name of Jesus that we want to share this coming August through the music of Hope Haitian Choir. It is His name that has the power to change lives, and we pray for that even now - beginning with ourselves.
On March 22, Lord willing, I will embark on another journey to Haiti. On this trip I am accompanied by my good friend and fellow songwriter, Fay Christy. Our plan is to work with last year's choir as well as several new candidates. We do not know at this point exactly who will be traveling to the states this August. So much depends on government permission - visas. We chose nine new members last November. Three of them already have a passport and visa. Four of the remaining six now have passports, but need to get visas. We are also praying for a chaperone, Obias, to get a visa. He is the head of the Compassion Development Center we supported with part of the monies received last August.
We so would treasure your prayers for this trip and for the completion of the visas within the next couple months. Please pray for Meredith Fowlie as she puts together our concert tour. We want to be where God leads us. Our intent is to be in Maine for a couple weeks and then we hope to expand to other locations outside the state. The concert theme this year is also our first song "Jesus, the Living Hope", cowritten by Fay and I and Grammy award nominee Chapin Hartford ("Better Than a Hallelujah" sung by Amy Grant). Feel free to contact Meredith if you would like to schedule a concert.
Please pray for the choir members. They each have taken on a huge challenge - representing Christ as they sing and share in a foreign language and culture.
If you are led of God to support us financially, we would be honored. It takes about $12,000 just to fly the choir here and back. Maybe you or your church would consider sponsoring one child.
I will plan to give you all an update after we return.
To God be all the glory!
To schedule a concert, call Meredith Fowlie at (207)557-4021 or email her at [email protected]
"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. According to his great mercy, He has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead" 1 Peter 1:3
(207) 633-7195
February 8, 2013
Maine is about ready to have a blizzard, which makes me all the more excited about traveling back to Haiti on March 22nd to begin training the new 2013 Hope Haitian Choir! Songs have been written, recordings have been done, and my friend Fabry Christy and I have our tickets purchased. I just learned that two of our chosen choir members received their passports this week! Thanks be to God. The next and more difficult step is to get visas. We appreciate your prayers on this.
We are also thankful to have on board Meredith Fowlie who will be organizing the tour this year. If you are interested in hosting the choir, feel free to email her at [email protected].
Maine is about ready to have a blizzard, which makes me all the more excited about traveling back to Haiti on March 22nd to begin training the new 2013 Hope Haitian Choir! Songs have been written, recordings have been done, and my friend Fabry Christy and I have our tickets purchased. I just learned that two of our chosen choir members received their passports this week! Thanks be to God. The next and more difficult step is to get visas. We appreciate your prayers on this.
We are also thankful to have on board Meredith Fowlie who will be organizing the tour this year. If you are interested in hosting the choir, feel free to email her at [email protected].

November 10, 2012
Dear Friends,
Greetings in the name of our marvelous Lord - the One who never sleeps, who loves us continually and unconditionally, who never forgets us and who is always sovereign! In this uncertain world I am so grateful to know Him, the One True Solid Rock!
As most of you know, Chuck and I just returned from another trip to Haiti. It was a fabulous and fruitful time - as it always has been. We spent Friday and Saturday auditioning about 66 children for Hope Haitian Choir 2013. We knew people were praying - for how do you narrow that large a group to just 15-16 without God's help? But we are confident in the 18 we chose. Our friend Jacques Louis plans to do more reference work on some of these to see if they might be fit to represent Haiti and be a missionary to the US. On Saturday, we showed again the Jesus film and 13 children responded by giving their hearts and lives to Him. Then on Sunday, Chuck preached and the children sang and danced. They sure know how to SING! On our drive back to Port au Prince, we discussed the possibilities for ministering in our son Nathan's home village. We had known previously that there was a piece of land for sale - actually belonging to a girl, Locitha, who helped to build Nate's family's home and whom we have been helping financially to go to school. The time and situation had never seemed right to buy it. But we learned that there was now a possibility of planting a church there with one of the pastors training under Jacques! That church is what is needed to begin a development center with Compassion International! That development center could potentially reach and help Nathan's family and extended family for a long time. I was just about jumping through the roof of the car with excitement!
This is something we cannot do alone, but it is something that can be done - it requires much prayer, physical and financial support. The land alone is $40,000. Down the road, there would need to be building projects: church, school, clinics, etc.
The ministry of Hope Haitian as well has many needs. I am listing again below some of them.
The needs are great and the opportunity is here and now, but we are praying for God's heart and timing in it all.
May you have joy and power and wisdom as you seek Him today!
Barb and Chuck House
*a person who could work with a travel agent to coordinate the flights, visas and passports, and help to purchase health insurance
*people to handle the details of setting up the tour and communicating with the churches
*those who can write press releases and put together promotional packages
*a technician to help set up phones or SIM cards to be used by the Haitians while they are here
*possibly a sound technician to go with us on tour
*people who will work with Heartline to bring to our tour the best products to sell for them
*We also need people who can help us raise money to fund this effort.
Dear Friends,
Greetings in the name of our marvelous Lord - the One who never sleeps, who loves us continually and unconditionally, who never forgets us and who is always sovereign! In this uncertain world I am so grateful to know Him, the One True Solid Rock!
As most of you know, Chuck and I just returned from another trip to Haiti. It was a fabulous and fruitful time - as it always has been. We spent Friday and Saturday auditioning about 66 children for Hope Haitian Choir 2013. We knew people were praying - for how do you narrow that large a group to just 15-16 without God's help? But we are confident in the 18 we chose. Our friend Jacques Louis plans to do more reference work on some of these to see if they might be fit to represent Haiti and be a missionary to the US. On Saturday, we showed again the Jesus film and 13 children responded by giving their hearts and lives to Him. Then on Sunday, Chuck preached and the children sang and danced. They sure know how to SING! On our drive back to Port au Prince, we discussed the possibilities for ministering in our son Nathan's home village. We had known previously that there was a piece of land for sale - actually belonging to a girl, Locitha, who helped to build Nate's family's home and whom we have been helping financially to go to school. The time and situation had never seemed right to buy it. But we learned that there was now a possibility of planting a church there with one of the pastors training under Jacques! That church is what is needed to begin a development center with Compassion International! That development center could potentially reach and help Nathan's family and extended family for a long time. I was just about jumping through the roof of the car with excitement!
This is something we cannot do alone, but it is something that can be done - it requires much prayer, physical and financial support. The land alone is $40,000. Down the road, there would need to be building projects: church, school, clinics, etc.
The ministry of Hope Haitian as well has many needs. I am listing again below some of them.
The needs are great and the opportunity is here and now, but we are praying for God's heart and timing in it all.
May you have joy and power and wisdom as you seek Him today!
Barb and Chuck House
*a person who could work with a travel agent to coordinate the flights, visas and passports, and help to purchase health insurance
*people to handle the details of setting up the tour and communicating with the churches
*those who can write press releases and put together promotional packages
*a technician to help set up phones or SIM cards to be used by the Haitians while they are here
*possibly a sound technician to go with us on tour
*people who will work with Heartline to bring to our tour the best products to sell for them
*We also need people who can help us raise money to fund this effort.
Just a quick follow up - God has provided! Chuck and I plan to leave Thursday morning to fly back to Haiti to hold auditions for Hope Haitian Choir 2013!
We so covet your prayers more than ever!
Bondye beni w,
October 8, 2012
Dear Friends of Hope Haitian Choir,
Greetings in the name of our wonderful Lord Jesus! It's now been close to 6 weeks since we said goodbye to the choir as they headed back home. Since then, life here at the House's house has been full- speed ahead just to catch up from a month away.
Yesterday I slowed down long enough to ask for help!
Isn't it a crazy thing how we sometimes plow ahead with too much to do and no way to accomplish our goals, while others sit at home longing for a call to be needed?
When we began the task of bringing 21 Haitians to the states last March to sing as a choir, it seemed there was no time to ask for help, but also I didn't know whom to ask.
Now, the work here left undone from being away in August seems to be pretty much caught up and we are looking ahead to next summer. About 3 weeks ago I received permission from my job to take a month and go on the road again. It's not a small thing. It is a tremendous blessing that I don't take lightly. I have also been in touch with my contact and friend Jacques Louis in Haiti and we have begun to think forward. (As a side note, the choir was asked to sing at a leadership conference at a beautiful conference center in Port au Prince! I'm eager to hear more of the details!)
The kids have a fall break the first weekend in November. With the desire to bring some others next year who now do not have a passport/visa, and with that process possibly taking six months or more, this weekend seems to be an opportune time to begin auditions for the next group.
This year, with all of you and your interest in this project, I would like to ask now that you might pray seriously about your involvement.
Our mission has not changed. As before, my husband and I long for the people of America to see the hope of Haiti that is so very evident through Jesus Christ.
We hope this year to be surrounded by a team of leaders - a board of directors. It then is not all about our ideas and decisions, but with the Holy Spirit's leading through others, it can become more tuned to be His project - going where He wants it to go.
Here are some needs that come to mind right now:
*a person who could work with a travel agent to coordinate the flights and help to purchase health insurance
*people to handle the details of setting up the tour and communicating with the churches
*those who can write press releases and put together promotional packages
*a technician to help set up phones or SIM cards to be used by the Haitians while they are here
*possibly a sound technician to go with us on tour
*people who will work with Heartline to bring to our tour the best products to sell for them
*We also need people who can help us raise money to fund this effort.
*At this point, I also am praying for a strong Christian musician or choreographer who will travel with me to Haiti from November 1 - 6 to help with the audition process. Tickets are running around $525.
I would love this year to focus more on writing songs, recording the music and directing the choir.
We do pray for you as you seek God's will concerning a deeper involvement with Hope Haitian Choir.
We are grateful that God tells us in Philippians that He "shall supply all your needs through His riches in glory in Christ Jesus".
To Him be all the glory,
Barb and Chuck House
Dear Friends of Hope Haitian Choir,
Greetings in the name of our wonderful Lord Jesus! It's now been close to 6 weeks since we said goodbye to the choir as they headed back home. Since then, life here at the House's house has been full- speed ahead just to catch up from a month away.
Yesterday I slowed down long enough to ask for help!
Isn't it a crazy thing how we sometimes plow ahead with too much to do and no way to accomplish our goals, while others sit at home longing for a call to be needed?
When we began the task of bringing 21 Haitians to the states last March to sing as a choir, it seemed there was no time to ask for help, but also I didn't know whom to ask.
Now, the work here left undone from being away in August seems to be pretty much caught up and we are looking ahead to next summer. About 3 weeks ago I received permission from my job to take a month and go on the road again. It's not a small thing. It is a tremendous blessing that I don't take lightly. I have also been in touch with my contact and friend Jacques Louis in Haiti and we have begun to think forward. (As a side note, the choir was asked to sing at a leadership conference at a beautiful conference center in Port au Prince! I'm eager to hear more of the details!)
The kids have a fall break the first weekend in November. With the desire to bring some others next year who now do not have a passport/visa, and with that process possibly taking six months or more, this weekend seems to be an opportune time to begin auditions for the next group.
This year, with all of you and your interest in this project, I would like to ask now that you might pray seriously about your involvement.
Our mission has not changed. As before, my husband and I long for the people of America to see the hope of Haiti that is so very evident through Jesus Christ.
We hope this year to be surrounded by a team of leaders - a board of directors. It then is not all about our ideas and decisions, but with the Holy Spirit's leading through others, it can become more tuned to be His project - going where He wants it to go.
Here are some needs that come to mind right now:
*a person who could work with a travel agent to coordinate the flights and help to purchase health insurance
*people to handle the details of setting up the tour and communicating with the churches
*those who can write press releases and put together promotional packages
*a technician to help set up phones or SIM cards to be used by the Haitians while they are here
*possibly a sound technician to go with us on tour
*people who will work with Heartline to bring to our tour the best products to sell for them
*We also need people who can help us raise money to fund this effort.
*At this point, I also am praying for a strong Christian musician or choreographer who will travel with me to Haiti from November 1 - 6 to help with the audition process. Tickets are running around $525.
I would love this year to focus more on writing songs, recording the music and directing the choir.
We do pray for you as you seek God's will concerning a deeper involvement with Hope Haitian Choir.
We are grateful that God tells us in Philippians that He "shall supply all your needs through His riches in glory in Christ Jesus".
To Him be all the glory,
Barb and Chuck House
September 1, 2012
Dear Friends,
There is a quote I read earlier this year in Streams in the Desert that has helped me and humbled me over the last several months. It's author is S.D. Gordon: "There's a simplicity about God in working out His plans yet a resourcefulness equal to any difficulty, and an unswerving faithfulness to His trusting child, and an unforgetting steadiness in holding to His purpose. Through a fellow-prisoner, then a dream, He lifts Joseph from a prison to a premiership, and the length of stay in the prison prevents dizziness in the premier. It's safe to trust God's methods and to go by His clock."
The process of bringing 21 Haitians to the states to sing and share the glory of God began in March with a trip to Haiti. But, in actuality, I believe it began long before that. God has a way of preparing our hearts for His service like no one else can, and that preparation comes many times from difficulties. These last few months have been challenging and exhausting, but my walk with the Lord has taken me places I never would have gone. Don't they say that the fruit of the tree is out on the limbs?
What an incredible adventure! After a month in the states, Hope Haitian Choir returned to Haiti Thursday evening, August 30, and I received word that they arrived safe and sound.
Thank you all for your interest in this effort and for supporting us financially and in prayer. Between August 10th and the 26th, the choir gave 16 concerts, sharing their joy and hope through Jesus Christ. We were able to raise over $14,000. Half of that will stay in the choir fund - Lord willing, to help bring another group in 2013! The other half will be split between Heartline Ministries in Port au Prince and the Compassion International Development Center in Deschapelles, Haiti. I know that some of you are very interested in going to Haiti. One possible way to begin is on the Heartline Ministries website: http://heartlineministries.org/. Just click on "Get Involved".
I will plan to keep you all updated as to the development of this ministry. We are totally in God's hands on this and appreciate your prayers more than anything.
We did an initial assessment of our costs this year. With equipment, plane tickets, health insurance, transportation, recordings, phones, clothes, and various other items and fees, it should come to about $35,000. Next year may be close to the same. Although some start-up costs don't need to be repeated, we are hoping to bring others who will need to go through the passport/visa process...a fee we didn't have to pay this year. We are praying that God will direct the right people to come alongside financially.
The Psalms have encouraged me so much lately - I leave you with this verse...
"For You have been my help, and in the shadow of Your wings I sing for joy." {Psalm 63:7}
Praise be to God! There's Hope!
Barb House